Saturday, December 30, 2017

EDITED: Comment I Just Left Under a U2 "Red Flag Day" Video

Paradise is a place we CAN SEE, because we're already here, and eyes of faith can "see"/envision the possibilities; without any of the life-and-world-ruining evils and problems that now exist. This is where we were originally meant and designed to be, forever - in Eden, extended globally. Soon, God-obedient mankind will see the current world turned around, so as to fulfill His original purposes for mankind and this earth. So, this would be a great song, EXCEPT FOR one very red-flag ERROR; that needs to be fixed, so as not to kill scriptural hope, mass-media mislead, etc: Here, there is a simple, yet critical DIFFERENCE between the words "CAN" vs. "CAN'T". (And this song is the third incidence of this on this album.) This WOULD be TRUE, scripturally, spiritually, and mentally; because we have Jah's scriptural descriptions; we have the good things of creation as examples; because we can dream/imagine possibilities of the wonderful way things will be, based on these things; and because we can have faith in what we KNOW will be true: PARADISE IS A PLACE YOU CAN SEE, if its yours. (However, again, negatively, the song line is saying, "Paradise is a place you CAN'T see, if its yours.") For the vast majority of mankind, ever; and for nearly all persons now alive (except for a rarest few); PARADISE IS GOING TO BE RIGHT HERE WHERE WE ARE NOW - PLANET EARTH, TRANSFORMED INTO A WORLD-WIDE GARDEN OF EDEN-LIKE, PEACEFUL and TROUBLE-FREE PLACE. After Jehovah's SOON-coming, world clean-up Day of Armageddon - of His removing all vestiges of evil, and all stubbornly-evil persons from this earth; and dissolving all of the kingdoms of men that now exist - He will extend His heaven-based, promised, Kingdom of God down to this earth; to encompass it as its one and only Ruling entity. Jehovah's appointed King of that Kingdom, His Son, Jesus Christ, will Rule over mankind perfectly. Mankind will be healed, taught (even as they are now), and brought back into a state of sinless-ness and perfection. Then there will be true peace on earth, for everyone here, forevermore. Jehovah will be praised, His Son will be praised, and everyone on earth will thrive and be happy. It will be paradise here - just like it was meant to be; by the One whose name means, "He Causes to Become." He carries through His purposes. He will with this planet and humankind. It goes like this:

"Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; And you certainly will give attention to his place, and he will not be. But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight, in the abundance of peace." (Psalm 37:10,11)

So, basically, WE ARE HERE. Imagine pointing an arrow at yourself: YOU ARE HERE. The ending of this Satanic world system - the great tribulation/the ending of all FALSE religion (of "Babylon the Great")  [Revelation 18]; followed by Armageddon Day from Jehovah [Revelation 19; Ezekiel 38 and 39] - will all be gone through and over SOON. Then the PARADISE will be here. Wars, poverty, hunger, sickness, pain, grief, anguish, racism, terrorism and other injustices will be GONE. Dead loved ones who died before Armageddon will be brought back to life, to learn God's ways, in His trouble-free new world. Finally, as the last enemy, even death will be no more. Everything will be perfect and wonderful. So, now, we are on the border of that TRUE new world, from God (not men).

Bono, you have spoken of Martin Luther King's "dream" many times. He said he COULD "SEE" the promised land, though he didn't quite understand quite what it was. Abraham, who will be resurrected to live on earth as his reward, through eyes of faith, he COULD SEE the promised land, "the city having real foundations", blessings of God's Kingdom. Now, we have the whole Bible, the good things of creation all around us, the knowledge of "the information age", can see the fulfillment of prophesies pointing to that this is indeed the end of this wicked and defunct world we CAN SEE the end of this world system; and extrapolate-envision-SEE, with eyes of faith, THE PROMISED LAND - God's [true] new world, PARADISE, HERE. IT IS AS THOUGH, * "ON THE BORDERLAND WE RUN." * So, I HOPE THIS IS A SORT OF HOMECOMING for people.

"Hope in Jehovah and keep his way, And he will exalt you to take possession  of the earth. When the wicked are cut off, you WILL SEE it." (Psalm 37:34)


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