Saturday, July 18, 2015

Made the Disappointing Choice to Tune Into Your Evil-Messaged Show for a Bit

Oh, hey - there "are no teachers in the garden tonight" - "there's only us."

I see - there is NO spirit of Jehovah, with the teaching of truth that He does; or teaching of the same, which His Son has exemplified and oversees, and that angels help with; or that anyone being LOYAL to Jehovah would be doing there with you, in your more and more anti-God, teaching-of-Satan-delivering mire pit. I see.

[And, in the SAME WAY, no one loyal and TRUE to Jehovah would remain part of your website "community"; only to socialize/"sit with men of untruth"; fail to speak-up and stand-up for Jehovah's standards - which are in opposition to what you are carrying on (EVEN THOUGH YOUR FAN FORUM WEBSITE "MODERATORS"/ADMINISTRATION MOVE QUICKLY TO THREATEN and CENSOR-BAN ANY VITAL CORRECTIVE or WARNING SCRIPTURAL MESSAGES REGARDING ANY OF YOUR MASS-MEDIA-ED ANTI-GOD, ANTICHRIST, and ANTI-SCRIPTURAL TEACHINGS or those of others likewise being promoted in the "house" you run)  - or render any kind of spiritual support, "friendship" or approval (even by the consent of silence), for the anti-scriptural and anti-Jehovah/antichrist teachings you have been pumping out to the millions (along with hosting and promoting the anti-scriptural teachings of other false religionists, spiritists, atheists, apostates, etc. on your fan website) to the spiritual harm of many. Only someone UNTRUE to Jehovah would stand by those teaching spiritual lies against Him. Disloyal hypocrites do exist - just like in Jeremiah's day - but they will have answer to God.]

And then you again played, again, despite spiritual warning having been given, yes, YOUR TEACHING, YOUR PROMOTING of ATHEISM and FATAL, gODLESSNESS (except for the hiding god behind it - Satan).

You ARE TEACHING - mass-media teaching - people to turn their backs on Jehovah/Yahweh and Jesus Christ, and the Creator's OWN INSTRUCTIONS, to listen to SATAN-PAWN FOOLS (which you yourselves are also being).

The bottom line is: You ARE TEACHING SATAN WORSHIP and a way of alienation from the True God, spiritual lies-insanity (so hopeless, grievous, and mentally unhealthy for people also), and eternal death - from which, ultimately, absolutely NOTHING GOOD OR "SAVING" WILL COME.

You WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE, by Jehovah the Creator and Universal Sovereign, for any who must lose their lives at Armageddon for following YOUR ANTI-GOD and ANTICHRIST TEACHINGS, to their ETERNAL DEATHS.

You will ALSO be held responsible by God - again, just like any FALSE PREACHER/TEACHER - for any other DAMAGE wrought by YOUR FOLLOWERS, which you have chosen to INSTRUCT with SPIRITUAL LIES/ the teachings of demons, as are common to all FALSE religions of Babylon the Great.


....And, NO, Jehovah/Yahweh DOES NOT LET people who TEACH demonism/spiritual LIES - including God-mocking and slandering atheism and spiritually-fatal, Satanic, and anti-grateful- to-God "humanism" BE ONE OF HIS SCRIPTURALLY-DESCRIBED HOLY ONES WHO "SHINE LIKE STARS", as in the BOOK OF DANIEL.

On the CONTRARY, persons who TEACH and promote SPIRITUAL LIES (even TO THE MASSES), are only as THE DIM, NON-LIFE-SUSTAINING "STARS" of the book of Revelation, whom people look to for actual spiritual sustanence and hope, but who FAIL to BE able to provide ANYTHING. Such dim-light "stars" become like

the "sun" you wrote of people "staring at", wishing they could get something spiritually good out of it, but not being able to - because the "sun" is DARK - it is NOT of God, or His truth - His light.

And NO, no, no - there will be NO paradise, no place where all is well again, no newly-re-opened place-space of a new world/paradise, like where streets wouldn't have any names yet - for any persons TEACHING SPIRITUAL LIES, or FOR PEOPLE FOLLOWING THOSE LIES, so as TO BE ALIENATED FROM GOD and the EVERLASTING LIFE only HE CAN PROVIDE. That Kingdom, after Armageddon here, will BE ONLY FOR the GOD-GRATEFUL and the GOD-OBEDIENT - SPIRITUAL TRUTH LOVERS, NOT SPIRITUAL LIE-LOVERS/TEACHERS of LIES.

The rest WILL perish away with God's soon-coming Day of Armageddon.

Maybe any stubbornly godless atheists/teachers of atheism - who brazenly promote rejection of God and the true hope He offers; but who would equate everlasting life with [some] humans finally achieving a handle on "time travel"- though, could die (when God brings His Day of Armageddon), satisfied with their senseless rebellion against their own Maker, holding onto a piece of scrap metal from a satellite. 



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