Wednesday, March 25, 2015

There's No Excuse for Such Violation of Jehovah [Yahweh]

As if One is Higher than God?!

Spammer! (Sarcasm)

Friday, March 20, 2015

U2-"Zootopia's" Values: Hail Satan, Hail U2, Quick-Squash Any Corrective/Warning Scriptural Truth from Jehovah [Yahweh's] Own Words

I was just reviewing, again, a couple of the pieces of the sorid, [ultimately] U2-authorized/allowed (and absolutely never yet apologized-for or corrected), grotesque injustices that Jehovah God Almighty, Jesus Christ  (and I, as one of Jehovah's faithful human servants, loyally speaking out His truth) were delivered by their fan forum message board, "Zootopia". Looking at it again, it seems almost unbelievable that any persons so consciencelessly stand ready to attack and expunge scriptural warning words, spoken for the good of all - but, that is exactly what has happened, yet again.

Sure, it was so profoundly prophesied, again and again - the kind of hate and intolerance that many people would manifest - against corrective, disciplinary, or warning words from God; against scriptural messages and messengers of such words - but it is always surprising and disappointing, still. It seems unfathomable to me that so many people do indeed, as prophesied, choose to stop up their ears to Divine, scriptural truth that even has a warning from the Creator against their very own lives and eternal futures attached to it, should persons continue to dismiss God's requirements - but yet, they do not want to hear, they do not want to see, they do not want to change (they want what they want instead - even if its something their very own Maker has said "No" to).

There's much tolerance for that which is light and happy - but there is no tolerance for calling-out something that is spiritually, truly, gravely wrong (especially as regards the speech, lyrics or actions of those being idolized). There is, as prophesied, a wanting of pseudo-spiritual "teachers", to [falsely] satisfy or placate people's inborn need for worship; but who will not preach anything corrective against such persons' sinful practices or desires. Also as prophesied, there is an intolerance (yes, a hate) for messages of [spiritually] "healthful words"  from Jehovah that do address such matters.

"Anything but the truth." That should be a song. U2 wouldn't make any waves by writing such a song, so why don't I. Okay, I will - later.

But right now, let us talk about blasphemy hem-hawing and defending; putting Bono and U2 on high, above God Almighty Himself; and letting witches and born-again "Christians" speak, freely - YET SQUASHING-OUT HATED, scriptural, corrective or warning words from the Universal Sovereign Himself and true messages and messengers of these things: Those are U2-"Zootopia's" repeated, long-term, demonstrated standards (since I was first banned from an older u2-Zootopia site back in late 2004, right after U2 first put "Yahweh's" personal holy name up for what - predictably - turned out to be exploitation, sale, and blasphemy.)

Borrow Scripture bits and allusions, put them in songs, gain fame and make many millions of dollars off of those songs (even use the holy, personal name of God Almighty for one of those songs) - BUT TURN AROUND AND EXERCISE/ALLOW A RABID INTOLERANCE FOR THE WHOLE OF THE REST OF GOD'S WORDS - ESPECIALLY THE CORRECTIVE, WARNING ONES THAT AREN'T SO POPULAR, and so AREN'T SO GOOD FOR $ALES, HUH (STILL?!) U2 and TEAM??!!

How can YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT? Are YOU ALL just going to "SLEEP LIKE A BABY TONIGHT"???!!!! How ironic indeed.

Let us check out the scripturally-spiritually-illiterate, amoral/immoral yet definitely at least conscience-impaired, demonstration of intolerance for warning, scriptural truth from Jehovah/Yahweh - even as regards the serious issue that the "U2 Yahweh" cartoon videos (still up, un-retracted, and running on the major video-sharing sites, as they have been for 10 years) wildly mass-blaspheme the holy personal name of God Almighty (and have encouraged more blasphemy of Jehovah/Yahweh among U2 idolaters/ fervent false religious U2 fans also). At the same time, note the illegitimately-contrived "excuse" and "defense" being "authoritively" put forth to me as regards THE U2 AND "ZOOTOPIA" STANDARD ABOUT HOW JEHOVAH/YAHWEH's PERSONAL HOLY NAME IS GOING TO BE REGARDED AND TREATED - and BASICALLY, IF, AS A SERVANT OF JEHOVAH/YAHWEH GOD, I DON'T LIKE IT, I SHOULD SHUT-UP ABOUT IT AND PRETEND THAT THIS PROBLEM OF MASS-MEDIA-ED BLASPHEMY DOESN'T EXIST:

"please have in mind that the U2 fan community is completely diverse... so, there are many people who don't take the Yahweh video as blasphemous, but actually they might find it to go perfectly to their personal beliefs... You can also find people that find that it goes completely against their beliefs. And there is also a group that doesn't have any belief at all so they probably don't care any way about the video in question.

