Tuesday, December 26, 2017

A Comment I Left Under a Video of U2's "Love is All We Have Left"

(Edited) Humans don't have immortality - not unless and until Jehovah grants it to them. That will be mainly in the future, after Armageddon, after the 1000 year reign of Christ, after humankind here are brought back into a state of perfection (healed from sin too), and after a final test upon mankind. When people "close their eyes" (and die); their life force does not travel to the stars - they do not go to exist somewhere in the stars, or in heaven (except for in the rarest of cases), in an "afterlife".  Instead, their life force goes back to Jehovah - and He keeps individuals safe in His perfect memory; to restore them back to life here in the future, in the resurrection. Until then, the dead "are conscious of nothing at all" (see Ecclesiastes 9:5,6); and are as-if "sleeping" in death (see John 11:11-14); awaiting that future day, when Jesus and/or Jehovah calls their name, to "awaken" them, bring them BACK TO LIFE. (John 5:28,29; Job 14:15) On our own, we are not able to go on living, in any form or way. ALL of our future life prospects depend on Jehovah, the good Heavenly Father, and the Way to everlasting life He re-opened up through His Son Jesus' sacrifice of his perfect and sinless human life. Also, when a human dies, a baby does not come to life because of it - the whole "Lightning Crashes" song bit about that was totally unscriptural.

About feelings of love at a time of death though....The gaze of my Mom's eyes at me, one day shortly before she died, can only be described as purest love. If there was any consolation in all that went down, for now, I would say it was that. I very much look forward to seeing her again, soon, HERE - after Armageddon, in God's Kingdom, like in Eden, HERE.


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