Monday, May 18, 2015

You Know What Resurrected Moms Probably Won't Like At All? Spiritual Falsehoods. Re: Some "Iris" Lyrics

I can't imagine what it would have been like to lose a mother at 14 - and suddenly, at that. (If I had lost mine then, I probably would not be alive today.) That is truly sad. Sorry that something as awful as that happened. You recently said that when your mom died, you became an artist. Well, when my mom recently died, in the case of her, I lost an artist.

Although my Mom was an exuberant person with a LOT of inward joy, she had an exceptionally hard life. It made her quite an artist - especially in older age, but she did suffer.

My Mom's life was very negatively effected by FALSE religion. (And yes, she did come from a largely Irish-Catholic background.) She hated the hypocrisy, she hated the lies, she hated the cultism-brainwashing, she hated the mental abuse, and she hated the injustices - including those put on her and those she loved, "in the name of God". In fact, it nearly cost her her life, much earlier on.

My Mom did learn to call-out a lot of hypocritical false religious baloney though - and, she came to appreciate a lot of scriptural teachings instead.

After Armageddon, people who fell asleep in death before Armageddon are going to be resurrected back to life - with nearly all of them being brought back to life here on Earth. At that time, those resurrected will get their chance to learn Jehovah's truths, ways and rules/principles - without the distraction of Satan and his trouble-making forces being around, creating problems. The FALSE religions of the world will already have been destroyed by God at that point; and stubborn opposers to God will be gone then too. A resurrected person's continued life - their whole eternal future - will depend on their choosing to worship Jehovah on His terms, and to live according to His truth and His will from that point on.

So, when your Mom and my Mom (and yours and Larry's Dads, etc.) are resurrected, do you think that any of them will have any fondness for religious/spiritual lies - or will want to entertain them or reminisce over how "sweet" they were? I don't think so - especially when they learn how much suffering, damage, and loss of life spiritistic, false religious lies ended up costing the human family. 

You know what though? When MY Mom is resurrected back to life, I feel sure she will be proud of me - for doing my best to let as many people as I could know about Jehovah [Yahweh's] scriptural, spiritual truth (and the hope and the blessings that come with that); and for also warning people (as Jehovah wants to be done) against unrighteousness, spiritual lies, and Satan's evil global empire of [anti-whole-scriptural] FALSE religions (which Jehovah detests, and will be destroying). [People need to urgently "get out" of the world's false religions without delay - and it is God's will for people to be served that warning (unwanted though that message may be.) (Revelation 18:4,5,8...21-24)]

What about when your Mom is resurrected ? Will her son have taught people Jehovah's own life-saving scriptural spiritual truth, the Way to life; or will she find out that you decided to teach/reinforce to masses of people something the opposite of that - which causes the opposite effect (loss of lives)? 

What, in particular, is bringing this up now? Well, if unchecked by you, this would be the third performance night in a row that you would be spreading/reinforcing, to a large arena-ful of persons (plus the mass-media that comes from and spreads-out from these shows [besides the song and video recordings that already exist]), a potentially, eventually fatal spiritual lie via a song written with your mother's name  - "Iris" - on it. 

The standout problem lines are:

"Once we are born, we begin to forget
The very reason we came"

Bono, there is no pre-human existence. The idea that comes from is the spiritistic teaching that humans have immortal souls. They do not. A person IS a "soul" - mind, heart, and living body all rolled-up into one. Jesus Christ, Jehovah's only-begotten, firstborn Son, is the only human that has had a pre-human existence. As far as after-death goes, God gave Jesus a spirit body again, so that he could go back up to live in heaven. God also gives a relatively very few spirit-anointed human beings spirit bodies too, when their physical human bodies die, so that they also can live in the heavens with Jehovah/Yahweh and Jesus. There then, they can be helpers to Christ in his Kingdom Rule over the earth, especially after Armageddon, when the heaven-based Kingdom of God will be earth's only Rulership.