The key here would be not to push any personal point of view* to anyone else. If you find that any particular U2 video, song or anything else doesn't accommodate any particular belief, you are free to discuss it, but please don't push for it. In any case, stop watching it if it offends you.

So, in other words, by the U2 -"Zootopia" standard, WHAT GOD ALMIGHTY'S OWN SCRIPTURAL STANDARDS ARE ABOUT THE USE OF HIS OWN MOST HOLY, PERSONAL NAME SIMPLY DOESN'T MATTER - that the various personal opinions from and "beliefs' of humans utilizing U2's "Zootopia" message board SUPERSEDE whatever God Almighty has to say - EVEN ABOUT HIS OWN NAME; and that I should basically, shut-up and deal with that - and/or leave - or accept being squelched into being merely an idolatrous, faithless, hem-hawer, so as to remain social and "fun", with persons angering God to no end and placing/keeping themselves in a spiritual condition for which they will likely be killed dead forever by God Almighty on His Day of Armageddon, soon.

There was, however, this much more worse bit - from another "moderator" - 

"Acknowledge Warning

You have been issued a warning by a moderator. Before you can post again, you must acknowledge the warning.

Hello, please note the Zoo forums are a friendly, moderated place for U2 fans to share their love of the band, NOT a place to promote religious rants and beliefs, or to throw out accusations so with this in mind your account is now, on pre-moderated content only

 Yet again, though, it can be readily seen that witches and spiritists are quite free to blather on and on about their spiritually demented and poisonous lie-teachings of demons on Zootopia, and are not rushed-after and "chastised" by the "moderators" for doing so. [And, as has been frequent over the years, the very places such persons have chosen to do this intensely at has been at the very places where talk involving Yahweh [Jehovah's] holy name has come up! There, they work an evil compulsion to desecrate/blaspheme Jehovah/Yahweh's holy name all the further.] Born again "Christians" [FALSE, anti-whole scriptural, and so counterfeit "Christians"] are likewise allowed to spout-off freely. But corrective, scriptural truth from Jehovah, spoken with the boldness called for - especially if it is corrective of the "spiritual" teachings of idolized U2? Well now, that just CAN'T BE "ALLOWED" on U2's "Zootopia" - so it is chastised, warned against, driven-out, and censored/banned [same effect].
Atrocious, is it not. 

"Dirty days, days, days, run away" - like lemmings, over a hill.....!!!!!!

Nevertheless, Jehovah/Yahweh IS, indeed, bringing His Day of Armageddon, soon - and the main reason for His doing that IS to rid the earth of blasphemy of His holy name.

So sad - for all those whose "opinion" or standard is that blasphemy of Jehovah/Yahweh's personal holy name is inconsequential, is of no matter, or shouldn't be warned against. So very, very pathetically sad - because people HAVE BEEN and ARE being served their warning about such things, whether they like it or heed it or not, as per God's will, all around this earth at this time of the end - just as also prophesied.

WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Stop Supporting U2 - Especially their "Zootopia" Fan Forum Message Board that Violates God-Given Freedom of Speech

Don't stand by those responsible for spreading God-alienating, life-ruining, bloodguilt and injustice causing, Satan-serving, future-fatal FALSE religious lies and supporting apostasy and apostate spiritual apathy; 
but censoring/banning (same thing in effect!) corrective, warning, Jehovah-willed scriptural truth, which can reconcile persons to God for their peace of mind and well-being, give them true hope, reassure them of Jehovah's Justice, better their lives and the lives of others, prevent tragedies, and direct them to the Way (through obedience to God and His Son, Jesus Christ) of an everlasting future of happiness, with God's approval - instead of dying along with most of human society soon; when Jehovah brings his Day of Armageddon down from heaven, to here, soon.

