Monday, July 02, 2012

While Being Rejected - Another Response to Those Who Fight God to Uphold Lies, Re:"I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"

(Originally meant to be a response on a lyric/song meaning message board/forum)

Those Choosing FALSE "Christianity's" LIES Over Scriptural Truth are NOT Who God and Christ are Looking For ~

This is an incredibly popular, and long-time internationally mass-media-ed song that has been used in recent years by Bono (with U2 backing him) to strongly mass-promote antichristism rather than merely to express disappointment in different aspects of FALSE “Christianity” and other forms of demonism; along with MIS-teaching what God's KINGDOM itself is, and also MIS-representing Jesus death and its vital meaning.

True, different facets of FALSE - ANTI-whole-scriptural, apostate, counterfeit, and SPIRITISTIC - "Christianity" (Christendom) ARE described in the lyrics of this song as being tremendous let-downs, disillusionments - as they rightly would be to anyone HONEST-heartedly seeking the truth about Jehovah/Yahweh the Creator.

Those spiritistic (power-of-demon aided), deceptive teachings and practices include "speaking in tongues" ("I have spoke with the tongue of angels"); "faith-healing"; sex worship; and conceding to some other form of serving the Devil ("I have held the hand of the Devil").

HOWEVER, the whole falsehood-continuing confusion-blob of wrongly addressing Jesus Christ in song-prayer instead of rightly addressing his Father, Jehovah the Creator, “in the name of Jesus Christ" ; and also the popular FALSE "Christian" [value-of-Christ's-ransom sacrifice DISAPPRECIATING/trampling/esteeming as of "ordinary value" - see the warning at Hebrews 10:26-31] teaching that Jesus “died on a cross for our sins”, end of story [no obedience required, everyone's "saved by grace" so long as they "beLIEve in the Lord" LIES], were also promoted, by allusion, by this song.

Furthermore, the "kingdom come" concept, as used in this song, does NOT have ANYTHING to do with God's true, mankind-saving, heaven-based scriptural kingdom, coming soon to rule over this entire planet. (This song uses that scriptural allusion, instead, to teach the esoteric-spiritistic-Catholic idea that the future for "good" humans is to die and go to heaven, where they will lose their individuality and exist in some blissful, "united" blob of energy. That is mind-messing SPIRITISM, NOT scriptural truth.)

Neither is trying to "find" God solely through his "book of creation" - by observing his creative works, to simply "run through the fields" enough ON ITS OWN, either.

Why? Because the same One who MADE the wonderful things of creation HAS ALSO VERY PURPOSELY PROVIDED HIS OWN VITAL WORDS OF INSTRUCTION, his own LETTER to his human family, to TEACH them exact truth about WHO HE IS; what HIS PURPOSES are; what his REQUIREMENTS for human beings are; how to live right now; how to BE HIS FRIEND/”be with [him]“; and what persons MUST KNOW and DO in order to be allowed, by Jehovah/Yahweh, to live forever instead of just (soon) pass away forever with this now heavily corrupted (under demon-rule), wickedness-ridden world system. And Jehovah has and is making that scriptural information readily available to all persons “in all the inhabited earth” during these last of the last pre-Armageddon days. Jehovah's own scripturally-described, faithful and obedient TRUE Christians ARE obeying Him and Jesus Christ in preaching God's “good news” and his WARNINGS, just as prophesied. (Matthew 24:14; Ezekiel 3:17-21). This purposed-by-God phenomenon IS being carried out, everywhere - even though FALSE “Christians” and others, also just as prophesied, show HATE for and FIGHT messages and messengers of God's own highly purposed whole-scriptural truth.

For many centuries now, FALSE religionists - ESPECIALLY FALSE "Christians" - have CLAIMED to represent, teach, and practice "what God says"; "what God wants"; and in the case of so-called "Christians", what "followers" of Christ should and should not speak and do.

Sad to say though, even though the world's FALSE-to-God's-word- religionists comprise the VAST MAJORITY of all persons claiming to have a religion/belief system; they do NOT hold the words of the "God"/"god"/Creator (the Bible, the Holy Scriptures) as being THE AUTHORITY for their spiritual beliefs.

