Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Only TRUE Global Citizens On Earth are those TRULY United, as TRULY One, Under the Only TRUE God Jehovah - for the Love of Him, His Son, Each Other, & God's TRUTH (Written Some Time Ago....)

I sat there, in my chair 
As a roomful of people rose around me
To chant their allegiance to a flag,
And the country they were born in.

I did not join in, I resisted,
Because that is how strongly
I believe in the TRUE brotherhood of men,
Out of every tribe and tongue and nation,
Bonded together by way of the True God,
Unitedly worshiping Him together,
On His own scriptural terms,
"With spirit and truth" (John 4:24) - 
And so with TRUE love,
 For the Creator and His Son,
and TRUE love for each other.

 I thought about how my TRUE brothers and sisters,
Around the world,
Would also have the integrity
To take a stand for
The TRUE global brotherhood and sisterhood,
Under the TRUE Heavenly Father.

But then I thought about how those
Who would CALL themselves "Global Citizens" -
According to the more-trending-than-ever
godless or anti-God man-made plans of men,
especially those rallying around
a mass-media (INCLUDING MUSIC) and "powerful" person-promoted
idol god entity of the UN

have or work no such integrity.

That is because the basis for God-defiant,
so-called "Global Citizenship"

So, see the people of the world alienated from Jehovah,
still under the power of the wicked one instead (1John 5:19),
continue to perform acts of idolatry to the emblems
of their own individual world-dividing countries 
(and their FALSE religions) - 
Borders up, armaments raised, resources unshared,
Millions suffer, their basic needs unmet, still,
While most of the world's money is channeled into weaponry
and military forces.
Even the idolized UN, so-called maintainer and promoter of
"Peace and security" 
Keeps its own military forces, and declares it has authority
to use the armed forces of its member nations also.

So, the world's so-called "peace"
Is "peace" by threat of possessed weapons;
and by way of rebellion against God and idolatry
in common

And that - so many figure - is mankind's best "hope" for the future?



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