Thursday, September 05, 2019

Comment I Just Wrote Under One of the "U2 Yahweh" Blasphemy Cartoons. It Stands a Large Chance of Being Censored, Like My Last Reply to this Post, So I'll Just Post it Here

[Too bad I didn't copy EVERYTHING  to a blog like this, since November 2001, huh? 18 years of writing - that's a lot of volumes.]

Yes, ___, Jehovah/ Yahweh absolutely IS the Father and God of Jesus Christ. The major yet FALSE "Christian" religions of "Babylon the Great" have long since PAGANIZED pieces of the Scriptures, to try to pervert and force the two separate and distinct persons of the Creator God Jehovah and the Son He created into common pagan and demonic FALSE trinity/ duo-god molds. They then applied MORE ANTI-whole scriptural demonic teachings, many of them also from ancient Babylon - along with many man-made doctrines - onto the convenient FALSE gods they made for themselves. The one ultimately behind their FALSE gods is Satan; and he uses manmade FALSE religions of "Babylon the Great" to spiritually mislead mankind, to rebel against God (and Christ), and to destroy human society. (Revelation chapters 17 and 18). Atheists also follow Satan, teach his same lies, and follow his same ways of working hate and slander against God; and evil, ruin and death towards mankind. (Romans 1:18-32) The only salvation for persons is to do as Jesus Christ taught the world, which is to worship his Father Jehovah [Yahweh] "with spirit and truth" (John 4:24); learning the actual scriptural truth about Him (John 17:3, 17); and then obeying Jehovah's scriptural words, as Christ taught humans they need to do. (Matthew 4:4) By doing that, people also obey Jesus Christ (John 3:36) Armageddon Day - Jehovah's overhaul of this entire, currently largely Satan-run world system (Daniel 2:44), and His removal of all stubbornly and heinously evil and God-insolent persons, is soon. (Psalm 37:10) Jehovah will intervene, to cause the Satan-backed FALSE religions of "Babylon the Great"  to go into their final, crashing fall, too, right before Armageddon Day itself. (Revelation chapter 18). "Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will get away safe." (Joel 2:32; see Romans 10:13) That means calling upon Him "with spirit and truth" (John 4:24), knowing, respecting, being grateful to, and loving the God behind that name, the only True God. "As stated by Jesus Christ, Son of God, to HIS God and Father in prayer, "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge OF YOU, THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." (John 17:3) After Armageddon Day, which Jesus Christ will work with his Father to enact; then there will be true and lasting peace on earth, for everyone, everywhere here. This earth will become a paradise. Jehovah has appointed His Son, Jesus (the "Prince of Peace"), to be King of His long-promised Kingdom, which will heal mankind from sin and death. Jesus is now reigning in the Heavens, and soon, after Armageddon Day, Jehovah will extend His Kingdom down over this earth, as its only Rulership. Some 1000 years after bringing that Kingdom down to earth, there will be a final test upon mankind; and Satan and his demons will be completely and permanently annihilated. Then that Kingdom - with mankind brought back to perfection - will be turned back over to Jehovah [Yahweh]. Then the children of God here will live in glorious freedom, forevermore. (Psalm 37:11,29; Romans 8:21) Remember though, that Jehovah/ Yahweh HATES and FORBIDS (under the penalty of death) anymore to blaspheme Him and His holy name by associating it with any IDOL IMAGES - symbols of false gods,  false religions, demonism/spiritism, paganism, or other anti-scriptural and idolatrous philosophies - spiritual LIES; anything of Satan; or anything evil. (Exodus 20:1-7; Leviticus 26:1; Deuteronomy 4:16, 5:8; Isaiah 40:25; Acts 17:29; Revelation 9:20; more.) As His Scriptures have kept, as a warning lesson down to this day, long ago Jehovah/ Yahweh had 3000 people killed, in one day, in front of Mount Sinai, for blaspheming Him and His holy name by use of even one single golden calf idol image. This video contains 36 or so different idol images, which likewise blaspheme God's holy name. Over the past 14/15 years, these cartoon blasphemy videos (also in the form of stage backdrop lights, and as the trailer of the "U2 3D" movie)  have been played out to more people than stood in front of Mount Sinai on that fatal day, who "praised God" through the use of just 1 golden calf image. Now, however, in these last of the pre-Armageddon days, Jehovah/ Yahweh is planning to get rid of the stubbornly wicked-though-warned persons mostly all at once, on His Armageddon Day, which will be SOON. So people need to "repent and turn around" (Acts 3:19); LEAVE the world's false religions and atheism (Revelation 18:4,5; Romans 1:18-32); learn Jehovah's scriptural truth, and obey Him and do His will (just as Christ said to also) [John 17:3,17]; honor and obey Jesus Christ, as mankind's God-provided means of being ransomed from sin and death (John 3:16 AND 3:36); and call upon Jehovah [Yahweh's] name, "with spirit and truth" (John 4:24; Joel 2:32; Romans 10:13) Armageddon is soon. Evil is filling the earth again, just like before the Great Flood; and its like the doors of the Ark are closing.


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