Saturday, September 07, 2019

Comments/ Replies I Wrote Under Some Other "U2 Yahweh" Videos - Videos Entitled with the Hebrew Form of the Personal, Holy Name Belonging to the Creator God Almighty

This is the personal, holy name belonging solely to Jehovah [Yahweh] the Creator God and Universal Sovereign. His own true, scriptural words - His standards and His own terms/ requirements of worship - form the one true and life-vital global religion, for this time of the end, with His own holy name upon it - exactly as prophesied. (Isaiah 43:5-7,10,11)


No - not so long as there is any blasphemy, or any promotion of anything counter to the scriptural words, will, and spirit of this only true God, the Creator Jehovah/Yahweh. Instead, what infiltrates is the spirit of the wicked one. (1John 5:19; Ephesians 2:2)


(In response to a mocker/ denier/ dis-respecter of God) -

Not everyone's gonna make it. Jude 10,14-19. Romans 1:18-32. Joel 2:32/ Romans 10:13. Acts 3:19.


(9-8-19) [A reply to another's comment] -

None of this is scriptural - it is both incorrect and presumptuously extortive of the Scriptures, the Authorized words of Jehovah/Yahweh God the Creator Himself. It seems nearly obscenely , pervertedly and pedophillically misfocused on genitals, puberty, and young boys. It is also speaks of an anti-scriptural, anti-God, anti-woman, misogynistic view of woman; and also a disregard/ disdain for scripturally God-made and ordained parent-child and family arrangements. How awful - because Jehovah/Yahweh does NOT teach (in His words), condone, or support any of this - and you are writing this under a video that is at least titled, in part, with His holy name - so to teach these anti-scriptural things here is an error, it is blasphemous. You have so many errors here - you need to start anew, with an actual Bible study. Jehovah/Yahweh was speaking to His Son, who was with Him in the Heavens, when He said, "Let us make man in our image." (Genesis 1:26) They then created Adam. From Adam, Jehovah made Eve. Eve was NOT a lesser being, but was a compliment to Adam. These were the originally PERFECT children of God. "And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them." (Genesis 1:27)God's Son, "the firstborn of all creation" existed with Him in the heavens for eons of time, and helped Jehovah [Yahweh], as "a master worker beside him", create everything else, in the heavens and the earth; including angels and human beings. (Proverbs 8:22-31; Colossians 1:15) The pre-human Jesus went by the name of Michael the Archangel before coming to earth. He ONLY came down to earth when a RANSOM, to rescue mankind from sin and death (due to sin) was needed, since "the first man Adam" listened to the LIES of Satan, and willfully chose to disobey God - bringing imperfection, sin, and death (which God had warned him about) upon himself and his offspring. Thus, "the last Adam" figuratively refers to Jesus Christ, the Son of God; whose life-force was brought down from heaven (by God's holy spirit/ power/ active force), into the womb of Mary; and who (unlike anyone else, since Adam and Eve at first) was then born as a perfect human being. Unlike Adam, Jesus STAYED loyal and obedient to His Father Jehovah throughout his life. So, Jesus was then able to "offer his soul as a ransom in exchange for many." No other human before or since Jesus has had the qualifications to be able to do that; and this one case, for the purpose of buying back life for mankind, is the only sacrifice of human life Jehovah has ever tolerated - the rest he abhors and has warned He will punish/ work vengeance for. No more sacrifices to God to cover for the sins of humans have been needed either, since the one made by Christ, due to the immense value of it, he being the very firstborn Son of the Creator and Universal Sovereign Jehovah himself. Now, instead, all those wanting forgiveness from God - which is necessary for continued life from the Creator - need to "exercise faith" in the one provision God has made for humans to have their sins forgiven: They need to learn, obey, respect, and be appreciative of the scriptural truth about and the persons of Jehovah and His Son, Jesus Christ - the separate and distinct persons and roles of each (instead of how FALSE religions have misrepresented them).  (John 17:3, 17; John 3:16 AND 3:36) People need to "repent and turn around" (Acts 3:19); and call upon Jehovah the Creator's holy name (Joel 2:32; Romans 10:13), "with spirit and truth". (John 4:24) Every knee on earth belongs kneeling to Jehovah's resurrected Son, Jesus Christ, whom Jehovah has appointed to be King of His promised Kingdom, which will save and restore mankind. Jesus rules in God's Kingdom in the heavens NOW - and those with eyes of faith (from scriptural understanding and God's spirit) rightly hail him for who he is NOW: Earth's highest reigning King. SOON, Jehovah, with the assistance of His Son (and their heavenly [only] army of angels and spirit beings) will enact Armageddon Day against the stubbornly and heinously evil and God-insolent persons of this world. (Psalm 37:10) Al of the kingdoms of man - which are now largely ruled by Satan - which be dissolved; and replaced by Jehovah's heaven based Kingdom, which will be extended down, to encompass this earth, as its ONLY Rulership - a perfect one, ruled by His perfect Son. (Daniel 2:44) THEN, there will be TRUE peace on Earth; and everything and everyone here (including resurrected dead loved ones, who decide to live by Jehovah's rules too) will be made well again. Paradise, as in Eden, will be restored - only it will be spread earth-wide then, as Jehovah/Yahweh originally intended. What "the first man Adam" LOST; "the last Adam" - Jesus Christ, along with His Father, will restore. (Psalm 37:11,29; 1Corinthians 15:45-47)


Most atheists would NOT love this song, "40", but would mock and scorn it with their extremist hatred towards the Creator Jehovah/Yahweh. Nevertheless, here is the transitioning line and the next verses of the actual Psalm 40 this song paraphrases the beginning of, to help you understand its context (that is, if you care to learn):

"Many will see [it] and will fear,
And they will trust in Jehovah.  
4 Happy is the able-bodied man that has put Jehovah as his trust
And that has not turned his face to defiant people,
Nor to those falling away to lies.  
5 Many things you yourself have done,
O Jehovah my God, even your wonderful works and your thoughts toward us;
There is none to be compared to you..."
                 (Psalm 40:3-5)


Best to consider whether the very real Creator God and Universal Sovereign, Jehovah/ Yahweh, believes in YOU. Why would you choose to come and publicly spit on Him, under a video entitled, at least in part, with His holy name? Bold and casual and as more and more people are trendily becoming - as part of a spreading, fatal, spiritual disease (one wrought by unrighteous preference to sin-"convenient" demonic lie propaganda) - about publicly disrespecting, etc. their Creator; it is still actually wicked, inexcusable, and blasphemous; and has globally warned-of consequences, from the Creator Jehovah, for such unjust and God-insolent speech. It was prophesied many would do that though, especially in these last of the pre-Armageddon days - and now those prophesies are being heavily and obviously, EXACTLY FULFILLED, in type. It's seen everywhere. (Romans 1:18-32; Jude 7,10,14-19) With Armageddon from Jehovah/Yahweh on its way; fighting against God is not a mode that anyone should want to stay in. "Repent and turn around." (Acts 3:19) Learn actual scriptural truth (instead of, i.e., complaining about anti-scriptural FALSE religious lies) and heed it, right away, because to do so will soon mean the difference between life or death (from God) for everyone alive on this planet. (John 17:3; Psalm 37:10; Joel 2:32/ Romans 10:13)


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