Thursday, December 14, 2017

I Just (Today) Saw a 2015 Video for U2's "Song for Someone" (Directed by Matt Mahurin), and Left this Comment

(Edited, again today, 1-12-2018) Why put the dark spirit-like figures in it (though perhaps this is trying to represent "fans" and others who have been inspired by this artist). Jehovah is the Source of life, light, hope, and comfort (and the resurrection) - not anything false/of Satan. LOVE what is good, hate what is bad. There are some problems with these lyrics. In Jehovah's promised new world/ Kingdom/ paradise soon to be here, on this earth (after Armageddon Day); people *CAN* ALWAYS BE! That will be true for any of "the great crowd, which no man is able to number", who will survive Armageddon Day (Revelation 7:9,10,13-17); or for the millions/billions Jehovah will resurrect back to life then, who died before Armageddon Day. (John 5:28,29) Until then, those who are "sleeping" in death are SAFE in Jehovah's perfect memory of them; and He CAN and WILL bring them back to life, as the unique persons that they were. This is made possible due to the ransoming sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ's perfect human life, to cover for sin. Eventually, death, which is so UNNATURAL to human beings, will be done away with, as "the last enemy." When people are resurrected - when we can see and hug them again; in the future, when Jehovah completely vanquishes death; then we will be able to say, "Death, where is your sting?" The grief, suffering, tears, and pain associated with the tragedy of death will be no more. Jehovah will dry every tear of anguish and heal and uplift every heart of mankind here then. This is light and hope, based on what is real. (1Corinthians 15:54-57; Revelation 21:3,4; Isaiah 25:6-9). Do NOT doubt the guiding LIGHT of TRUTH that IS, and IS from God (with His spirit/power/active force) - learn more scriptural TRUTH about it (John 17:3); reach for it, pray for it, see it, let it fill you, reflect it, live it, hope in it, let it be your stronghold, let it comfort you. Despite the problems, there are some beautiful, precious moments in this video. Please work on fixing the rest. (This is heartbreaking. Be well - *PLEASE*.)


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