Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Lion and the Sheep, Dancing in Their Sleep

Once upon a time, actually, now-a-days, there lived some people who traveled the world, stealing sheep and bringing them in to be slaughtered.

They all worked for a hungry, insatiable, greedy, heartless, and evil lion as their master, though they never saw his face. All they knew was that it was comfortable working for the lion. The lion, who pretty much controlled the whole world (without being seen), saw that they continued to be coaxed into working for him - with fame, money, and a sense of power to manipulate others. Although the sense of power may have made their pride and egos feel swellingly great; what they were really doing was talking the wandering sheep they found into also serving the hungry lion. And if these sheep could talk other sheep into joining them, well, then the lion could enjoy whole streamloads of sheep at a time!

The lion laughed at how easy it all was.

Long ago, the lion learned he could get sheep - easier than pie - by lying to them. They weren't as "smart" or as deft or as underhanded as he was - after all, he had no scruples. And he had no compassion for the sheep he'd kill at all. None at all.

He was just happy if he could lead them away from where he knew they could go to be safe and loved by a Good Shepherd, who would teach them about the Real God; and where they would love that Shepherd and that God so much that they would always want to be loyal to them; and where that Good Shepherd and the Great God Almighty Jehovah (or Yahweh in Hebrew) would be so happy to care for them and make them happy and alive forever in green fields of earth. The bad lion didn't want the sheep to have these good things. He would rather see them dead.

You see, the wicked lion hates the Good Shepherd and the Creator Jehovah/Yahweh. The Good Shepherd is actually the Creator's firstborn Son, Jesus Christ, who worked closely beside him to help make everything else in the universe, including mankind. This Son always obeyed his Father, and so things turned out well for the Good Shepherd. God even gave him tremendous power for staying obedient and loyal to him - much more power than the wicked lion ever had. The Good Shepherd was far wiser than the bad lion, because he humbly submitted to the simple truth that God is the Creator and Heavenly Father, and so he has a right to rule over all the thinking creatures he has made. (The bad lion was not humble at all - he even called God a liar and an inept ruler; and showed that he wanted to be a god himself - a god in defiance to the Creator.) The Good Shepherd was rightly grateful to God, for all the good things he could tell he had done. Through that gratitude, he could see the reality that everything God makes and does is motivated by pure love - that God only does what is just, righteous, and good.

Thus, the Good Shepherd knew that God could be trusted to be God of both him and the sheep, and so the Good Shepherd spent his days and nights calling, gathering, and taking care of good-hearted sheep he would find; so that they, too, could come to know, obey, trust, worship, and love this One true God - the One who can give them life in a paradise earth here forever.

How the jealous lion hates the Good Shepherd's flock, who have peace and joy now, and a wonderful future in store! The lion, full of hate and badness, because he likes it that way - is even MORE angry now, because others are proving HIM to be wrong, to make no sense, and to be a wicked, murderous, ingrateful, insolent, self-centered, etc., liar, with nothing lastingly good to offer anyone. The wicked lion also knows that God, in his justice, will soon lock him and his demon helpers in an abyss; and then, eventually, annihilate them all out of existence, forever. The lion knows, because God has put time markers on such things in his Bible, that he has only a short time left to mislead any sheep to follow him in rebellion to God. If he could just get them to disregard and disobey God, he would be pleased; because that way the sheep's ingrateful choice would HURT God Jehovah/Yahweh.

Not only would the sheep be rejecting their own Maker, who knew them since before they were born and reads their minds and hearts; cares for them every day; and wants so badly to bring them relief and give them good things forever; but they would also be rejecting the painful sacrifices made by both the Good Shepherd and his Father when they both allowed wicked humans to abuse, humiliate, and murder this most beloved and loyal Son.

He had come to give up the value of his human life for mankind, to buy back the opportunity for everlasting life that our disobedient first father, Adam, lost for all of his children when he earned the forewarned death penalty for listening to Satan - deliberately disobeying God in the Garden of Eden. Jesus willingly offered his life to remedy this situation, and poured himself out teaching people what they needed to know to have a wonderful, strong relationship with their great Heavenly Father; be happy, free, true, good, loving; and have peace, hope, and a wonderful eternal future.

All this goodness and promise was disgusting to the lion. He hated the loyal Son. He certainly didn't want him to succeed in staying obedient and true to God, so as to be able to offer up his perfect human life to cover for Adam's sin. That would buy back man's chance to live forever - it would pay the ransom for us that no one else would have the capability of paying. It would balance the scales of Divine Justice that had been tipped by the perfect, excuseless, first human Adam. This sacrifice of God's own firstborn, now human, was so huge in value, it would also cover over - atone for - sins committed due to imperfection among those who do their best to exercise faith in Jesus Christ's sacrifice - to obey him: This one sacrifice would be enough to cover over all of them - for all time.

The lion didn't want to see his hateful, destructive work stopped. He also didn't want anyone to stay loyal to God because would prove him a liar in that regard too - he had taunted God that no one would stay faithful to him under pressure.

So Satan and his willing, evil human slaves did their utmost to test and torture this most innocent, enlightened, dignified, loving, caring human being who ever lived. This was the future (and is now) the Second-in-Command of the entire universe; and that is how detestible, wrongfully prideful, and foolish some human were to mistreat him.