So humans ARE souls - they do NOT have separate spirit-being duplications of themselves within themselves that survive the death of their physical body to live on, either in heaven or on earth. (And, of course, there is NO "hell" place of afterlife punishment or torture either for such spirit "souls" that do not exist.). 

So then also, there are NO "ghosts" of humans. The "ghosts" people have said they have encountered are spirit beings - but they are demons; who also, cruelly, will sometimes pretend to be the voice or presence of a dead loved one, so as to turn their interest and heart towards demonism, with all of its spiritually (and mentally) destructive effects. [So, "The Crystal Ballroom" - with it's, "We're the ghosts of love, and we haunt this place" promotes demonism, and is a song that should be immediately eliminated.]

Likewise (except for the rarest of exceptions [see above]) the "souls"/the "spirits" of our dead loved ones can't hear or see us from the heavens (or any other realm). Our dead loved ones are "asleep in death". All hope for them to be made alive again rests completely in Jehovah's hands - but he promises to bring people back to life: He has a yearning to do so - they are the work of His own hands. 

Our dead loved ones are safe in Jehovah's memory though - and He has the ability to recreate them as the people they were, completely, with everything that made them unique individuals, who they were - including their their life experiences, their personalities, their memories (except that painful memories will not come up into their heart, to disturb them - Isaiah 65:17), etc. In this way, they are as if "living" to God. And they are "alive" in our memories too. What they passed on to us: Life [their part of it, anyway]; what we learned from them; our traits-in-common; tendencies; talents; and the likes-dislikes, habits, values, outlook, beliefs, hopes, loves, hates, what we do and give support to, etc. that we've shared with them and retain can and should be filtered, cleaned-up, adjusted, or improved - so as to meet God's scriptural standards in all things. (The All-Good Heavenly Father Jehovah is, by far, the most important parent to listen to, emulate, be loyal to, and recommend the truth and good ways of.)  Then we can carry on (or even improve upon) the good things beloved parents (or other loved ones) passed on to us, bring them honor, and honor their memory - until the day when we can see them again - when Jehovah brings them back to life. Then we can tell them all about what happened. (So, I DO like the line in your song, "I've got your life inside of me!". I also like the lines, "Free yourself, be yourself, only you can see yourself" [that's great advice, and is about how my mom and I (and I to my children) have talked too]. So, can't you just tweek your "Iris" song, and take the destructive lines promoting "immortality of the soul OUT. 

[[Also, no, there's not a goddess, like in some screwed-up false religious myths, who takes the "souls" of persons for a flying drive-by tour of stars in a cold universe. Likewise, a rainbow messenger goddess named Iris doesn't exist either. So these things or the spirit of them - even though there is a "market" for them in Satan's spiritually messed-up world - would not be good to "sell" either.]]

What kind of damage has the anti-scriptural belief of "the immortality of the soul" caused mankind? It's caused people to commit suicide, suicide-bomb others, put themselves into battle for their country, etc., conduct "witch hunts" and trials and inquisitions, murder people, pre-maturely let go of their gift of life (or that of another), and even consider genocides - with any or all of this not really being "any big deal" to the instigators of these things - because they wrongly expect that "heaven" or "paradise" immediately awaits them "on the other side" of their death or that of others.

Do you see how colossially BIG  and horrifically dangerous and tragic the yes, Satan-origined LIE teaching of [general] "immortality of the soul" is and can further be then?

That's not a spiritual LIE you want to promote any more then, is it? That's because such a lie - common though it is - has, does, and continues to kill people, and can even take away their eternal future.

It's only 2 lines of your song. I think you've got about 39 minutes before your next show, and you're very good at ad-libbing - or you could even just hum that part....

It's true - people DO need truth - but what (God and) people  DON'T need - what they shouldn't have amp-ed out at them - are any more spiritual lies, because it is those LIES that make up the bad and damaging kinds of "beliefs". 

Oppositely, true, scriptural "beliefs" carry out God's purposes of causing GOOD things to happen.



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