Sunday, September 29, 2019

Another Reply I Wrote Under the "Love is Bigger than Anything in its Way" "Fashion" Video

They're NOT "being themselves", but are FOLLOWING a life-destructive and wicked, prophesied TREND. It is a trend being promoted by devious anti-God and anti-scriptural falsehoods. De-population agendists, who promote this trend, are happy that more and more are choosing relationships that do not naturally yield children. They are happy that their propaganda is causing a trend of people (even as young as 8 years old) to believe the unrealities that they are trapped in a wrong-gendered body, and so "need" to sterilize and/or mutilate their healthy bodies, and take harmful drugs for life - thus benefitting the de-population agenda too, for rendering themselves unable to have children, even if they later change their minds. However, those pushing these things aren't just serving the short-sighted, foolish, murderous and evil goals of the de-population agenda - they are simultaneously acting as Satan's godless/ God-defiant hordes; working to get as many humans as possible to turn away from and rebel against Jehovah and violate His scriptural laws/ mandates; so that when Armageddon soon gets here, they too lose their lives forever, for stubborn disobedience to God.  Satan's mind-controlled slaves, along with his demons, are doing their utmost, to fill the air of this world with slander and LIES against the Creator and His own words; a spirit of rebellion and hate against God; and Satanic influence to indulge in violence, injustice, and evil of all sorts. (Ephesians 2:2; Romans 1:18-32; Jude 7,10,14-19; 2Timothy 3:1-9,13; 4:3,4) U2 once had a book out called, "U2 at the End of the World." Performances of "Until the End of the World" have vacillated between acknowledging the scriptural truth that these ARE the "last days" of this world [system], or not - as have various speeches made - with most of this leaning towards not; and that man can "fix" the problems Satan and men have made, without following the Creator's scriptural instructions in whole, and without Divine intervention. But, this absolutely IS the end of the world - of this largely Satan-run and decaying world system - and the issues related to the video above, this sort of TREND - exactly fulfill, in type, those scriptural prophesies mentioned; indicating, along with other fulfilled prophesies/ prophesies being fulfilled before our eyes, that yes, Armageddon Day from God, and the end of this wicked world system is very near. Then there will be true peace on earth. (Psalm 37:10,11,29;  Daniel 2:44) Learn life-vital scriptural truth, against the constant, deceptive propaganda against it. (John 4:24, 17:3,11) "Repent and turn around." (Acts 3:19)


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