Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Sometimes, it is good 
to start at the end of a book, 
To see where a story's going
Can be sparing, 
so take a look -

Those who put their trust 
in other men
View politics desperately
Jah's Kingdom's 
Not real to them.

And so, every so-many years,
People get something to debate
Promises are made, fervor's raised,
And the latest "winner" celebrates.

Still, nothing has changed,
In 6000 years 
Each history page is an outrage
Of blood, injustice, and tears -

So, YES, it has been  PROVEN - 
What was written, biblically - 
"Man has dominated man 
to his own injury"!

Even those with good intent
Are here today, gone tommorrow,
So even FINE work can be wiped-out
There's no guarantee on what follows.

But the biggest folly of all,
Is that this world's ruler 
Remains the same
And he manipulates world politics -
Satan is his name.

Why else, do you think,
While some drink Champagne,
Farmers pour milk into the sea
While starving-thirsty children
Are dying?

....In a place that's like next-door,
Globally linked now that we are.

Tell me "people have the power",
I won't believe you
'Cause I KNOW Jehovah's truth:
People are all perishing together
And to trust politics is just no use.

See the statue 
Of the world powers
Up to today -
Feet of iron pieces
with molded clay.
They cannot 
hold together,
There's just
no way;
can't support 
What's developed -
How this world's 
been shaped...

Are all men's kingdoms
Evil, worked in and among them.
NOT true to God, despite the claims
with Babylon the Great


Soon - the time is near
From the mountain of Jah
A rock, not cut by human hands
Will come crashing - 
Crashing at what?

The base,
Of a huge statue,
world powers 
And what would happen
With each one's rule

With man's 
last experimental
Form of 
government - 
Down at the bottom,
The feet of iron bits
Mixed with clay -

The clay as meaning
That it seemed that
people had more power

That statue falls, 
crushed, it will be
Like powder from wheat
on threshing room floor
Wind will carry it away

Yes soon, 
God will crush
And bring to an end
Every FALSE religion on earth
And every kingdom of men.

Will be everything bad
Then He'll bring 
His own Kingdom down
His own perfect
government -
Then all will be well
The whole world round

So if you asked me
Who I would vote for
I'd say the same as before:
with His own King-Son -
My vote's for them -


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