Censoring/banning scriptural corrective and warning truth from God means to incur bloodguilt for all lives that will be lost due to persons neither "knowing" nor seeing the need to change, so as to be obedient to God. So, in this spiritual way, which will someday soon translate into physical life or death (from God) also, the Zootopia website - by the actions of its moderators/administration - which U2 is ultimately responsible for - IS KILLING PEOPLE; just like all of the world's FALSE religious leaders/ preachers of spiritual LIES (and their political and commercial cohorts) also are, even as they also propagandize derision towards scriptural-spiritual TRUTH and persons LOYALLY speaking it and standing up for it!!!

Therefore, for such harm being done to both God and to humanity, please STOP SUPPORTING U2 and their "Zootopia" fan forum message boards.

Even more powerfully - PRAY to Jehovah, in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ; to END the reign of harm towards God, Jesus Christ, and mankind (especially towards Jehovah's LOYAL servants) being worked by FALSE religionists/promoters-supporters of spiritual falsehood of all sorts, and their political and commercial cohorts as well.

In other words, PRAY for Jehovah's promised destruction of "Babylon the Great" - Satan's global empire of all FALSE religion - to be followed immediately by God's Day of Armageddon itself; bringing the removal of every last vestige of Satan's strongholds in this world, together will all persons making themselves an enemy of God, for their willful refusal to listen to, be loyal to, and obey Him.

THEN God's promised Kingdom will be brought down from heaven to encompass this whole earth. Jehovah will have Jesus Christ rule this planet in righteousness - and Satan and those choosing to be his human hordes now won't be here. Eventually, Satan and his forces, including all humans also choosing to be enemies of Jehovah, will completely cease to exist, in any shape, any form, ever again.

Given the gravity of this very REAL state of the universe, I would sure hate to be in the shoes of anyone being so bad and so foolish as to be defying God and sending people/ reinforcing people to continue on the spiritual path of being/remaining alienated from Jehovah - and so heading for EVERLASTING DEATH.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Consorting Like a Whore

I look out for my God's name
But what I saw was wrought in shame:
"A phallic symbol to God's face!"*
Just like in the days of old......

But that's okay! says one being 
a spiritual whore -
Don't be bothered by blasphemy anymore!
Just play, play, play, and consort
And silence the warnings from God!

Isn't this fun? Let us hug!
Altogether, with Babylon the Great!
So what if God's name is being desecrated?
Denial is our state! Have fun!!

Fun fun fun! Let's chum and hug!
Altogether, with Babylon the Great!
Aren't I nice?! I'll support your lies
And falsely love you, to socialize 

But I'll fail to defend
It seems, to the end
Jehovah's name or His truth -
Like false preachers who consort
With the "kings" of the earth
I'll deem those things to be of little use.
Hypocrites raise themselves up
To casually corrupt
People's spirituality
And mislead them to side
With Satan's deadly lies
To be future fatalities

And then the "kings", for their part,
Get to borrow them as slaves,
Satan's 666 sell-outs
'Til their Armageddon "graves"
But good-time-boy and fun-girl,
Don't let me ruin your day
As you negligently blaspheme
And play, play, play.

Fun, fun, fun, let us hug
Altogether, with Babylon the Great
Never heeding the warning, never getting "out"
Until it's SOON TOO LATE. 

(Revelation 17:1-6; 18:4, 5, 8, 21-24) 

"Adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is constituting himself an enemy with God." (James 4:4)

*One of the 28 or so idol images blasphemously streamed - while God's own holy name is sung, in U2's intensely blasphemous cartoon video entitled, "U2 Yahweh" - is a naked phallus. Just try to rationalize-away the display of that God-hated and condemned, infamous symbol of Baal worship as Yahweh [Jehovah's] holy name is used/sung; and try to "excuse" this mass-media-ed re-enactment of Baal worship and blasphemy will you? "Whoops" - you can't. (This blasphemous and spiritually harmful video has been left up and running, on major video-sharing sites - despite scriptural warning having been given - for about a DECADE now.)

So, again, please get rid of the blasphemous "U2 Yahweh" videos. And stop supporting the promotion of spiritual lies; but the silencing of actual scriptural, spiritual truth.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

I Have Been Censored/Banned (Same Thing, in Effect) by U2's Zootopia Fan Forum for Speaking Hated Scriptural Truth

I forgot to mention that along with the unjust and lie-based "WARNING" I received from a moderator of U2's fan forum message board, I also, unjustly, have been censored/banned (the effect is the SAME - it is a denying of one's God-given human right of freedom of speech to speak/write HIS unadulterated truth anywhere, anytime on this planet). I wrote there as "theresamarie1". [My former, long-term name there (no longer technically supported, for their "new" message board) was theresa1 or Theresa1.]

