Friday, May 29, 2015

Bono Raging Against God LIke a Wolf; Bono and U2 Raising Fans to Be Wolves - and So I DON'T BELIEVE IN Bono or U2 Anymore!!!

3 times in a row. You don't win. You truly LOSE. For 3 shows in a row, you gave an utterly DARK and SATANIC, GOD-BLASPHEMING performance - to HUGE audiences, many of whom admire you so much for being "spiritual examples" that they will readily copy you, and make "excuses" for what you do, no matter how wicked [evil], God-mocking, or God-defiant it is. 

Didn't anyone ever tell you that "Hail Satan", no matter how you pull it off, such as with your above-mentioned "black sabbath" kind of act, gets you/buys you NOTHING, in the end??!

You AGAIN CONSCIENCELESSLY  - LACKING [a healthy and respectful] "FEAR OF GOD", with behavior "STRONGER THAN FEAR", stronger than a rightful "fear of God" - VIOLATED JEHOVAH [YAHWEH] GOD ALMIGHTY TO HIS FACE (and also Jesus Christ). Is it not very small-minded - to refuse to learn and acknowledge whole-scriptural truth from Jehovah's words - and then WRONGFULLY [EVEN PUBLICLY] BLAME GOD; and make stubborn, INACCURATE "interpretations" of WHAT the PROBLEMS are regarding RELIGIONS and VIOLENCE?

THE PROBLEM IS WITH #FALSE# [anti-Jehovah, antichrist, anti-whole-scriptural, God-disobedient and disloyal, spiritually adulterous, Satan-serving, hypocritical] RELIGIONS. For the most part, they also tangle themselves in with Satan's world political system.

THE PROBLEM IS NOT WITH JEHOVAH the Creator, His Son, or JEHOVAH'S OWN ONE TRUE GLOBAL RELIGION/CONGREGATION, WHICH WORSHIPS HIM ACCORDING TO HIS OWN GIVEN SCRIPTURAL TERMS; and the problem is NOT with those who are TRUE and LOYAL to this God, who worship Him "with spirit and truth", as obedient children of the Heavenly Father. 

The problem IS with spiritual hypocrites; ungodly persons; God-rebellious persons; those who really do not care at all WHAT God says - who won't "listen" to His scriptural instructions or obey Him (especially if what God says doesn't suit what they want), etc.  - In other words, the problem IS WITH THE BULK OF MANKIND - with how their spiritual relationship with God and thus their  spirituality, which effects all of their behavior, IS WAY-OFF FROM BEING RIGHT (or righteous).

Add to that, life on earth is in a spiritual war zone at this time of the end, with the Devil and His forces fighting fiercely against God, His purposes, those true and loyal to Jehovah, and persons who are honest-heartedly seeking to know the truth about God, so that they can do  His will. Satan knows he has just a little time left before Armageddon to try to cause the biggest spiritual losses (which will turn into Armageddon life-losses) among mankind as possible - before God has His Son, Jesus, throw Satan and his demons into a pit. (See again Revelation chapters 17 through 20:3).

So with most of mankind not listening to their own Maker; and with demons on the loose and Satan and those with Him working up slander and rebellion against God however they can pull it off,

Why would you choose to side with God's arch-enemy and the one known as a man-slayer, with what you have done with these performances?

There is no way, at all, Jehovah/Yahweh is going to listen to, accept or approve of your kneeling on your stage, in front of your crowds, to recite a piece of Psalm 23; or accept your singing of "40" to Him; or approve or bless anything else you have to sing or say about Him in your shows - so long as you also keep violating Him and His known scriptural will and purposes. 

Without God's truth, people have no true love, peace, happiness, hope, or future. So quit working with Satan to rob people of these things.

You have a need for God to believe in YOU.


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