Thursday, May 21, 2015

Oh Hey, Bono & U2: What Does Yahweh/Jehovah Say About Same-Sex Marriage? Evidently, You Feel Fine Fighting HIM on That

Do you feel so certain you have established yourselves as gods against Him?

Is this why you have now used your "celebrity currency" (as you, Bono, have called it) to so boldly preach-recommend to your international masses of follower-fans to go right ahead - with YOUR "blessing" - to VIOLATE the person of Jehovah/Yahweh (the Creator Himself, the Universal Sovereign Himself) and VIOLATE Jesus Christ (and what he died for) by VIOLATING God Almighty's purposely and clearly given scriptural mandates - by either breaking GOD'S LAWS against homosexual practices and same sex marriages themselves, or standing-up for/voting for that others have their VIOLATION of God's laws SANCTIONED by the law of the land [piece of Satan's world political system]???!!!

I wasn't so wrong about your helping to pied-piper a trip for the spiritually unwary or non-caring (or already rebellious) masses down the "broad and spacious...road leading off into destruction" [Matthew 7:13], starting even back in 2004 (with the blasphemy problem) was I.

It's another demonstration that Armageddon must be so close.



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