Monday, October 14, 2019

(With Updates) Some More Recent Repies and Comments I left Under the "U2 Yahweh" Blasphemy Cartoon Video(s)

Its for intentional blasphemy and slander of the Creator Jehovah/ Yahweh's holy name, by Satan and his hordes. The "illuminati" are not special; and certainly are WITHOUT any valid spiritual enlightment, or light to share, based on either the scriptural truth from God or His Holy Spirit (His active force). Nope - they are just another rotted and fruitless garden variety of led-by-demonic LIES, evil-working, Satan-led and Satan-serving, IN THE DARK  FALSE RELIGIONS of God-hated and God-condemned "BABYLON THE GREAT". (Revelation Chapters 17 and 18) "Get OUT of her, my people, unless you want to share with her in her sins..." (See Revelation 18:4,5,8,20-24)


Oh you absolutely do NOT know what you are talking about whatsoever. You may have been a member of a FALSE "Christian" , scripture-EXTORTING and twisting, lie-teaching FALSE religion of God-condemned and Satan-led "Babylon the Great"  - and left it; but when you come out publicly SLANDERING and BLASPHEMING Jehovah/Yahweh the God of the Bible, Creator, and Universal Sovereign, you DON'T have a spiritual leg to stand on, or anything of scriptural-spiritual truth to offer anyone. So what if you left a FALSE "Christian" religion", if you DON'T then HONEST-HEARTEDLY SEEK WHOLE-SCRIPTURAL THEN; but just choose to JOIN SATAN, to spread his EVIL-PRODUCING ANTI-WHOLE-SCRIPTURAL LIES, HATE FOR GOD, and self-serving/ self-exalting REBELLION against God (especially against His know but much-hated MORAL/ SEXUAL laws). Like so many now, you demonstrate NO scriptural understanding, but FEIGN that you do - to rip down the spirituality of others and the truth they speak of, and attack/ blaspheme/ SLANDER the globally given, life-vital, scriptural words of the Creator Himself. WHO are YOU, WHO do you think YOU are. Like so many, who go off the deep end, publicly, attacking and slandering life-helping and life-saving words of the Creator; you also are EXACTLY FULFILLING HIS scriptural PROPHESIES, in type - all the more PROVING that His words and warnings, of His Holy Scriptures are TRUE. (Romans 1:18-32; 2Timothy 4:3,4) This is NOT an unalive, demon-backed, false, pagan/spiritism-based triune/dual idol godhead of FALSE "Christianity", usually called "God" or "Lord." THIS IS THE NAME OF THE ONLY TRUE GOD and UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN, JEHOVAH [YAHWEH] - so don't mess with him, with common, trendy, sin-convenient LIES, SLANDER, or BLASPHEMY. Armageddon Day from Him is good and soon. So change, while its still possible. (Acts 3:19)


