Thursday, May 14, 2015

Praying that Your Shows and Tour Fail - and that Your "Community" Wakes Up to the REALITY that There IS, Indeed, an US vs. THEM

[First off, Larry, I am so sorry to hear of your father's passing away. That is truly hard-going and sad. (I lost my mother this past September.) It hurts - for a long time. Being as it is though, that the FALSE religions of the world and false preachers for God offer no true consolation or hope for such tragedies (which sickness and death are), know that Jehovah, with the scriptural hope He offers, DOES. He will be resurrecting dead loved ones who have fallen asleep in death back into a new and better world here, starting soon.]

That aside, I hope your shows and tour fail.

You CAN'T go prancing around on this earth high-decibel blasting-out harmful spiritual falsehoods to the masses; and having such occasions, with their spiritual misleadings, all further viral-ly sent out to even more persons via more mass media.

If you can't clean it up, then I pray your shows and tour FAIL.

Additionally. I have noticed that your Zootopia "Community" you have formed - with "There is No Them - There's Only Us" as one of its banners - has become very zooped-up with communication ability now. (Remember though that you [for allowing it] and your intensely unjust cyber/PR hench-people censored/banned me from participation, for voicing-out vital scriptural spiritual truth [including unwanted warnings and corrections that were otherwise NOT being adequately spoken].)

If it was a GOOD "community" that would be wonderful.

But, it is NOT a good "community" - just like its leadership and gate-keepers/PR people are NOT being good people, by their choices, despite scriptural-spiritual warnings having been delivered.

So, like the world in general, blindly operating under Satan's control - but really not caring about being in that state - your "community", for all of its techno-communication-picture-video-fun now, with its and your rejection of and dominating spirit of rejection of scriptural-spiritual truth from Jehovah/Yahweh (including His important scriptural standards - His own corrective and warning words too), yours is a "community" that will have many more failings, and will end up being dissolved - for being back-rejected by Jehovah/Yahweh and His King-Son Jesus Christ. And that is despite the presence of apostate and/or sold-out/shrunken-back so-called "Christians" within your midst.

No, you didn't want to "listen", despite all of the hypocritical "God talk" (and songs), from yourselves and your "us" [not including me] group - so, again, your sinking, despite all of the fanfare of it's re-launch.

Jehovah/Yahweh is not happy with what you are doing - and so will NOT bless your efforts for such shows or your tour. That is what is - despite any prayers for the opposite, while you are still working violation of His scriptural standards and purposes - while your community and you with it are still working your injustices against HIS will and those true to Him.

No prayers or cheers from false "Christians" or others who are anti-God will bring any blessings either. 

There will not be any blessings on your show - you can even try "blessing" your crowd there from your stage again too - but the TRUE God is NOT listening, and so there will NOT be any blessings or approval coming from HIM for what you have intended to do, which violates HIM.

Again, the TRUTH is, that there absolutely IS an "us" and a "them". The US, in the most vital, spiritual way, consists of Jehovah/Yahweh, Jesus Christ, and Jehovah/Yahweh's true, loyal and obedient worshipers, who worship Him and call on His name "with spirit and truth". The THEM are all persons choosing to remain alienated from Jehovah/Yahweh, for choosing NOT to listen to Him, be loyal to Him, or obey Him/worship Him according to His own scripturally-given terms.

See, for example, 1 John 5:18-21.

Need help for a set list for tonight then? Okay. Here:

Songs 1-20: "Volcano". 
Then go home.



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