No indeed. All of the world's religions, minus one, have conceded to put the words of God Himself into second place or even less in importance; and to exalt the propagandized teachings of men and demons above the words of God instead. Christendom (FALSE "Christianity") is the most guilty of all of the FALSE religions in this way, because along with DISPLACING and disregarding God's own words (while CLAIMING to worship Him), they have also, likewise, garbaged and disobeyed God's Son's words from his Father too (while CLAIMING, to the world, to be "followers" of Jesus Christ.) For that gross misreprentation, however, they BLASPHEMED not only the God of the Bible, but the person and name of Jesus Christ also.)

The colleges of Christendom, infamously - and purposely, do NOT teach whole-scriptural truth. They do NOT adequately teach or support actual understanding of Jehovah/Yahweh's spirit-backed, alive, whole-scriptural truth. NEITHER do any of Christendom's churches - including the ones affiliated with those schools. Indeed, if they honestly did turn to teaching whole-scriptural truth, they would have to shut themselves down - because the spiritual teachings of those entities would be found to be spiritually-fatally COUNTER to God's own teachings as found in His Holy Scriptures.

All of the basics of those churches would be discovered to be a LIE - and spiritism-based LIES at that: The doctrine of the immortality of the soul, that humans even "have" souls, "grace", the "trinity" mystery godhead doctrine, "all good people go to heaven"; "hellfire", "purgatory", etc. - are all spiritistic LIE teachings, in sharpest contrast to the whole of the word of God itself.

Moreover, the fruitages of the teachings of the FALSE religions of the world - ESPECIALLY those of Christendom - have, over time, certainly proven that their basis is absolutely NOT from the Good Creator God and HIS spirit; but from the wicked one (Satan), and his evil-producing spirit instead. (See Matthew 7:15-20; 1John 5:19)

At this point in time, it is safe to say that a lot of the world is SICK of all of the damage and ruin that the ANTI-whole-scriptural, hypocritical-to-God (and Christ) FALSE religionists have worked over mankind for thousands of years with their God-DISobedient, self-desire-first-pleasing idolatries, and God-condemned demonistic teachings and practices.

And God Almighty and His Son surely, whole-heartedly, concur with that: Jehovah Himself has scripturally described his judgments, condemnations, and soon-coming vengeance and punishment against the entire world empire of all FALSE religions - "Babylon the Great" - especially Christendom.

Not only has Christendom blasphemed God by lying to the world about what the Creator's will is, and blasphemed his Son too, but CHRISTENDOM HAS TAKEN THE LEAD IN PERSECUTING Christ's actual spiritual brothers and Jesus Christ's TRUE, actually obedient and loyal, scripturally described TRUE followers, TRUE Christians.

Also, the FALSE religions of the world - especially those of Christendom - have SOLD OUT their interest in the scripturally-described, TRUE "kingdom"of God (and Christ) to support the kingdoms of men, the kingdoms of Satan's world political system INSTEAD. And to do that, they have spiritually ADULTERATED themselves in every way - which has largely ruined this earth and life on it.

For example, in the last century, more than 200 million lost their lives in FALSE religion-backed wars.

And there's been SO much more RUINING and LOSS of LIFE attributable to FALSE RELIGION's "MISLEADING THE NATIONS WITH [THEIR] SPIRITISM" - everything from genocides, nuclear bombings, and other mass-slaughterings to smaller-scale tortures, murders, and COUNTLESS life-ruining/destroying HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS and INJUSTICES - all [blasphemously] in the "name of God" (and, by way of Christendom, also [blasphemously] "in the name of Jesus Christ").

But God and Jesus are SICK of it, yes. And they are justly, righteously ANGRY over these things as well.