NO - that is the blood-dripped, pagan-templated, demonic, unreal, triune mystery idol godhead of the FALSE “Christian” religions of “Babylon the Great.” It has NOTHING to do with the God of this name, Jehovah/ Yahweh! He HATES Christendom (FALSE “Christianity’s” blasphemous, anti-whole-scriptural pagan trinity godhead; and all of the demonic lies and evil practices that men have wickedly associated with it, for so long. The Scriptures from this God state: “Jehovah our God is ONE Jehovah”. Not 3, NOT 3-in-1 or 2-in-1, NO. And THIS is His NAME - NOT those other so-called “names”. Those are descriptive names and titles, but are NOT the holy, personal name of God, based on the Tetragrammaton. And those other terms, like “Holy Spirit” are NOT even His name at all. The Holy Spirit is Jehovah/Yahweh’s active force - His power. It’s NOT a person, NOT a third part of a (pagan-based) trinity godhead. Jesus Christ, Jehovah/ Yahweh’s firstborn Son, mankind’s Redeemer, is a SEPARATE individual from His Father Jehovah/ Yahweh too. Jesus is NOT “co-equal” with God either - Jehovah/ Yahweh created him; and in the Scriptures, Jesus refers to Jehovah as both his Father and his God. Jesus, who was born as a perfect human, remained obedient and loyal to his Father too - and so he could offer his life as a sacrifice to God, to cover for the sins of the first perfect man, Adam, who had lost eternal life for mankind, by disobeying God and burdening his offspring with inherited imperfection and a tendency to sin, thus consigning then to death. Jesus became Jehovah’s sole provision to mankind, for forgiveness for sins, and for the possibility to be able to live forever again. People must exercise faith in Christ, in order to receive this forgiveness - that means they must obey him. (John 3:16 and 3:36). And what did Jesus teach? His Father’ s words. “Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth from Jehovah’s mouth..” (Matthew 4:4) Jesus, on earth, in prayer, to his Father, Jehovah/Yahweh, who was in the heavens: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, AND of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3) Armageddon Day is obviously soon now, so be sure to do that. “Everyone calling upon the name of Jehovah [Yahweh] will get away safe.” (Joel 2:32, also see Romans10:13) But that will only work if people are worshiping the God behind that name “with spirit and truth” (John 4:24) knowing this God for who He truly, scripturally says He is; and obeying Him - which includes honoring and obeying God’s Son, Jesus Christ, for who he so very uniquely and specially is himself, too. Jehovah/Yahweh has appointed His Son, Jesus Christ, to be King of God’s Kingdom in the heavens. Christ now is also earth’s Highest reigning King, too, to those who, with eyes of faith, can “see” him. Soon, after God’s upcoming Day of Armageddon, He will then extend His heavenly Kingdom down onto this earth, to encompass it, as earth’s only Rulership. (Daniel 2:44) Under God’s appointed King, Jesus Christ, the “Prince of Peace”, it will be a perfect one too. Mankind will be healed, of sin and imperfection; and even the planet itself will see pollution reversed. It will be a paradise here again. (Psalm 37:10,11) So, learn who these two most important beings, Jehovah/Yahweh and His Son, Jesus Christ, each truly are; and listen to what they both said in the Scriptures, so as to please the Heavenly Father and do His will, like Jesus did and taught humans to do too. With that then, look forward to s much better world here, starting soon.


Why - to idolize him, put him above the Creator? This video and it’s light backdrop images that were used as the background for many/most concert performances of this song have been heinously and large-scale blasphemous to the only TRUE God, of THIS name, who is NOT Bono or U2, but IS Jehovah/ Yahweh. So, when people rightly call this video out as being blasphemous and evil propaganda, put out by persons for the sake of FALSE religions and also blasphemous and idolatrous worship of men and demons - all of which serves the goals of Satan, behind all of this slander and blasphemy of God - RESPECT the truth tellers, NOT the wicked efforts of persons DISRESPECTING the Universal Sovereign long term, via mass media, to the extreme.


Yeah, but this isn't even subliminal - its in your face. It's very rapid-fire stuff though - about 36 or so blasphemous spiritistic (demonic), pagan, other false religious, and philosophy/worship of men IDOL images, streamed by people's faces - and deviously, evilly and blasphemously presented while the name of the Creator and Universal Sovereign is sung. Those that created it are counting on most people NOT to research these things; and/or to just accept them, because they are being made popular by the biggest/ one of the biggest bands on the planet. Jehovah/Yahweh's scriptural words openly CONDEMN the use of HIS holy name in association with anything of Satan - any idol images; anti-scriptural FALSE religious or spiritual-philosophical LIES; anything of demonism; or anything evil. Yet, throngs of people - millions - have clapped for, cheered, and praised this mass-media-ed production; and false religious/ idolatry of men and their institutions, with their anti-scriptural philosophies/ agendas SUGGESTIONS to the enthralled masses (convinced something holy was going on) have been made at same time people have gotten into the pseudo-spiritual entertainment of this. I saw it myself - "Yahweh, Yahweh", followed by audience members being permitted to stretch out a "COEXIST" sign across a concert arena stage - a "coexist" sign filled with these same kind of symbols of Yahweh/Jehovah-hated and scripturally warned-against FALSE religions of "Babylon the Great." (Revelation chapters 17 and 18) Many people need to clean up their spiritual acts immediately (Acts 3:19) - Armageddon Day, from a fed-up God, mostly for the sake of removing sources of blasphemy of His holy name from this planet, is SOON.


