Monday, March 09, 2015

The Latest Allowed Maltreatment by Your "Moderator(s)" at Your Fan Forum Message Board ("Zootopia") is the Last Straw - I am No Longer a "U2 Fan" at All

After I saw that even my "status update" (with three short, supporting comments - including Scripture names and numbers) was deleted today, because it contained scriptural correction and warning against teaching the masses a spiritual falsehood via a repeated line in the song "Invisible" ("There is no them, there's only us"), I have decided to no longer support or cheer U2 at all. I think I will sell (with explanation) or scrap my 5 tickets to concerts in three different cities that I was planning to attend; and I no longer feel like listening to any U2 music for pleasure - except to point out anti-scriptural, spiritually misleading teachings to the masses that the songs or their related media do or may yet include. I certainly am not going to contribute anything further to their website, ever again. (My large post today, which I felt necessary, for serving notice [even after I had said that I didn't want to post there anymore], but which I have since deleted from the site, can be seen below this next section - copied and pasted.)

To make matters worse, there has "sat", "with men of untruth" (for years, as I have observed) a person claiming to serve Jehovah, but acting as a disloyal, apostate-like person - failing to actually adequately defend Jehovah and His own written standards on major, spiritually serious issues that have presented themselves (including extreme blasphemy of his name by U2 and their idolatrous false religious fans), so as to remain "a friend of the world": They have caved-in to fear of man (wanting to be considered "socially acceptable", "liked", "nice", "pleasant", "fun", or even not banned from the message board [by the so-called "moderator(s)" who threatened me and deleted even my above-said pigeon-holed short "status" comment correcting a song teaching]. In their long-term failing to adequately speak-up and speak-out to defend Jehovah's scriptural standards when situations called for it - but then also, for their instead deciding to baselessly (and falsely) accuse, and publicly attack me (in the same way that apostates do) for actually scripturally defending Jehovah's name and standards (with the strength called for, which that person failed to use), that person has not been loyal, has not brought the right honor to Jehovah (rather than themself), and has chosen to side with wicked, God-disrespecting persons, apostates, and false religionists instead - in their "easy-going", SILENCE/ SQUELCH/ SQUASH/ BE "ASHAMED OF" GOD'S WORDS (especially the corrective, warning ones) AND PERSONS LOYALLY SPEAKING THEM MODE. In other words, that person's speech and actions digressed to being one with "the world" [of persons alienated from God]. Such spiritual irresponsibility (failure to speak-out in a situation calling for it, though "present", as a so-called "witness" of the True God Jehovah - a "silence" which "renders consent"); and disloyalty - wickedly attacking someone else who chooses to do the right thing by Jehovah and His spirit by boldly speaking-out unwanted, "un-fun" true scriptural words of warning and correction when a situation calls for it - helps or saves NO ONE. The one trying to stay "liked" by the world by NOT speaking up for Jehovah when they should - but instead attacking someone else being TRUE who DOES - is not being true at all, and DISHONORS Jehovah (while giving wicked persons reasons to celebrate). This person even publicly posted that they hoped I was banned - just like apostates who hate the truth of God's disciplinary, corrective, warning words have done in the past. Disloyalty this way IS something to be ashamed of - and anyone vainly disloyal like that needs to be avoided, like any apostate, so long as that is the way they choose to be (despite what they claim, quote, or link).

I had posted this today, in the above-said person's thread - for which I was spiritually-unjustly and disloyally attacked by them. Do notice that the focus of this was a complaint and warning regarding the hostility to scriptural spiritual truth (and so the God behind those words and teachings) of the site itself. My posting this ended up with even this person there disloyally and UNJUSTLY attacking me - just like the other enemies to spiritual truth in needed strength that dominate that site:

This thread is very, very mal-placed at this site. In general, U2, their media people, and their fans are intolerant of application of actual, vital scriptural principles and commands,  That has once again been PROVEN by the deletion of even my "status" comment that scripturally corrected the false religious teaching to the masses found in the song "Invisible" ("There is no them, there's only us"); and also by a so-called "moderator's" also threatening my freedom of speech in regard to a post reminding U2 that there still is a HUGE problem with their continued use of the media to blaspheme Jehovah/Yahweh's name to the world by way of their Satanic "U2 Yahweh" video with all of those blasphemous idol images. The U2 organization has left up those videos blaspheming Jehovah's holy name since late 2004, and used the same in their shows. If you are true, you also NEED TO TAKE A STAND AGAINST what amounts to EXPLOITATION of Jehovah/Yahweh and His own standards - exploitation of His Holy name, His words, and also exploitation of people's spiritual drive (sending them the way of - or reinforcing them to stay with - FALSE, anti-scriptural religions or spiritual philosophies).

