Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Stop Supporting U2 - Especially their "Zootopia" Fan Forum Message Board that Violates God-Given Freedom of Speech

Don't stand by those responsible for spreading God-alienating, life-ruining, bloodguilt and injustice causing, Satan-serving, future-fatal FALSE religious lies and supporting apostasy and apostate spiritual apathy; 
but censoring/banning (same thing in effect!) corrective, warning, Jehovah-willed scriptural truth, which can reconcile persons to God for their peace of mind and well-being, give them true hope, reassure them of Jehovah's Justice, better their lives and the lives of others, prevent tragedies, and direct them to the Way (through obedience to God and His Son, Jesus Christ) of an everlasting future of happiness, with God's approval - instead of dying along with most of human society soon; when Jehovah brings his Day of Armageddon down from heaven, to here, soon.

Censoring/banning scriptural corrective and warning truth from God means to incur bloodguilt for all lives that will be lost due to persons neither "knowing" nor seeing the need to change, so as to be obedient to God. So, in this spiritual way, which will someday soon translate into physical life or death (from God) also, the Zootopia website - by the actions of its moderators/administration - which U2 is ultimately responsible for - IS KILLING PEOPLE; just like all of the world's FALSE religious leaders/ preachers of spiritual LIES (and their political and commercial cohorts) also are, even as they also propagandize derision towards scriptural-spiritual TRUTH and persons LOYALLY speaking it and standing up for it!!!

Therefore, for such harm being done to both God and to humanity, please STOP SUPPORTING U2 and their "Zootopia" fan forum message boards.

Even more powerfully - PRAY to Jehovah, in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ; to END the reign of harm towards God, Jesus Christ, and mankind (especially towards Jehovah's LOYAL servants) being worked by FALSE religionists/promoters-supporters of spiritual falsehood of all sorts, and their political and commercial cohorts as well.

In other words, PRAY for Jehovah's promised destruction of "Babylon the Great" - Satan's global empire of all FALSE religion - to be followed immediately by God's Day of Armageddon itself; bringing the removal of every last vestige of Satan's strongholds in this world, together will all persons making themselves an enemy of God, for their willful refusal to listen to, be loyal to, and obey Him.

THEN God's promised Kingdom will be brought down from heaven to encompass this whole earth. Jehovah will have Jesus Christ rule this planet in righteousness - and Satan and those choosing to be his human hordes now won't be here. Eventually, Satan and his forces, including all humans also choosing to be enemies of Jehovah, will completely cease to exist, in any shape, any form, ever again.

Given the gravity of this very REAL state of the universe, I would sure hate to be in the shoes of anyone being so bad and so foolish as to be defying God and sending people/ reinforcing people to continue on the spiritual path of being/remaining alienated from Jehovah - and so heading for EVERLASTING DEATH.


Blogger Theresa1 said...

Nice "carrot" of a Denver show, again - but I WON'T be going. Let me know when you've apologized for censoring/banning me (again); when you've FIRED/dismissed your Jehovah-HOSTILE moderator(s) (who have shown hostility and intolerance to his scriptural, spirit-backed corrective and warning words, that is - and so ARE hostile to HIM and those being LOYAL to Him, as demonstrated); and when you let people themselves delete unwanted, hate-for-God (and His truth)-showing comments from off of their own posts.

3:20 PM  

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