(What the Zootopia "moderator" put in my face):

Acknowledge Warning

You have been issued a warning by a moderator. Before you can post again, you must acknowledge the warning.

Hello, please note the Zoo forums are a friendly, moderated place for U2 fans to share their love of the band, NOT a place to promote religious rants and beliefs, or to throw out accusations so with this in mind your account is now, on pre-moderated content only -

Issued by xxxxxxx - for spamming in profile.

"Zootopia" actually FREELY allows and hosts the "promoting"/ speaking of FALSE and SPIRITISTIC BELIEFS of ALL SORTS - IT ALLOWS EVERYTHING BUT UNTAINTED (not associated with spiritual falsehood/disloyalty/apostasy) SCRIPTURAL TRUTH FROM JEHOVAH IN ITS PROPER, UNASHAMED STRENGTH. Praise for Bono and U2 (even through the point of gross idolatry) is welcomed from anyone - including persons also teaching demonism, witchery, FALSE "Christianity", atheism, and apostasy on the "Zootopia" site - BUT, again, FOR DARING TO SPEAK CORRECTIVE, SCRIPTURAL TRUTH FROM JEHOVAH (it is an obligation for TRUE Christians, when a situation calling for it is at hand), the WARNINGS FROM GOD I SPOKE WERE TREATED WITH HATE, AND I WAS CENSORED/BANNED (SAME EFFECT - U2's "moderator" and others party to these actions - absolutely including U2, for what they allow - can save their euphemism and false front)!!!!! 

To be noted is that U2's "Zootopia" website, via the social justice website links it hosts/advertises, also links to and thus promotes MANY [FALSE] religious organizations and churches - especially those of Christendom [FALSE, anti-whole scriptural, anti-Jehovah/Yahweh, antichrist] "Christianity". 

Most ironic and culpable of all though, is this: U2 made their [international] fame and fortune, and gained their influence mainly for this reason:
THEY HAVE LONG-TERM and MASSIVELY-USED SCRIPTURE BITS and PIECES, as it has suited them, even if mal-applied, IN THEIR SONG LYRICS, performances, and other mass-media-ed interviews and speeches (including Bono's speeches to The World Council of Churches [associated with the UN]; tens of thousands of FALSE religious leaders of Christendom, for a conference of The Willow Creek Association (with those FALSE religious leaders being given DVDs of Bono's speech to share with their congregations); and at The National Prayer Breakfast, and a widespread public audience thereof; etc. These groups were mass-taught serious spiritual errors by Bono, by his mal-applied use of Scriptures, together with anti-God and antichrist spiritually FALSE teachings common to both false religion and pseudo-spiritual idolized philosophies, including secular humanism. Secondly, Bono's mis-preaching to such groups reinforced them to STAY with their own God-violating, unacceptable-to-Jehovah, Satan-serving and destructive to humanity spiritual LIE teachings and evil practices - mass-media-ing to throngs of people (with added youtube audiences, etc.) the intensely scripturally FALSE Bono-teaching that all God really cares about is if persons help those who are materially poor. (This was taught along with other VERY false, anti-scriptural preachings, such as that "God lives under a cardboard box"[with the poor]; that it doesn't even matter if people know who God or even if He is; and that "Christ's brothers" are the materially poor persons of this earth. [That is NOT who "Christ's brothers" are; but all of this false preaching and reinforcing/promotion of God-hated and condemned FALSE religions for the sake of recruiting persons for "social justice" efforts - along with Bono's daring to mass-media preach that social justice "is true religion" definitely MISTREATS and works against the few loyal and holy ones left on this earth who actually ARE Christ's brothers. It works against Jehovah, Jesus Christ, God's holy spirit, and all true and loyal servants of God also. There are enough spiritual lies to try to save people from with more being added to the poison propaganda pool.])

What has not been tolerated on Zootopia is scriptural truth from the whole of Jehovah/Yahweh's own words and spirit that have been CORRECTIVE of the misrepresentation, misuse, out-of-whole-scriptural context mal-application - and even the denigration, disrespect, disregard, and derision towards God Almighty's own purposed, holy words; and, at the worst, even blasphemy of His own holy name.

