Sunday, March 15, 2015

Consorting Like a Whore

I look out for my God's name
But what I saw was wrought in shame:
"A phallic symbol to God's face!"*
Just like in the days of old......

But that's okay! says one being 
a spiritual whore -
Don't be bothered by blasphemy anymore!
Just play, play, play, and consort
And silence the warnings from God!

Isn't this fun? Let us hug!
Altogether, with Babylon the Great!
So what if God's name is being desecrated?
Denial is our state! Have fun!!

Fun fun fun! Let's chum and hug!
Altogether, with Babylon the Great!
Aren't I nice?! I'll support your lies
And falsely love you, to socialize 

But I'll fail to defend
It seems, to the end
Jehovah's name or His truth -
Like false preachers who consort
With the "kings" of the earth
I'll deem those things to be of little use.
Hypocrites raise themselves up
To casually corrupt
People's spirituality
And mislead them to side
With Satan's deadly lies
To be future fatalities

And then the "kings", for their part,
Get to borrow them as slaves,
Satan's 666 sell-outs
'Til their Armageddon "graves"
But good-time-boy and fun-girl,
Don't let me ruin your day
As you negligently blaspheme
And play, play, play.

Fun, fun, fun, let us hug
Altogether, with Babylon the Great
Never heeding the warning, never getting "out"
Until it's SOON TOO LATE. 

(Revelation 17:1-6; 18:4, 5, 8, 21-24) 

"Adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is constituting himself an enemy with God." (James 4:4)

*One of the 28 or so idol images blasphemously streamed - while God's own holy name is sung, in U2's intensely blasphemous cartoon video entitled, "U2 Yahweh" - is a naked phallus. Just try to rationalize-away the display of that God-hated and condemned, infamous symbol of Baal worship as Yahweh [Jehovah's] holy name is used/sung; and try to "excuse" this mass-media-ed re-enactment of Baal worship and blasphemy will you? "Whoops" - you can't. (This blasphemous and spiritually harmful video has been left up and running, on major video-sharing sites - despite scriptural warning having been given - for about a DECADE now.)

So, again, please get rid of the blasphemous "U2 Yahweh" videos. And stop supporting the promotion of spiritual lies; but the silencing of actual scriptural, spiritual truth.


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