Monday, July 20, 2015

Molesting the Minds, Hearts and Souls of Many

How aggravating, U2 - that your latest album cover has one of your band members positioned so peculiarly - on the edge of offensively - in front of his son; supposedly, though, as if to give a strong message to the world that he was determined to protect HIS child........

But then, Bono and U2, you went out before the MILLIONS, again and again, and internationally mass-media promoted, recommended, encouraged, rallied-for, "sanctified"(in all of your being an idolized god to so many) - and MOST FALSELY PREACHED as being fine with God, "in the name of God", homosexual sex and homosexual "marriage" (that it should become legally sanctioned) TO MILLIONS OF OTHER PEOPLE'S CHILDREN.

Are you and your band and everyone "with" you now ready to make "reparations" for all of the HEARTBREAKING DAMAGE, from following such Satanic advice, that persons will be suffering, on account of it???

If homosexuality is so FINE and wholesome, then can you explain, for instance, why, as a small sample, some in Ireland, who were corralled, by circumstances of poverty, to go live in poor houses, RUN BY PRIESTS, would even jump out a window, rather than be demonically used like that anymore?  I got this example from a chat I had with one of your own countrymen, while visiting there. His family suffered so much.

And do you really THINK that sanctioning [SCRIPTURALLY GOD-CONDEMNED] homosexual "sex"/marriage is going to DECREASE the PERVERTED SEXUAL ABUSE and MOLESTATION of EXPLOITED underage children??? Of course it WILL NOT - as those with a greed for SEX CONTRARY to God's orders and even against nature itself - merely eye the underage children at least as those they can sooner or later talk into "dating" [using] !!!

And WHAT A LIE IT IS - that VIOLATING GOD'S LAWS against homosexual sex/homosexual "marriage" is likely to bring happiness!!!! The people I have observed who have been into that are, at closer look, NOT HAPPY - and like those who violate God's laws in other ways, THEY REAP TROUBLE and PROBLEMS for themselves (including AIDS) from what they have sown too.

How much damage have you racked-up already? Everyone saw the copy-cat crimes (against God [and, in reality, humanity]):
1.) Ireland considers legalizing homosexual "marriage".
2.)  The pop-rock star god-idol, his band, and his "people" with them media their support of homosexual "marriage"(including on the band's own webpage, as a featured article).
3.) Homosexual "marriage" becomes legal in Ireland.
4.) The pop-rock star idol god and his band concert and mass-media-CELEBRATE that "VICTORY" as being one of [blasphemous] "love....the highest law in the land".
5.) Almost instantly, homosexual "marriage" becomes legalized in the United States.
6.) Bono and U2 continue to concert and mass-media celebrate and advertise this same "victory" [for Satan], now made SO much more widespread.

Will you now also be raising funds for counseling and psychological services for all that will now suffer from ABUSE and damage to their minds, hearts, and lives, for following this "ADVICE" of yours - [falsely]"in the name of God"?

How about the funding costs for victims of broken marriages too, then; as more mindless, trend-following persons dump even their long-term marriage mates to go get it on with someone of the same sex now too (even wanting sympathy for doing so) - it's popular, so it must not be wrong. [Sarcasm] 

(Your mass-media-ed ideas-teachings on this even harass/molest MY MIND, as I, in common with God Himself, find the very idea of homosexual sex/"marriage" to be OBSCENE. - Romans 1:26,27)

[Also, that's not romantic - and pretty much destroys the romantic aspects of classic songs of yours. It's not music I want to dance to anymore either - not under these changed conditions.]

Additionally, because those overstepping their consciences to BREAK GOD'S LAWS forbidding homosexual sex/"marriage" - encouraged by YOU to do so - are more likely to be promiscuous also, THERE WILL LIKELY BE MORE CASES OF AIDS and other diseases AMONG THOSE FOLLOWING YOUR ADVICE, "encouragement", and that of the so-called "lawmakers" and "judges" who supported this.

I wonder how many of them idolize a rock star.

I suppose though, that "power" men who are for "population control" see both the childlessness and deaths from disease and/or suicides tied to homosexual sex/homosexual "marriage" as being beneficial to their goals though. 

The even bigger issue, however, is that Satan is using the now-widened trap of homosexual sex/"marriage" and support of it as further means to turn people against and alienate them from Jehovah/Yahweh; and so coax them onto a path that will harm their lives (and perhaps those of others), and end in their losing out on everlasting life.

HOW TRAGIC, that people do not listen to Jehovah [Yahweh] instead of idolized humans.

How about a HUGE, likewise mass-media-ed RECANT ?


Why be hypocrites.


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