This warning and blocking window to me was found parked at the very thread where I had tried to urge an initially seeming "fellow believer" to take a stand on serious and vital spiritual issues that were presenting themselves there - including the blasphemy of Jehovah's name - and in relation to spiritually false teachings being delivered to millions by U2's mass-media-ed work, for its spiritually harmful effects on people. I explained that my posts and "status update", in which I DID rightly convey scriptural spiritually corrective messages (including about some recent song lyrics), were deleted - and that was an unfair violation both to God Himself, and also of my God-given human rights of freedom of speech to speak His words. I urged her that since she was representing herself there as a servant of Jehovah (she was posting links to the website and making little light comments and Bible book/chapter/verse number notes in that thread - though also acquiescing there to writings of spiritual falsehoods), to act in faith and take an actual stand on such issues, instead of merely "sitting" "with men of untruth".  (She altogether failed to take a solid stand against even against the blasphemy of Jehovah's name by the highly blasphemous "U2 Yahweh" videos,  as they were there discussed,  with her even addressing the matter by just copying and pasting the [socially "non-offensive"] questions of another person, which asked: "Is this just art..?", etc. I explained that it was important to adequately defend Jehovah and His words and standards - rather than just constantly and long-term heavy-duty socialize with, be "together with", and "have fun" with and among persons including many who openly disrespect and even violate-attack, and slander God and those loyal and true to Him (who DO speak-out His scriptural corrective and warning messages in situations calling for them.) I explained that it wasn't enough to just post light little comments here and there, when serious spiritual issues were at hand - or to side with  or acquiesce to persons speaking what is spiritually FALSE, as regards Jehovah and what his scriptural truth and standards are - for the sake of remaining "liked", considered to be "fun", "socially acceptable", or even "allowed" by the [freedom of speech-threatening and denying] moderators TO post. "Shrinking back", being ashamed of God's words, and letting "fear of man" - social/peer pressure, or (in this case) fear of repercussions from "moderators"- cause one to not speak-out when a situation calls for it, are not loyal behaviors for a servant of God. (This person's icon was a picture with the caption, "Let's Play.") 

As a response, as previously mentioned, that person attacked me with a barrage of wrongful and anti-scriptural in-whole criticism, false accusations, and slander that is typical of those of false religions. Moreover though, following through with her apostate-like speech towards me; acting as a Judas-type, this girl, in total disloyalty, also posted:


There, then, she received her disloyal wish - a moderator of Zootopia - already deleting my work and looking for reasons to get rid of me (besides his own falsified "excuse"), immediately took advantage of that person's disloyalty and traitor-some "wish" - and CENSORED-BANNED ME (the effect is the same). His further "excuses" and "reasons" for his most unjust violation of my God-given human right to yes, speak my God's words, in his warning to me (along with my knowing that FALSE religionists and haters of God basically freely post whatever they want to on that site)  clearly and transparently revealed that his real reason is that he - and/or those "with" him - has/have no toleration for any actually rightly applied scriptural corrective or warning words of truth from Jehovah or anyone daring to speak them (with the sufficient strength/conviction they were meant to be spoken with, in situations calling for them).

So, now, even if I ever wanted to submit to the unjust censoring conditions that have been so wrongfully placed on me at U2's "Zootopia" fan forum message board website, anything I want to post must be written in a special censored-person box - and then, the presuming-to-be-higher-than-God "moderator(s)" there could decide if the words of God Almighty Himself and my writing based on them meets their approval or not.

The actions of hate towards applied scriptural truth from God's words and someone speaking them with appropriate strength and conviction - having true BELIEF in them - at U2's fan forum website; and the overall bad/sick/lost spiritual conditions found at that site, as demonstrated in many of the discussions, videos, and other postings there, however, all point to a bigger problem - and a problem source:

Note the words I received in the moderator's contrived "warning" and notice of censorship (really, banning) to me. Next to his falsified "excuse", he also dared to haughtily proclaim that this website was not a place to PROMOTE "BELIEFS". (Again, that is actually freely done all over that website by false religionists - so long as they also (faithlessly to God) idolize and/or praise the lords Bono/U2, and never dare contradict those idol gods (or each others ANTI-whole-scriptural false religions) with anything corrective that the True God Jehovah might have to say in HIS words. Any such scriptural truth applied and spoken that way is classically attacked and shown hate by fervent U2 idolater/false religionist fans (especially those of Christendom). (Again, this at least the 13th time I have been banned from music message board websites by fervent U2 idolater/false religionists.)