There will be NO "forgiving" by God of "Babylon the Great", the world's FALSE religions - especially Christendom. The only hope for individuals still associated with Babylon the Great to not be punished by God along with those spiritistic and bloodguilty entities is to obey God and quickly LEAVE them, immediately (Revelation 18:4,5,8,20-24); and then learn and turn to worshiping and obeying God on His own given true scriptural terms, "with spirit and truth." (John 17:3,17; John 4:24)

Soon, just prior to Armageddon Day itself, God Almighty will begin the "great tribulation", by Divine intervention, to cause the entire world empire of FALSE religions, especially Christendom, to be completely destroyed - to experience the final part of its "fall", its crash into nothingness. For this, please read Revelation chapters 17 and 18 for starters, because the churches and schools of Christendom, etc. certainly do NOT teach the truth about how God and Christ feel about the crimes of the world's FALSE religions, nor the end those religions will surely meet [soon].

Neither do the world's FALSE religions - especially Christendom - want the SCRIPTURAL truths about these things to be made known. Persons of those religions do NOT want the FALSE forms of worship they are choosing to cling to (despite Divine warning) to be exposed as being actually unacceptable, according to God's own standards, to be made to look bad by the light of truth of God from his own words.

That is why they jump to try to SILENCE messages of scriptural truth and messengers of it; why they belittle it and try to unjustly discredit it (even with lies and slander); why they've worked their mischief; and why they REFUSE TO OBEY GOD and actually FOLLOW and OBEY CHRIST by PREACHING scriptural truth to others as their first priority.

It would be good, indeed, for those persons to instead MAKE CHANGES - to turn to actually listening to God, to LEARN from HIS words, and to start obeying Him and his Son - which would include for them to, yes, preach and teach God's words and warnings as the completely life-urgent messages they truly are in these very last of the last days of this world system. (This earth will soon be overhauled, by God and Christ [after Armageddon Day and God's removal of wicked persons and all elements of Satan's world system-rule, see Daniel 2:44 and Revelation Chapter 19 through 20:3], to become the REAL, paradisaic "kingdom" God promised. [Revelation 21:2-4; Psalm 37:9-11; Isaiah 65:17-25; Matthew 6:10] Will you be there? If you want to be, make the needed changes NOW.)

In shows of the last tour, during "Miss Sarejevo", cartoon pools of blood were shown underneath helicopters with crosses upon them. Yes, Christendom, like the rest of "Babylon the Great", has rightly fallen from popular esteem as being “holy”....

...But BLAMING GOD and rejecting HIS scriptural truth for the crimes people have done in HIS (and his Son's) name(s), and for how people have hypocritically VIOLATED and blasphemed HIS words to do so much harm to their fellow man, is NOT, NOT, NOT the answer. However, that is exactly the deceptive, deadly propaganda God's enemy, the Devil, has worked to create. Satan has worked all of these lies and this damage to hurt God and his Son; and to destroy most of humanity. Why go along with the deadly game of The Liar. Why promote his (Satan's) propaganda by using this song as an ANTHEM of “EXCUSES” for WHY persons SHOULDN'T HAVE TO OBEY GOD and his made-known scriptural standards? And again, this song HAS been USED that way - along with other very heavy-handed antichrist propaganda [i.e., "Jesus, Jew, Muhammad, it's true...all sons of Abraham"; the "COEXIST" idol/icon; and the blaspheming of the holy name of God, Yahweh, by performing that song in front of an entire stream of huge pagan/spiritistic, FALSE religious image idol-icons] - in concerts and videos, etc. thereof/related to them;
and by way of mass-media-ed international "fan" promotion and "defense" of the same (for their love of Bono and U2 over their love of either God or Christ).

UNLIKE those of Christendom, TRUE Christians will continue to "obey God as ruler rather than men" (see Acts 5:28,29), and will continue to preach, teach, and reach HONEST-hearted seekers of God's truth [opposite U2s “Numb” song's sarcastic (towards the popular majority) admonition of "Don't preach, don't teach, don't reach"] with Jehovah's own scriptural life-and-survival vital truth and warnings to this whole wide world, until GOD HIMSELF says it is "enough" - until "THE end". (Matthew 24:14; Ezekiel 3:17-21).


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