Monday, July 20, 2015

Bad Lights and Bad Water

The people accepted and applauded
That the truth of God be EXCHANGED FOR THE LIE,
Right before their eyes

But they drank their beer
and did not care. 
Clap clap hoot whistle cheer
Did you not pay hundreds to be here
A so-captive audience

Have a good time
While God, His Son, and your souls 
Are pre-plannedly desecrated 
by an idolized man,
With his band.

Why do you stand there?
Your conscience should be pointing you to the door.
Have the guts to leave the "temple"

What's the satanic pop-lie push of the day?
It is almost as if the demon-led, rich or famous "power" men,
Or just Satan himself
Could "BUY" a time-slot for advertisement/promotion
Of yet another soul-enslaving, 
God-violating and grieving 
Spiritual LIE or deception,
Within the pop-rock uber-mass media-ed,
Blasting and pounding sound and colored light
Technological circus, crowd fed-and-feeding

Did you get into the wave?
I did before.
Then the water turned WAY-TOO-BAD
Better check yourselves - 
The mire Satan has churned-up there 
Is tangling your feet
Is it not strangling your heart also?

For the insistence on the inclusion 
Of satanic and deathful lies,
Despite scriptural warnings having been given,
Spiritual red flag, bad-for-swimming-danger signs 
Should  be apparent.
Give them more priority,

For the life of you,
Than the sound-synched colored lightening lights
Of the stage.

[One severe thunderstorm,
Passing overhead, 
with infinitely more powerful,
heavy, natural lightning,
Should remind one
That the thrilling lighting-effects of men
Are but a small, extinguishable spark.]

The "light" in people,
And of people,
ALWAYS becomes dim, dimmer, or dark 
When they start beLIEving in,
Or, worse yet, supporting or promoting
The spiritual LIES and deceptions 
Of the Devil.

"Stars" go dark, and/or fall.
Those whom people have looked-to 
As being "luminaries" - guides for living - 
Have had the "sun" of them become
Dim, or more dim
For them allowing the LIES of Satan
To infiltrate and then emanate from them,
To utterly displace and obscure 
Any truths that once radiated from them,
With a torrid, ominous shadow.

The result is that such persons
Truly can help no one then,
But rather, DIS-HELP them
In the way that will absolutely matter most.

Still, many people would rather idolize
These darkened suns-stars
[Instead of TRULY seeking AND then TAKING-IN
the TRUE light of TRUTH from Jehovah,
and letting it effect them like they need it to,
by them HEEDING it]
And desperately choose and keep putting-up with their low-"light" yield
Until, like a plant which needs REAL sun,
They wither away,
In false hope, a false "way", and idolatry.

Mosquitoes are also, are they not,
So attracted to a neon blue bug zapper - 
But when they reach the destination they think they desire - 
One they think is theirs, in sight,

Alas, comes the trap 

And the zap.

In the same ways, 
Spiritually false harbor lights shine, they do -
But now, more than ever,
not just in light-white,
But in the most intriguing way,
Especially to those who love art and color
And music......
and, moreover, "talk" of God (even the name of God) and His Son;
tidbits of God's words or poetic allusions to them;
"love"; "saving"; "helping";
"assisting"; "kindness"; "neighborliness"; 
"battling evil and injustice"; "standing-up for what is right";
"a better world"......

But there are also those who understand
The importance of the role of a harbor light 
To guide people in to spiritual (and so then life) safety; 
but yet
Which would EXPLOIT 
people's need for guidance and shelter
From the stormy sea of 
the Satan-run world system 
We currently live in.

To follow and place confidence in 
The wickedly set-up,
Anti-God FALSE harbor lights
Is to sail or swim towards much trouble
And eternal death - 
Just like the mosquito towards the awesome-seeming 
bug zapper.
And people merely treading water,
'Til the end,
still letting themselves be stuck,
Staring at darkened sun-stars,
Which are only failing, failing,
The life of them,
Will experience the same tragic end.

There will be no reaching of "the shore" 
[of safety; spiritual wellness; God's approval and blessing; and continued life then, in a wonderful paradise, with so much needed relief and healing] -
After "the storm" [of the great tribulation, which will culminate in God's Day of Armageddon] -
For those who foolishly
Keep on choosing to drown
In the jagged rock-bottomed sea
Of disloyalty to Jehovah/Yahweh
And Satan's lies.
What a horrible thing 
To gulp.

Take the thrown life rings, and get out of that 
doomed "sea", for the life of you.


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