Again though - the "moderators" spoken, so-said website "standard" (applied in the case of me; but obviously not to, basically, the whole rest of the throngs of persons using that website) that promoting "BELIEFS" is unwanted - is not allowed - WHEREVER/WHOEVER COULD SUCH A STANDARD HAVE COME FROM???

Oh, let's see. Here's a mass-media-ed song line from a song called "Raised by Wolves", from U2's new album. In it, the widely idolized singer of the widely idolized band U2 sings/mass-media repeatedly broadcasts to human society:


That has been taught to the masses as a generality. For having been spiritually negligently and recklessly left a generality, however - IT ALSO DERIDES VITAL BELIEF IN THE TRUE GOD - the CREATOR and UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN JEHOVAH - and the TRUTHS, STANDARDS, ORDERS, TERMS FOR ACCEPTABLE WORSHIP and FOR HAVING A VIABLE RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD (through His Son Jesus), HOPE, HELP, COMFORT/CONSOLATION, ARMAGEDDON SURVIVAL INSTRUCTIONS, HOW TO HAVE AN EVERLASTING FUTURE LIFE IN GOD'S KINGDOM COME, ON THIS EARTH (instead of perishing away with the majority of mankind, which is alienated from God, for neither "knowing" him or obeying His scriptural standards), etc. THAT HE HAS MADE KNOWN TO MANKIND, THROUGH HIS OWN PURPOSED, SPIRIT-BACKED WORDS, AS THE BASIS FOR *TRUE* BELIEFS.

To do the RIGHT thing is often such a simple CHOICE of action though - it would take next-to-no-effort at all for Bono/U2 to simply tweek this song also, from here on in - and CHANGE IT from its being a spiritually destructive song that is being mass-media-ed to the world (and one that is being eaten-up, with its teachings being held as a superior cultural standard, by throngs of adoring and/or idolizing U2 fans - as noted by the godless speech and behavior of so many there - TRAGICALLY LACKING BELIEF in what actually IS true, from God's words themselves [that "the powers that be" there have acted to silence and expunge]).

I won't be writing there anymore. I can't submit to such unrighteous terms, because I worship and obey God as ruler, not men - and I am devoted to doing God's will, not that of men. I know that Jehovah wants his true and loyal servants to speak his words with freedom of expression and boldness - and not to throw away or sell-out that obligation and privilege, that God-willed great freedom of speech to preach and teach HIS words - just to be "pleasing", "social", "liked" (or used) by other humans; just to be "a member" of such a so-called "community." I'll say what I've got to say ELSEWHERE than "Zootopia"- loving the freedom from God to do so.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Threatened by a Moderator of U2's "Zootopia" Message Board for Speaking Scriptural, Corrective, Warning Words from Jehovah

To everyone that cares about Jehovah and His own warning words and standards - I just want you to know that U2's website "zootopia" fan forum message board is a place of hardcore spiritual apostasy - it is a false religious, anti-God, antichrist spiritual whore house of idolatry. They, in actual effect,  banned me for speaking truth there again. I will not go to one of U2's concerts again, so long as this is the case. (I've been to 18, and was going to go to 5 more this year, now I'm going to ZERO - forget it.)

This was the moderator's UNJUST, human right-violating, decrepit LIE-excuse for issuing me a "warning":

Acknowledge Warning

You have been issued a warning by a moderator. Before you can post again, you must acknowledge the warning.

Hello, please note the Zoo forums are a friendly, moderated place for U2 fans to share their love of the band, NOT a place to promote religious rants and beliefs, or to throw out accusations so with this in mind your account is now, on pre-moderated content only -

Issued by xxxxxxx - for spamming in profile.

So, with this gross and hypocritical injustice dealt me, I issued this "Moderator" (allowed his place and position by the U2 organization) a verbal warning from Jehovah, which he can feel free to pass on to his "bosses."

Naturally, I no longer want to write at their spiritually corrupt and filthy website again, I will write here and tell of such things otherwise instead - to everyone I can. People need to be spiritually protected from such pit holes of hate towards God's corrective and warning words (and persons speaking of them).

