Wednesday, February 04, 2015

No - NOT Out of "Lucifer's Hands" Yet

People are NOT out of “Lucifer's hands” so long as they choose to remain within “BABYLON the Great” (Satan's global empire of false religions) and/or support and/or carry on its spiritistic teachings and evil deeds. (See Revelation chapters 17 and 18). 

The Babylonian dynasty, which Lucifer (the "shining one”, King Nebuchadnezzar) once headed, was in opposition to Jehovah's line of Davidic kings – the last one of which would be God's own Son. The Babylonian kings arrogantly - and wrongfully - figured they would shine above and over God's own "stars", his kings. They even figured they could position themselves on what was then Jehovah's designated place of meeting for worship of Him - his "holy mountain",  and dominate over God's own kings and people from there. And it didn't even stop with that: The Creator saw-through that these Babylonian kings thought they could make themselves comparable to God Almighty Himself. (Read Isaiah 14:4-23)

Now, it is “Babylon the Great”, and its often likewise spiritually arrogant and presumptuous (etc.) false religious leaders and supporters who are in opposition to God's true Kingdom and it's King, Jesus Christ. God will cause “Babylon the Great” to soon experience its last and final crashing fall soon. Anyone still found “within” the world's FALSE religions - still unjustly clinging to such, despite the Divine, scriptural warnings which are being put out, earth-wide – will share in God's punishment of these entities, which have done so much harm, for so long, so blasphemously, in His name (and in His Son's name too).

“And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues, for her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind.” (Revelation 18:4,5)

Also, so long as people are not mind, heart, and soul “out of” Babylon the Great; and so long as they are not worshiping Jehovah [Yahweh] on His own scriptural terms – “with spirit and truth”, being loyal to Him, and obeying His own words – such persons are not really out of Satan's control either:

“We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in [the power of the] wicked one.” (1John 5:19)

And NO - how could it possibly be that you're "out of Lucifer's Hands", Bono/U2, when you continue to let the very blasphemous "U2 Yahweh" cartoon videos remain up on the major video-sharing sites, mass-media blaspheming God's personal, holy name [like the Babylonian kings did] to the world;  streaming 25 or so idolatrous, spiritistic and false religious symbols of Babylon the Great while the holy name of God is sung?

No - for this and other clearly discernible reasons (such as still being associated with/recommending-by-example various false religious organizations and personages ["celebrities"/leaders] thereof), you are not only NOT out of "Lucifer's hands"; but you are still drawing others into the control of the wicked one by way of spiritual falsehoods, and you are encouraging others to stay with the spiritistic false religious lies and injustices of Babylon the Great.

[You know, I thought you spiritually-wisely got rid of your rosary, and were just wearing a chain in your pictures now Bono; but, taking a closer look at one, I see that the rosary beads are still there - they are just tucked under the shirt more. So its still sending a message to people: That you are for staying with "Lucifer" and with Satan's Babylon the Great. How sad is this? Is that a good, world-bettering message - or a bad one?]

If I were to travel back in time and re-visit "the punk rock scene" (knowing what I know now), I would encourage those within it to channel their rebellion in a way that would make a lasting difference for good (and to not bring harm to themselves either). I would encourage persons to remove one more veil, one more layer of what is hurting their lives and the lives of others - and that wool-over-the-eyes, the thing that has kept so many people blinded, something one would do well to be legitimately angry at and want to cast-off (but call out!) - would be those religious/spiritistic lies, with the disconcerting alienation from God and the injustices they produce. (I know of at least a handful of videos of bands that got into this somewhat...)

Yet this isn't about the past - its about the emergency of NOW, and what can be done NOW, before more spiritual harm occurs, or festers, or hardens - before it is too late. 

IT IS VITAL THOUGH, that WHILE RIGHTFULLY POINTING OUT THE BADNESS of the various God-condemned FALSE RELIGIONS of the WORLD, persons MUST NEVER MAKE THE ERROR of wrongfully and UNJUSTLY ripping-down, slandering, or blaming Jehovah's own one true scriptural religion (based on and loyal to His own words and spirit) as being in the same lot as the lie-teaching, evil-working, scripturally disobedient/defiant, spiritually adulterous with the "kings" of the earth, blood-guilty, and spiritism-practicing FALSE religions that actually give worship to Satan, not God.

THAT HAS BEEN THE GOD-PAINING ERROR (grievous to true worshipers too) that MUCH POP-MUSIC HAS MADE NOW - and Bono/U2 HAS DONE THIS ALSO.




Towards "the end of the day", as prophesied, when God intervenes to move "the image of the beast" to suddenly turn on the false religions of the world to destroy them; Satan will try to use that same human entity to destroy God's people. (He will NOT be able to wipe God's people out though - because Jehovah's Day of Armageddon will have been triggered, and Satan's forces and hordes will be promptly removed from the earth by Jehovah's heavenly forces. [Amen.])

Knowing this in advance though, can you see how BAD (and foolish) it would be to work - through music, the media, performances, etc. - the same slanderous, wrongful messages about Jehovah [Yahweh] and pure worship of Him that Satan himself works with his propaganda, and that he will try, even more forcefully, to use against God's loyal worshipers on earth, to try to destroy them?

It would be a really stupid choice - to even recklessly do what Satan does.






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