Thursday, December 14, 2017

(Edited) Re: U2's "Lights of Home" Song - Comment I Made Under a Video

(Edited, again...) Blasphemy. Jesus Christ is not yours to publicly trash, disrespect, and abuse. Despite the printed lyrics, the layers of sound  ["'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings."] make a line out to be this: "...Jesus, if I'm still your friend - what the hell - WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE/GOT FOR ME". (That can sell the song to the very large God and Christ-hating/disrespecting crowd - and yet, since the name of Jesus was used, those of false "Christianity" will instantly cheer for it and buy it too.  Personal feelings and a crying out for help in a tragic and painful near death experience are one thing - and could provide insight and song material one is motivated to share - but when putting these things into a public song/ one to be mass-media-ed to millions or billions; one needs to realize the gravity of the likely EFFECTS of such lyrics. To put deadly (especially come Armageddon Day) spiritual falsehoods into a mass-media-ed song IS LIKE POISONING THE FOOD SUPPLY, spiritually. 

It is well-known that there are human hordes of Satan - persons willfully and dangerously ignorant/defiant of scripturally-given, Divine hope, mandates and knowledge; who consider themselves more wise than God (they beLIEve in "the LIE") [see Romans 1:18-32, note verses 1:25 and 1:28]; and who deludedly think wealth and "power" over others "ENTITLES" THEM to BE gOD OVER OTHERS, even so far as to deny them their own God-given human rights and LIFE itself (or to make plans to kill them off, LIKE WEEDS). It is well-known that some of these dangerously spiritually ignorant/defiant "elite" (and those siding with them/beLIEving their [and Satan's] deceptions) WISH TO SEE THE POPULATION OF THE EARTH REDUCED BY 90-PERCENT. It is obvious THAT PART OF THIS DE-POPULATION AGENDA AND (MORE SO) SATANIC PROPAGANDA MANIPULATION TO TURN AGAINST GOD - to JUST GIVE-UP ON/ REJECT JEHOVAH and SCRIPTURAL TRUTH FROM HIM AND ACCEPT DEATH - is being WORKED UPON THE MASSES BY A CULTURE OF DEATH. LOOK AT WHAT MEDIA and big commerce IS PUTTING OUT AROUND YOU, IN YOUR FACES. The "American Soul" video, in the way of SHOWING some of these aspects, anyway (THOUGH IT OWED TO MARK THESE THINGS AS BEING BAD [as opposed to "cool", etc.]) was not far off from right in this way - EXCEPT THAT SPIRITISM (demonism) and THE EVIL THAT PRODUCES ARE A WORLD-WIDE PROBLEM. SO LOOK OUT FOR ANY OF SATAN and/or HIS HORDES' DEVIOUS MACHINATIONS - and pray to Jehovah through His Son, Jesus Christ, for help, guidance, and protection against the evil and damage that wicked persons wish to work. LEARN and TAKE YOUR STAND for what is right, true, and OF GOD, OF LIFE INSTEAD. (John 17:3)

"And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more;
And you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be.
But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth,
And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

The wicked one is plotting against the righteous one,
And at him he is grinding his teeth.

Jehovah himself will laugh at him,
For he certainly sees that his day will come.

The wicked ones have drawn a sword itself and have bent their bow,
To cause the afflicted and poor one to fall,
To slaughter those who are upright in [their] way.

Their own sword will enter into their heart,
And their own bows will be broken.....

....Turn away from what is bad and do what is good,
And so reside to time indefinite.

For Jehovah is a lover of justice,
And he will not leave his loyal ones.

To time indefinite they will certainly be guarded;
But as for the offspring of the wicked ones, they will indeed be cut off.

The righteous themselves will possess the earth,
And they will reside forever upon it.

Hope in Jehovah and keep his way,
And he will exalt you to take possession of the earth.
When the wicked ones are cut off, you will see [it]."
(Psalm 37:10-15, 27-29,34)

Also, "hell", in the vernacular, has nothing to do with Jesus Christ, as "hell" (as a place of "afterlife" torment) is an ANTI-Scriptural teaching. Additionally, Christ (and God) are NOT responsible for the bad things that happen to people today. Drop a tag-line phrase of [the false religious philosophy of being] "born again" though, and watch Christendom (those of false Christianity - the most popular kind) snap up what you sell like fish after fish food. P.S. There's no life after death. (Ecclesiastes 9:5) People who die need to await a yet future resurrection, which will occur here AFTER God's Armageddon clean-up Day. (John 5:28.29) Until then, dead loved ones are safe in Jehovah's perfect memory - and He is fully capable of resurrecting individuals as the unique whole persons that they were. God knows people that thoroughly). So people (except for only a very few anointed true worshipers of Jehovah) are not "born again" as they die (to take on spirit bodies, so as to enter heaven), either. Instead, they sleep in death. (See John 11:11-14) ("MLK" was more correct here.) So death does NOT mean "going home." It is a sad, terrible tragedy - it is UNNATURAL, as we were originally designed and meant to live forever; and that is what is built into our hearts. (Ecclesiastes 3:11) It means losing out, for the time being, on being alive. The lights and other visions people "see" in near death experiences can be caused by the brain being flooded with chemicals, due to trauma (although I believe this is a work of God, to soften the agony/bring some comfort). Death is not a "passage" to home or a better place, but instead is a tragedy. So PLEASE avoid it. Instead, there is everything to live for. Someday, as promised, Jehovah will completely eliminate death - the last enemy. (1Corinthians 15:26; Revelation 21:4) Knowing the truth about life vs. death makes God's gift of life all the more valuable. Knowing scriptural TRUTH from Jehovah TRULY SETS PEOPLE FREE. (John 8:32) Sing it [that line, anyway] again, Bono/U2 - "Oh Lord, loosen my lips". (And PLEASE be well.)


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