Monday, March 09, 2015

The Latest Allowed Maltreatment by Your "Moderator(s)" at Your Fan Forum Message Board ("Zootopia") is the Last Straw - I am No Longer a "U2 Fan" at All

After I saw that even my "status update" (with three short, supporting comments - including Scripture names and numbers) was deleted today, because it contained scriptural correction and warning against teaching the masses a spiritual falsehood via a repeated line in the song "Invisible" ("There is no them, there's only us"), I have decided to no longer support or cheer U2 at all. I think I will sell (with explanation) or scrap my 5 tickets to concerts in three different cities that I was planning to attend; and I no longer feel like listening to any U2 music for pleasure - except to point out anti-scriptural, spiritually misleading teachings to the masses that the songs or their related media do or may yet include. I certainly am not going to contribute anything further to their website, ever again. (My large post today, which I felt necessary, for serving notice [even after I had said that I didn't want to post there anymore], but which I have since deleted from the site, can be seen below this next section - copied and pasted.)

To make matters worse, there has "sat", "with men of untruth" (for years, as I have observed) a person claiming to serve Jehovah, but acting as a disloyal, apostate-like person - failing to actually adequately defend Jehovah and His own written standards on major, spiritually serious issues that have presented themselves (including extreme blasphemy of his name by U2 and their idolatrous false religious fans), so as to remain "a friend of the world": They have caved-in to fear of man (wanting to be considered "socially acceptable", "liked", "nice", "pleasant", "fun", or even not banned from the message board [by the so-called "moderator(s)" who threatened me and deleted even my above-said pigeon-holed short "status" comment correcting a song teaching]. In their long-term failing to adequately speak-up and speak-out to defend Jehovah's scriptural standards when situations called for it - but then also, for their instead deciding to baselessly (and falsely) accuse, and publicly attack me (in the same way that apostates do) for actually scripturally defending Jehovah's name and standards (with the strength called for, which that person failed to use), that person has not been loyal, has not brought the right honor to Jehovah (rather than themself), and has chosen to side with wicked, God-disrespecting persons, apostates, and false religionists instead - in their "easy-going", SILENCE/ SQUELCH/ SQUASH/ BE "ASHAMED OF" GOD'S WORDS (especially the corrective, warning ones) AND PERSONS LOYALLY SPEAKING THEM MODE. In other words, that person's speech and actions digressed to being one with "the world" [of persons alienated from God]. Such spiritual irresponsibility (failure to speak-out in a situation calling for it, though "present", as a so-called "witness" of the True God Jehovah - a "silence" which "renders consent"); and disloyalty - wickedly attacking someone else who chooses to do the right thing by Jehovah and His spirit by boldly speaking-out unwanted, "un-fun" true scriptural words of warning and correction when a situation calls for it - helps or saves NO ONE. The one trying to stay "liked" by the world by NOT speaking up for Jehovah when they should - but instead attacking someone else being TRUE who DOES - is not being true at all, and DISHONORS Jehovah (while giving wicked persons reasons to celebrate). This person even publicly posted that they hoped I was banned - just like apostates who hate the truth of God's disciplinary, corrective, warning words have done in the past. Disloyalty this way IS something to be ashamed of - and anyone vainly disloyal like that needs to be avoided, like any apostate, so long as that is the way they choose to be (despite what they claim, quote, or link).

I had posted this today, in the above-said person's thread - for which I was spiritually-unjustly and disloyally attacked by them. Do notice that the focus of this was a complaint and warning regarding the hostility to scriptural spiritual truth (and so the God behind those words and teachings) of the site itself. My posting this ended up with even this person there disloyally and UNJUSTLY attacking me - just like the other enemies to spiritual truth in needed strength that dominate that site:

This thread is very, very mal-placed at this site. In general, U2, their media people, and their fans are intolerant of application of actual, vital scriptural principles and commands,  That has once again been PROVEN by the deletion of even my "status" comment that scripturally corrected the false religious teaching to the masses found in the song "Invisible" ("There is no them, there's only us"); and also by a so-called "moderator's" also threatening my freedom of speech in regard to a post reminding U2 that there still is a HUGE problem with their continued use of the media to blaspheme Jehovah/Yahweh's name to the world by way of their Satanic "U2 Yahweh" video with all of those blasphemous idol images. The U2 organization has left up those videos blaspheming Jehovah's holy name since late 2004, and used the same in their shows. If you are true, you also NEED TO TAKE A STAND AGAINST what amounts to EXPLOITATION of Jehovah/Yahweh and His own standards - exploitation of His Holy name, His words, and also exploitation of people's spiritual drive (sending them the way of - or reinforcing them to stay with - FALSE, anti-scriptural religions or spiritual philosophies).

