Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Broken and Blasphemous "Hallelujah" - What Would You Know of the Way in Which Light Gets In?

I looked, and I saw that wicked contenders against God
Kept on abusing their power and resources
Over masses of people and the weak,
and scattered sheep -

They multi-media appealed 
to their DESIRES.

They kept on trying to supplant 
The saving words and standards and spirit of God Almighty Himself
With words of men, INSTEAD -
Their own words/lyrics
and the words/lyrics of others 
That they kept showing themselves willing to put,
As "spiritual" teachings,

And their mass-MIS-teachings came off as those 
That violated God, and promoted derision and mockery 
Towards His Divine standards of righteousness for human beings - 
Righteousness that would even make this world a better, safer place now:

"Forget your perfect offering" they musically mass-media-ed.
"There's cracks in everything."
"That's how the light get's in".

Forget about obeying Jehovah. Forget HIS known scriptural standards, His own stated requirements for you.
Violate them, break His laws,
Esteem the sacrifice of Jesus Christ's life to "cover" for sins to be

That's  "how the light gets in."

And if you are already a hardened mocker
Of God, His standards, and those true to Him,
Look - look for a fault, an imperfection  - 
A "crack"
In a LOYAL, true servant of God
To ridicule, exploit, "excuse" yourselves by, 
Fulfilling the prophesied-type 
Pointing of a finger,
Just to say, "Aha - aha!"
(While bugs crawl through your own
chosen dark heart-soul sin rot.)
Aha - and "Aha" sees and says back God - 
To anyone like that.

And I kept on beholding in the night
That Satan - who keeps changing himself 
into "an angel of light" - 
Has ministers work for him to teach

And so many people also do not care - 
For dim, false "light" is their usual fare....

And surely, wicked ones knew this full well -
That their place is NOT to USURP God.
But there's the "lights", the show, the media-action....
So what if "Hail Satan" is what you are stuck on. [Sarcasm.]

Ask not for whom the spiritual bell tolls - it tolls for thee:
AWAKEN to the alarm - to truth, TRUE light, the need -
AWAKEN to Jah's words and spirit - the HIGHER-THAN-MAN

I love Jehovah's response to Job, out of a windstorm:

Who is this that is obscuring counsel
By words without knowledge

Gird up your loins, please, like an able-bodied man,
And let me question you, and you inform me.

Where did you happen to be when I founded the earth?
Tell [me], if you do know understanding......

Where, now, is the way to where light resides?
As for darkness, where, now, is its place,

That you should take it to its boundary
And that you should understand the roadways to its house?

Have you come to know because at that time you were being born,
And [because] in number your days are many?

Where, now, is the way by which the light distributes itself,
[And] the east wind scatters about upon the earth?

(Job 38:2-4,19-21,24)

Should there be any contending of a faultfinder with the Almighty?
Let the reprover of God himself answer it.”

And Jehovah went on to answer Job out of the windstorm and say:

"Gird up your loins, please, like an able-bodied man;
I shall question you, and you inform me.

Really, will you invalidate my justice?
Will you pronounce me wicked in order that you may be in the right

(Job 40:2,6-8)

And Jehovah/Yahweh purposely had this recorded and preserved - about true spiritual "light" from Him, and HOW it does get IN:

"If, now, the good news we declare is in fact veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through." (2Corinthians 4:3,4)

"But when there is a turning to Jehovah, the veil is taken away" (2Corinthians 3:16)

So, in other words, a person needs to take the veil(s) off of their own eyes: They need to turn to Jehovah - they need to establish and maintain a good and viable relationship/friendship with God. They need to learn God's truth through His own spirit-backed, scriptural words - and they need to obey it. They need to learn of and be willing to do God's scriptural will. 

Some helpful human song words, if sincerely meant and put into practice, would be ones like this - with the latter part actually being a paraphrase of part of a prayer of Jesus Christ himself to his 
Heavenly Father (see Luke 22:42):

"Teach me to surrender - Not my will, Thy will."
  (A line of "Falling at Your Feet", 
                by U2/Lanois)



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