Friday, July 24, 2015

Updated: The Lyrics of "Strawberry Fields" Remind Me SO Much of Conditions Kept (by Threat) on a Certain Rock Band's Fan Forum Website; For the Benefit of Who?

Remember the creedos:
"There is no truth"/ "there is no one truth",
And, for all "practical purposes",
"There is no God".
["All you need is 'love'".]
"The worst things in the world are justified by belief."
[Line from a new U2 song, "Raised by Wolves"]

So don't express too strong of an opinion;
Don't be sure of what you think or say;
Don't be sure you should bother to have a thought  
about a matter (especially important ones);
Don't tell anyone else they are wrong.
Remember - there is no right or wrong.

The human leaders are here to tell you 
What to do,
And what you should think.

In technological circus-style, 
anti-God propaganda, 
will be gigantically 
Displayed before your eyes, 
Poured into your ears,
And pulsed through your souls.
Are you excited yet?
The crowd all around you sure is!
Are you excited enough 
To accept spiritual LIES
And violation of what 
God Almighty Himself
Has stated His standards and 
His own purposes are?

The propagandists hope so.
This has been quite crafted.
In your "wow-ed" state,
They are telling you LIES about God -
And are teaching violation
Of His own, scripturally-known
mandates and will,
And are thus working to destroy or prevent your having a viable relationship 
With your Maker, and so are
jeopardizing your lives 
and futures (and those of others)  

the human leaders,
You must not argue against
What the set-up idol gods are saying.
They must concentrate their efforts 
On spiritually dumbing-down the masses - 
and creating as much spiritual apathy,
and disdain towards the REAL God
as possible.


WORSE YET, we CANNOT have anyone 
in our midst who would LOYALLY
SPEAK OUT corrective or warning scriptural
Against spiritually deadly (and future-life deadly)
mass-media-ed spiritual falsehoods
being taught or promoted 
by our slip-the-thought-in-with-music
rock gods/puppets.
THE PENALTY for speaking out corrective 
or warning scriptural truth 
against any sayings or actions of 
our rock gods is 
instant chastisement/warning 
and/or censoring-banning
by those let to be watchdogs (by the idol gods), against such
unwanted truth.

Truth from God Almighty -
against spiritual LIES, falsehoods, and even blasphemy,
coming from and/or being promoted by the 
pop rock music idol gods -
Might negatively impact the sales or
popularity of the idol rock god band; 
and as idolaters,
   we simply cannot have that.

So, God, get out of the way -
We've got rock gods and their "power" men
Friends (and even a celebrity "scientist")
Here today!

You people: Your job is to sing along;
Plug spiritual-lie and spirituality-destroying lyrics 
Into your ears (letting them repeat);
Purchase concert tickets and recordings 
of the idol band;
Pay for merchandise hocked by fellow
idolaters (such as books and sermons based on
the teachings and "social justice" efforts
of the idolized band as being superior
"spirituality" than "God talk"; 
Spend time posting mindless, 
and also spiritual lie-supporting,
and godlessness-promoting,
and idol-praising and patronizing comments 
as offerings to the idol gods
on their fan forum website;
trash your beliefs about God, 
and let them be replaced 
by spiritual lies and
worship of men
(who really do NOT actually love you);
And clap-clap, and cheer
Take selfies of yourselves
Doing these things,
and post them to the 
idolatry community page.
There are no others - 
there is only you - 
the idolatry community.

How EASY,  for men to lead and control
the spiritually apathetic, dumbed-down,
godless and God-forsaken. 

Did you clap and cheer a lot?
Have you been caught praising this 
and AGAINST ANY TRUE (scriptural) BELIEF and worship of Him?
Have you been naming it as being 
"of God", or "Christ-like"
or holy?

If so, most disappointingly to God
and to Christ,


And if you have spread the lies
To others,
You become party to the

Do you remember the man 
who had his followers
drink the grape Kool-Aid?

For the benefit of Messieurs S, H...T.......H, G, etc., and, foremostly, S[atan] and D[evil], again...
There have been quite the "shows".


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