Friday, December 30, 2005

Yahweh/Jehovah is NOT Jesus

Due to it being mishandled, Satan is really getting to run wild with fooling people about Jehovah/Yahweh's name among throngs of U2 fans. Now, on a markedly ungodly major U2 website, which I, of course, have been banned from, someone has written that Jehovah-Yahweh is Jesus Christ, which he absolutely is not. They are Father and Son, respectively, throughout the Scriptures - two different individuals who hate having their identity confused by those wishing to put a pagan triune godhead template upon them. It does not honor them for who they each are, as individuals, and in their individual roles. It negates into meaninglessness the beautiful example of their Father-Son relationship with each other (i.e., Jesus praying to his Father about how much he loved him and would stay obedient and loyal to him). It invalidates the ransom - if Jesus was really God, he never really died. If no ransom was paid, no one has any hope for eternal life, and earth is only winding down to total death. (Think: If God was Jesus, WHO raised Jesus back to life once he was dead. If he raised himself, he wasn't dead, and the Scriptures are lying. The Scriptures aren't lying. Those trying to promote the age-old triune godhead theory onto holy Jehovah/Yahweh and Jesus Christ are lying - and doing the confusing, God-alienating work of Satan the Devil.)

The people there are showering this person with accolades over her "fine" writing. Satan's spirit is alive and well there and with those people who prefer ANYTHING but the truth.

Only those found worshiping God "with spirit and truth" will survive the fast approaching day of Armageddon. (John 4:24) "Everyone liking and carrying on a lie" will soon be dead, unless they change. (Revelation 22:15)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow.. what is wrong with you dude!!! You need help. Get a life ... for your sake

8:53 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

For Jehovah/Yahweh's own, being a true and faithful Witness to his name - working for its sanctification - comes FIRST.

The world in general, in contrast, is unconcerned - even though many CLAIM to be "Christian." The world in general, however, is spiritually dying.

That spiritual apathy will soon translate into permanent physical death at Armageddon, however; since apathy towards God's commands, purposes, and name will be excuseless, and it is unrighteous, unjust, and ingrateful.

So, if there is anyone you care about, pass these messages on - if you want them and you to HAVE a life.

10:18 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Thomas would have listened to Jesus speak about his God and his Father at length by this point. Jesus consistently attributed all glory to his Father - someone else - rather than to himself. He taught his disciples that he did not act or speak of his own initiative (John 5:30; 8:28; 12:49); and that the power he had - for the miracles, for everything, came from his God and Father. His disciples would be thinking along the same line.

Thomas' response was, "My Lord and my God." It was not, however, "My Lord and the God"; or "My Lord and God Almighty"; etc. This is written in the same way as Isaiah 9:6, where the "Prince of Peace" (God's Son, Jesus Christ) is also referred to as "Mighty God", but again, NOT ALmighty God.

The Bible has called angels, Satan, and even human judges "gods" - powerful beings. It was clear to Thomas that this resurrected Jesus had power far beyond that of any ordinary human - thus, it was not wrong to say "My Lord and my God." If Thomas had referred to him as God Almighty in any way, Jesus would have corrected him on that.

A mere three verses after Thomas' response (John 20:28), Jesus' position relative to that of his Father is purposely clarified again:

"But these things have been written down that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the SON of God, and that, because of believing, you may have life by means of his name." (John 20:30,31)

I know what it is like to have a "trinity" discussion-debate with people, even not on-line. My experience has been that even after many Scriptures are highlighted that refute so-called trinity "proof texts", those who want to hold on to belief in a triune god do so anyway, and will state as a bottom line reason (something to the effect of): "It is a mystery, an inexplainable mystery"; or even "we weren't meant to understand it." Insisting on worshiping a mystery god, such as the Greeks did, when the True One has purposely made efforts to make himself known is a problem - it can be its own form of idolatry.

Again, I do not wish to do an on-line "trinity debate" here; but I will give you a couple of references if you wish to read them...

The first is just my own writing - from a post I had put up on a u2 "fan" club message board. (I have since been banned from that board.) -
Would you mind showing photos of Palmyran, Hindu and Babylonian triune god-godhead artwork-artifacts-idol images (as found in some major museums); and explaining why Christendom has decided to adopt this same pattern for their "godhead"; and then when all Scriptures refuting the idea of there being a triune godhead are finally laid out on the table against the few that trinitarians pull out to use as their "proof texts" for defending the trinity concept; time and time again, those wanting to still hold on to the idea of a triune godhead finally answer, as have such church leaders, something to the effect of, "It is a mystery." The teaching of the trinity is held to be the central belief of the bulk of Christendom, but the bottom line thought on it, by officials of Christendom, is that it is "not understandable", "not knowable" - that it is "a matter of faith."

Ever read about the Emperor Constantine - what he did to better "unite" his kingdom? He encouraged eccumenalism between the "Christians" and the triune-godhead-worshiping pagans of his realm, calling their representatives to a counsel together...the result was a "Christian" triune godhead, the "holy trinity."

I used to belong to the Church that comprises the world's biggest sector of Christendom. I found I was emotionally attached to the trinity teaching and its mysterious nature. After I was shown some of the the MANY scriptural points eliminating the possibility of Yahweh being three beings rolled into one, all co-equal and all co-eternal; it was actually easy to let go of that emotional tie to a scripturally unsupported tradition. The "mystery" was replaced by a God, a Father I could relate to and talk to; Jesus - a Savior and Teacher I could be thankful for and understand lessons on faithfulness, obedience and loyalty (and more) from; and God's holy spirit - not a "ghost" or a person, but what it is: His active force, his active power, which I could feel, sense, and observe helping me and others learn and do God's will.

Also, for another thing, I was able to appreciate the Father - Son relationship between Jehovah and Jesus. Their expressions of love for each other, as well as the conversations they had between themselves as two individuals speaking from two different locations made crystal clear sense. I was also finally able to understand and appreciate the sacrifices made by both the Father and the Son as Yahweh watched in sadness as his Son Jesus was unrightfully tortured and killed; and how for the first time in eons, God's most precious firstborn Son was actually truly dead, and his Father was without him... Now Jesus, loyal and obedient to his God and Father in every way - having bought back the opportunity for faithful mankind to live forever again by exchanging the value of his perfect human life for that of our disobedient first father Adam's, thus releasing us as his children from his death sentence; and having provided a sacrifice big enough to cover for our own sins - sits at the right hand of God the Father.

They are preparing for Armageddon together, and are working together to see that the last of the good-hearted people are called out of the false religious institutions of the world before God suddenly brings them to a finish.

Yahweh has hated being misrepresented. It has also brought man harm and loss for them to have the identity and nature of their God confused - to feel distanced from their heavenly Father on account of him being explained as an unknowable mystery. (Revelation 18:4,5,8,21,23-24)


This next reference (not written by me) would be even more helpful. Look up the Scriptures. Enjoy. -

5:26 PM  

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