I have peeked-in on "zootopia" since I was banned from it in 2004 - after writing heavily about Jehovah's standards for 3 years of my life there. "u2 people" basically stole, hijacked, and abused Jehovah's holy name - the Yahweh form. I have seen enough. As you know, it is scripturally NOT OKAY to merely "sit with men of untruth" - to merely "tolerate" speech and actions trashing Jehovah's name and standards and the spiritual value of them FOR THE SAKE OF BEING SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE, "LIKED". In a situation such as this, SILENCE RENDERS CONSENT.

Jehovah is NOT GIVING HIS CONSENT to the ways of this message board - which STILL tolerates ANYTHING BUT actually needed-to-be-stated-for-vital-correction truth. I have not seen that life-or-death corrective truth here since I was banned in 2004 from the older zootopia.

If you are true to Jehovah, stop letting anyone here think that they are okay with Jehovah because of the posts and links you make here. Straight-up, this website remains evil - it's not a worthy portal, at all.

Show them who the real "us" is - and by what power. In any case though, I'm now leaving this God-hated spiritual trash hole completely, "with or without you."
I WILL ALSO NOT BE ATTENDING ANY OF THE UPCOMING CONCERTS, even though I purchased 5 tickets (along with paying for travel and accommodations already). Maybe I'll sell them, along with an explanation of how bad this band - with this website operation is - or maybe I'll simply "burn" them/trash them - like I actually did with about $2000 worth of U2 things in 2004/2005,  when U2 decided to put out a song called "Yahweh", but allowed the banning of me from speaking scriptural truth on their site - truth and warnings that are meant to go along with the proclamation of God's holy  name, including NOT to blaspheme His name!!! They let apostates outrageously attack, hound, harass, gang-bully, and threaten me, but chose to ban me, but keep them though. I see that evil is still being worked here. U2 is not about Jehovah and freedom of speech for his servants to speak God's truth (and watered-down or inappropriately withheld doesn't do it.) U2 is about itself and their own marketing, plus whatever other agenda the have going on at the moment. For a very long time, U2 has (at least) rendered consent by silence as false religious leaders and others of Christendom have basically promoted idolatry of them, praised them as being fine examples of "Christianity",  and have USED U2 to promote and reinforce their false religions; but again, here, even between yesterday and today, I now see that I HAVE BEEN STOPPED FROM EVEN BEING ABLE TO POST A "STATUS UPDATE" that is an urgent plea for U2 to again NOT promote a harmful spiritual LIE to the masses by way of their mass-marketed/played to the millions/billions song and productions.

Because of this last-straw, evil, anti-Jehovah action by this website, which U2 IS RESPONSIBLE FOR, I am now going into BAN-and-TELL action once again as regards the actual ANTI-JEHOVAH work of this band. If U2 doesn't want this spread about them and this website, then U2 WILL HAVE TO MAKE SOME URGENT CHANGES that I can see. I highly recommend dismissing whatever so-called moderator or moderators have threatened me and have deleted my scriptural teachings and have stopped me from posting even a "status update" containing such! I will reprint what I have said here on my own website. The blasphemy has NOT stopped, but rather, has been made into a "culture" that is VERY, VERY anti-Jehovah and yes, antichrist. How Jehovah must hate the hypocrisy of a band, marketers, so-called "preachers" and fans THAT MOUTH [some of] HIS WORDS, BUT VIOLATE and disrespect them in whole!!! I will tell everyone I get a chance to about this very FALSE "Christian"/whatever-floats-your-boat "in the name of God" FACADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will be deleting my pictures and posts, and [I will be] writing about this on my own site, as well as telling everyone I can, by word of mouth. I will ask for my "membership" here to be ended. (This will be the SECOND time I PAID for a membership, but had my freedom of speech [about that which is most important] VIOLATED by a U2 website within a short duration, and was UNJUSTLY stopped from being allowed to participate, as other "members" get to say whatever they want to about anything else - except for UNWANTED SCRIPTURAL TRUTH THAT BEARS ON A VITAL ISSUE AT HAND!!! I will NOT attend the concerts, as planned. I will urge others NOT to go, either - and tell them WHY. If I listen to your songs, U2, so long as this is what you practice and allow, it will merely be for me to tell everyone about the spiritual malice, pits, and trap you are working, against Jehovah, against Jesus Christ, and against the right-hearted people of the world.

If you really are a true sister, remember this: "Little children, guard yourselves from idols."