The Father watched this all go on - watched Satan's demonistic humans hurt, taunt, and destroy his Son. Still, he held back from wiping out all of undeserving, wicked humanity at that time, in order to let a ransom be provided for those back then and in the future who would come to be grateful and obedient to God and Christ for opening up the way to everlasting life again.

Today, the evil lion remains quite aware of the high price of the sacrifice of God's Son. He continues to want so badly to hurt the good Heavenly Father and Jesus. He does what he can to convince humans that this sacrifice and all of the life-giving, needed truth connected to it - including that the now exalted Son of God's heaven-based Kingdom will soon take over rulership of all the earth - is of little or no value to anyone.

He also knows that the sheep WILL DIE if they keep listening to his lies and keep NOT listening to the voice of the Great Shepherd and God. But the lion doesn't care! No way! He doesn't care how much they suffer, or get misled into ruining their lives, or how much they hurt others because of disobeying God's good, needed laws! He doesn't care how many people feel pain, or terror, or anguish, or cry all night, or have no hope. Just so long as they don't listen to the voice of that good Shepherd and follow him - to loyally side with the True God.

The lion is so desperate now. He knows that he and his demons - and the humans who work with them - who have also come to love the lion's falsely prideful, anti-God ways with all of their temporary pleasure and glory - have ONLY A SHORT TIME LEFT before Armageddon comes to clear all of God's opposers off of this earth. So the lion, his demons, and the wicked humans with them are doing everything possible to keep the sheep away from the Good Shepherd, the True God, and their Way to life.

The lion and those who work for them are trying every possible means and tactic. They put up many fronts of false worship that appeal to wrongful pride or selfish desires in the imperfect sheep. The lion has always lied to sheep that even if they disobey God, everything will be okay - that they'll never die, that they'll just go on and on. What a liar!

The "sheep" have inborn consciences, which should be stirred by gratitude for all that God does, which they can sense all around them, even when they look at their hands and breath, or look at the sky, or hear a bird, or chew green [wheat] grass, or eat a strawberry, or see the sunshine through the trees. [Human's] consciences give them a natural sense of right-and-wrong that tells them which they should do - which is to seek out, learn, and obey what their Creator wants of them more than what they just feel like doing (which would actually be living like an animal, not really a human).

Sadly, though, many sheep love the false religious traps - the spiritual lies more than what God, in his words, says is right. So, the lion has most of the sheep in this world coralled in false religions, where they'll die when God brings his Armageddon - and most of them like it there, because they can pretty much do whatever they feel like: They can break God's laws to fulfill selfish pleasures, and no one in false religion really cares or will tell them they are wrong according to God and should stop. As they unrighteously ignore and unjustly - and often hurtfully - violate their Maker's commands, they say to each other, "Don't judge", and they pat one another on the back and say, "God bless you", "Grace to you", and "Praise the Lord.".

The lion and his forces are working hard to mislead the sheep in every way. They target the desires - be they good ones or bad ones within them; and then try to exploit those desires to get the sheep to desire what is bad.

For instance, many sheep like music. It can reach their heart - it make their hearts sing, and make them jump and frolic in the fields, joyfully. The lion knows this. He and his forces and more or less unwitting human cohorts are using music to mislead sheep. Music that is very desirable and that - as is the case with false religious institutions, seems "holy" - is being played along with deadly messages to continue to support spiritistic, earth-ruining false religions that God hates; and for people to put their trust not in obeying God, but in institutions of man to "save" this world. These spiritual lies may mislead many, many, many sheep to their permanent deaths, soon, at Armageddon.

The lions walks around the world, drooling, licking his chops, glad for the falling prey; and glad at the Good Shepherd and Jehovah-Yahweh's disappointment. It won't be long now, but the lion is having some success. Enjoying being misled to wasted lives and eternal death, some of the sheep will never know a real relationship with God, or peace from him, just like a river; or green paradise pasture; or the healing leaves; or Divine forgiveness that would leave one's mind white as snow, fresh and refreshed; or global love between everyone alive here someday, all brothers and sisters, united in love with each other through the true love of the One True Loving God and Father above and his loving Shepherd (our Teacher, High Priest, Redeemer, one Mediary, Highest King, and God's appointed Prince of Peace for this earth). They will never know looking upon the post-Armageddon New World sky and feeling FOREVER - with all of its freedom and wonderful possibilities opened up before them to ENJOY living in, as God's happy children.... UNLESS THEY QUIT LISTENING TO LIES AND BELIEVING THEM INSTEAD OF GOD'S LIFE-PRESERVING SCRIPTURAL TRUTH.

There is no lasting true glory or benefit in working for the death-maker lion. There is nothing but darkness and worthless rebellion inside his lies, such as "All of this, all of this can be yours/ All of this, all of this can be yours/ All of this, all of this can be yours/ Just give me what I want, and no one gets hurt." - "Vertigo", by U2.

Look out at your audience and picture a sign, saying, "DO YOU REALLY WANT TO KILL US?"

Do you really want to bring death-by-God (at Armageddon) to your fans, the tens-of-thousands at a time you have singing, "But I still haven't found what I'm looking for" by taking such opportunities to mislead them with spiritual lies that are really from Satan?

What you teach respecting God at these massive shows isn't just about you and your opinion.

Life and death - helping to save or misleading into death; the choice to do God's will OR TO GIVE SATAN, again, WHAT HE WANTS are before you.




AND, "For the first time", lately, PROMOTE THE REAL KINGDOM COME, which is the theme of the entire Bible, and which is NOT man-made.


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