I have peeked-in on "zootopia" since I was banned from it in 2004 - after writing heavily about Jehovah's standards for 3 years of my life there. "u2 people" basically stole, hijacked, and abused Jehovah's holy name - the Yahweh form. I have seen enough. As you know, it is scripturally NOT OKAY to merely "sit with men of untruth" - to merely "tolerate" speech and actions trashing Jehovah's name and standards and the spiritual value of them FOR THE SAKE OF BEING SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE, "LIKED". In a situation such as this, SILENCE RENDERS CONSENT.

Jehovah is NOT GIVING HIS CONSENT to the ways of this message board - which STILL tolerates ANYTHING BUT actually needed-to-be-stated-for-vital-correction truth. I have not seen that life-or-death corrective truth here since I was banned in 2004 from the older zootopia.

If you are true to Jehovah, stop letting anyone here think that they are okay with Jehovah because of the posts and links you make here. Straight-up, this website remains evil - it's not a worthy portal, at all.

Show them who the real "us" is - and by what power. In any case though, I'm now leaving this God-hated spiritual trash hole completely, "with or without you."
I WILL ALSO NOT BE ATTENDING ANY OF THE UPCOMING CONCERTS, even though I purchased 5 tickets (along with paying for travel and accommodations already). Maybe I'll sell them, along with an explanation of how bad this band - with this website operation is - or maybe I'll simply "burn" them/trash them - like I actually did with about $2000 worth of U2 things in 2004/2005,  when U2 decided to put out a song called "Yahweh", but allowed the banning of me from speaking scriptural truth on their site - truth and warnings that are meant to go along with the proclamation of God's holy  name, including NOT to blaspheme His name!!! They let apostates outrageously attack, hound, harass, gang-bully, and threaten me, but chose to ban me, but keep them though. I see that evil is still being worked here. U2 is not about Jehovah and freedom of speech for his servants to speak God's truth (and watered-down or inappropriately withheld doesn't do it.) U2 is about itself and their own marketing, plus whatever other agenda the have going on at the moment. For a very long time, U2 has (at least) rendered consent by silence as false religious leaders and others of Christendom have basically promoted idolatry of them, praised them as being fine examples of "Christianity",  and have USED U2 to promote and reinforce their false religions; but again, here, even between yesterday and today, I now see that I HAVE BEEN STOPPED FROM EVEN BEING ABLE TO POST A "STATUS UPDATE" that is an urgent plea for U2 to again NOT promote a harmful spiritual LIE to the masses by way of their mass-marketed/played to the millions/billions song and productions.

Because of this last-straw, evil, anti-Jehovah action by this website, which U2 IS RESPONSIBLE FOR, I am now going into BAN-and-TELL action once again as regards the actual ANTI-JEHOVAH work of this band. If U2 doesn't want this spread about them and this website, then U2 WILL HAVE TO MAKE SOME URGENT CHANGES that I can see. I highly recommend dismissing whatever so-called moderator or moderators have threatened me and have deleted my scriptural teachings and have stopped me from posting even a "status update" containing such! I will reprint what I have said here on my own website. The blasphemy has NOT stopped, but rather, has been made into a "culture" that is VERY, VERY anti-Jehovah and yes, antichrist. How Jehovah must hate the hypocrisy of a band, marketers, so-called "preachers" and fans THAT MOUTH [some of] HIS WORDS, BUT VIOLATE and disrespect them in whole!!! I will tell everyone I get a chance to about this very FALSE "Christian"/whatever-floats-your-boat "in the name of God" FACADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will be deleting my pictures and posts, and [I will be] writing about this on my own site, as well as telling everyone I can, by word of mouth. I will ask for my "membership" here to be ended. (This will be the SECOND time I PAID for a membership, but had my freedom of speech [about that which is most important] VIOLATED by a U2 website within a short duration, and was UNJUSTLY stopped from being allowed to participate, as other "members" get to say whatever they want to about anything else - except for UNWANTED SCRIPTURAL TRUTH THAT BEARS ON A VITAL ISSUE AT HAND!!! I will NOT attend the concerts, as planned. I will urge others NOT to go, either - and tell them WHY. If I listen to your songs, U2, so long as this is what you practice and allow, it will merely be for me to tell everyone about the spiritual malice, pits, and trap you are working, against Jehovah, against Jesus Christ, and against the right-hearted people of the world.

If you really are a true sister, remember this: "Little children, guard yourselves from idols."


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