Friday, December 01, 2017

Another Comment of Mine, Left Under U2's "American Soul" Video

The soul of ANY person, in ANY country, can die - if they beLIEve THE LIE. And do you know WHAT "THE LIE" is? It is a set of evil, blasphemous, deceptive, and deadly LIES that came from Satan, right at the beginning of mankind. It features THE LIE that Jehovah the Creator and Universal Sovereign doesn't know what He's talking about; and that human beings are best off doing things their own way, in defiance of what their own Maker has mandated in His own words. THE LIE also teaches that God is a liar. Further, THE LIE teaches that there is no consequence for violating Jehovah's commands. Whereas God and Christ warn that stubbornly/willfully evil persons will die/LOSE OUT on eternal life; Satan works THE LIE propaganda (like he did in Eden) that God is lying - that they "positively will not die", that they will go on living anyway. (Genesis 3:4) This is also known as the [FALSE] doctrine of "the immortality of the soul", and it is a demonic central lie teaching found in nearly all of the FALSE, anti-scriptural LIE-teaching religions of the world (aka "Babylon the Great" - Revelation chapters 17 and 18). Now, with Armageddon day so close at hand, Satan and the demons (and willing human hordes of theirs) are amping-up THE LIE - to cause as many people as possible to turn against God and His scriptural standards; and to cause as much mayhem, suffering, violence, injustice, fear, evil, sin, and death among humankind as possible. Satan and his demons know that they have only a short time left (before God's Armageddon Day), in order to do their damage, and they are very angry and desperate. (Revelation 12:12)What happens when people beLIEve - and live and like - THE LIE? TRUTH FROM GOD (and those speaking it) BECOMES THE "ENEMY" - IT BECOMES HATED, just like Jesus warned.Those who adopt a love of THE LIE, with its deceptive, false "freedom" [from conscience and Divine standards], and a hatred for the truth develop a whole range of prophesied-in-type, eventually fatal (if not cured-in-time, by Armageddon Day) "symptoms" - their attitudes and actions BECOME GOD-INSOLENT, EVIL, HARMFUL, and DESTRUCTIVE of all that is true, right, good, and of-God. YOU CAN READ OF THIS (PLEASE) IN ROMANS 1:18-32; and 2Timothy 3:1-9,13. The time is short, for anyone - in ANY country/"kingdom" [of men] - insistent on unrighteously "liking and carrying on A LIE." (Revelation 22:15)In contrast, for individuals, seeking Jehovah's own truth - found in His own scriptural, spirit-backed  words (John 17:17; 4:24; 17:3) - and sticking to and obeying it - is the way out of this entire doomed, global, LIE-CREATED MESS. Better days ARE coming. (Psalm 37:10,11) So, have HOPE, based upon what is REAL - God's words; but repudiate spiritual LIES.

Another comment I just left (12/30/2017) - 

Tell you what though, Bono and U2, with your collaboration with this video maker - you sure did a good job of pointing-out this crazed, bad phenomena, seen in videos from all over the world now, of militaries proudly marching together like machines. (Like Magog, the lot of them - Ezekiel 38 and 39.) And this at a time when the Maker of heaven and earth has stated this - the OPPOSITE mentality, the OPPOSITE practices - as His standard for mankind: Isaiah 2:2-4.


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