Monday, December 04, 2017

(Edited) Comment I Left Under an "American Soul" (SNL) Video Today

(Re-edited again. Please see ending too.) This country IS a PLACE - just like the other man-made countries, with their man-made borders and nationalism are. Now, to pull a good line out of an old song, "IMAGINE THERE'S NO COUNTRIES". There IS a heaven - and one God, Jehovah, "above us"; and there ARE issues "to live and die for"; but there IS, also, "a brotherhood of man" - a spiritual one. (Jehovah's own scriptural words form one true and global religion.) At a concert from your last tour, a poem streamed on the stage wall scrolled the thought of how, when a bird flies over the earth, it does not recognize the man-made political borders that exist. Doesn't it also feel like that when looking down, from high above, in a plane? Soon, by known scriptural, Divine purposes and prophesies, the kingdoms of men that now exist - all of them corrupt, all of them deficient, and all of them largely effected by demonic propaganda/influence will all be dissolved. (1John 5:19; Daniel 2:44) They will ALL be replaced by Jehovah's own heaven-based Kingdom, which will be extended down to earth (after God brings His Armageddon Day, to remove all vestiges of evil from this planet). Then Jehovah's Kingdom, with His Son Jesus as God's appointed King of that Kingdom, will be earth's sole Ruling entity - A PERFECT ONE. Paradise will be restored here; and all people here then (plus resurrected dead loved ones, brought back to life) will thrive again, in happiness, true love, and true peace - as one family of man, TRULY under God - WITHOUT the man-made borders that now exist. YES, it is GREAT to DREAM of this (and it is necessary to ACT, to be part of it); but THIS dream - THIS HOPE - IS TRUE, and WILL NOT FAIL. Nothing any wicked persons can do will be able to stop it from coming true. It will be SOON. (Psalm 37:10,11)

This being said though; this song has a serious problem, in that, despite the sarcastic attempts to rightly condemn various wicked attitudes, behaviors, and actions; all of the "BLESSED ARE THE_____" - the FALSIFIED "beatitudes" heisted from Jesus and God's words at Matthew 5:3-12 - MOCK GOD, and disrespect Him to the masses (most of whom are already disrespecting and defying Him, as is [and thus the state of the world]). The Good Heavenly Father does NOT deserve to be mass media dragged through the mud again - or have His own Authoritative and vital scriptural words maligned anymore - due to the trouble HUMANS make; and for the entertainment of the many.

 Additionally, the video has a lot of spiritistic imagery in it again. That could be to make the point that the inundation of spiritism (demonism) in so much of human society is destroying it (and that would be true). However, that is not the whole case here. The inscriptions of "U" and "2" are found under a pair of the spiritistic images of hamsa hands/hands of Fatima with "the evil eye" on each palm - showing approval for these things. Though longstandingly popular in middle eastern culture; these are still spiritistic images - talismans meant to ward off evil. Since the spiritism of using images and objects this way is condemned by God, promotion of such offends Him; and those who indulge in spiritism by use of such images/objects end up receiving the opposite result they were seeking. The God-forbidden use of talismans like this INVITES demons and the trouble that brings. I hope you clean it up. 

Other than that, its a good message, to not believe in "the lie". (Romans 1:25; Revelation 22:15)


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