Wednesday, May 06, 2015

So is That How You Call Demons In, For Your New Tour?

I know what it's like - when talking to some person/persons becomes about as worthwhile as talking to a wall. Therefore, for the sake of anyone spiritually decent listening, I'll write this - but I'll write it like I'm talking to you. It's dually the cyber-version of "ear-shotting", but for me to even hope that this post would reach the "ears" [eyes] of the perpetrators (and that it would be paid attention to at all) is long-shotting.

HOW. SPIRITUALLY. GROSS. Why is it that you really don't seem to care about the spiritual well being of those of your throngs of fans at all? Even more so, how is it that you apparently don't even care about what God Almighty - Jehovah - Yahweh thinks at all?!

I just looked at your "Day 10" countdown-to-your-tour-opening promo video bit ; and it kind of follows the same spiritually down-and-backward [into the mire pit of Jah's disfavor] direction as your blasphemous cartoon "U2 Yahweh" videos and other mass-media-ed image displays thereof.

That's how you "rev-up" many tens of thousands of your fans for your new tour - you work up some "HAUNTING" for the whole effort, by vocalizing the intro to your spiritually rancid and toxic Satan-with-his-lies-serving "Ghosts of Love" song?!

You might as well forget about singing about God at all, because 1.) You're promoting spiritual lies He hates - that mislead and stumble people, and 2.) He more than disappreciates that, and so He won't be listening.

Many 4-year-olds with pre-kindergarten knowledge of Bible basics know that ghosts = demons. So they understand that its bad to play "ghosts", or to partake of entertainment involving "ghosts"; because to do so would make Jehovah/Yahweh very unhappy, and because they would be getting involved with what the Devil wanted them to instead - something evil and destructive to them: demonism.

I feel very safe in saying this: YOU KNOW THIS TOO.

So, if a little 4-year-old can say "NO" to peers about playing "ghosts" - because it's bad - what are 4 guys, who are about my age, doing putting out or giving their consent to a mass-media-ed tour promo that features the haunting voices intro to their [bad mistake already] "Ghosts of Love" song?!?!

Why promote and be part of "the problem"? You talk the talk of wanting to "save" lives. So why promote death, everlasting death? Why promote that which HURTS Jehovah/Yahweh and PAINS His Son, who gave up his life so that humans could learn God's truth, obey it and LIVE? How is it that you are so comfortable working directly against what Jesus died for, and what His Father sacrificed Him for? Why should it be that YOU feel free to undo THEIR work - and promote spiritual LIES to the masses, so that they continue NOT obeying God, and so that they then lose their everlasting lives and futures come Armageddon Day?!

How about another even-kiddies-get-it Bible story scene/moment? How about the time when the wicked Pharoah (who thought he was really big, hot stuff) said to Moses: "Who is Jehovah, so that I should obey his voice"?!


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