Well, your comment mocking the grave concerns of persons who actually understand the Holy Scriptures/ Bible - the words of Jehovah/ Yahweh Himself, NOT those of the human Muhummad, etc. - over this blasphemous video isn't all that surprising since THIS God, Jehovah/ Yahweh is absolutely NOT the God of Islam; and the Quran is diametrically OPPOSED to the life-vital scriptural words and teachings of THIS God, the Creator and Universal Sovereign Jehovah/ Yahweh. Allah is NOT His name; El is NOT His name; Elohim is NOT His name; God is NOT His NAME; and neither is Lord - ALL of these are descriptive names ONLY. None of them are the God-required personal holy name of God which the Creator requires humans to learn  and call upon Him by. THAT personal holy name is from the Tetragramaton from the Holy Scriptures - YHWH/ JHVH - and has a distinct meaning, belonging to the Creator, like no other being: "He Cause to Become". THIS is the Holy name of the ONLY TRUE GOD; and to use it and KNOW the God behind this name is REQUIRED by the Creator, for continued life past Armageddon Day here. The TRUTH about the Only True God, Jehovah/ Yahweh, is found in His Holy Scriptures, His Holy Bible. Popular though it may be in this world, that truth from God Himself, which "means everlasting life" (John 17:3), is NOT found within the Quran - which, in fact opposes the scriptural truth from Jehovah/ Yahweh on all key, basic life-or-death issues. Yes, Jehovah/ Yahweh DID make only one race of man. But He did NOT send out 2 OPPOSING "truths" about Himself; Jesus Christ and mankind; His requirements for humans; the reasons for the state of the world; His own terms of worship; the future of mankind; and the outcomes for the wicked and the God-obedient. These differences in life-vital truths are irreconcilable. One can try to gloss these vital issues over, to try to "ecumenalize" beliefs, but that only creates a false and shallow "peace" amongst some persons - and destroys one's peace and relationship with the Heavenly Father, because it "sells-out" His scriptural truth, acts in traitorship and disloyalty to the only True God and His own standards, of His own origin. That would be calling God a liar. Yet, that is what Satan did, and how the Devil and those copying/ following him have all but completely ruined human society now. The Quran has humans dying and going to heaven or hell in an afterlife. MOST religions in this world teach that. However, the Bible actually DOES NOT. Basically, nearly all people do NOT go to heaven; and there IS NO "HELL" as a place of "afterlife" torture/torment. There is also no "afterlife" - in that persons do NOT have spirit bodies within them/ "souls" that survive the death of the body, to go on living, as spirit beings. Instead, those who die must wait for Jehovah/ Yahweh to resurrect them back to life (John 5:28,29) - either as one of the very, very few humans who will go to heaven, to help Jesus Christ rule over all of the people who will be living on this earth; or as persons who will live forever on this planet (if they learn and obey God's words), along with "the great crowd" of Armageddon Day survivors. Even this little bit along here shows that there are drastic differences between the Bible and the Quran. You may have concluded, in your life so far, that the Holy Scriptures/ Bible is "a western book"; but that is NOT true. The Holy Scriptures were Authored by the Creator, for THE ENTIRE WORLD of MANKIND. With Armageddon Day, from a very fed-up God, against the stubbornly evil and God-insolent persons of this world on its way now, soon, it is very important for everyone to get their facts straight and pursue spiritual truth from THIS God, Jehovah/ Yahweh, through His words (of the Holy Scriptures/ Bible) and spirit - and call upon HIS NAME. (Psalm 37:10; Joel 2:32; Romans 10:13


This God, Jehovah/ Yahweh, has NOTHING to do with Catholicism, Protestantism, or any of the world's other anti-whole-scriptural false religions of God-condemned "Babylon the Great" (Revelation chapters 17 and 18)


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