Thursday, February 16, 2006

There are Some Sheep U2 Stole From Jehovah/Yahweh - We're Stealing Them Back

(EXODO 20:2,3)

This was the (pillowcase) sign I got to paint for Monterrey (Mexico). When U2 began playing "Yahweh"; and when, sad to say, the big curtain-lights started showing the foul pagan-spiritistic symbols again; I thrust up this sign. (I was close to the edge of the B-stage.)

The idolatrous video-light show was going to stubbornly and defiantly go on; so I executed a "Plan B": I made my way out, holding up this banner as much as I felt I could get away with while exitting. That took the duration of "Yahweh" - which had some fitting elements in it though anyway, including: "Take these hands, teach them what to carry." (I had a Bible in my purse too, BTW - carry that. Jehovah/Yahweh's own words are the Authority for all spiritual matters - so look to this superior, Divinely supported source to find "what [you're] looking for.")

As they started playing "Vertigo", I was still making my way out of this large arena; so I sang the applicable words back at U2 while carrying this sign. "Can't rule [my] heart" impelled me to hoist it up higher.

"Checkmated" got the musical 1-2-3 fist-in-the-air gesture from me. Yes, wake up laddies - no one can play against Jehovah/ Yahweh and win.

Nothing can stop word of mouth. Nothing can stop those honest-heartedly searching for God's truth from finding it. They will, one way or another.

In this time of the end, nothing will stop the exposure of spiritual lies for what they are - for the sake of the "sheeplike" ones. They do not have to remain lost, "staring at [a darkened] sun " [of false, popular, insufficient spiritual "light"]; on a path to destruction at Armageddon - along with all those who choose to give Satan "what [he] want[s]."

What Satan wants is for people to be disobedient and disloyal to God - to be rebellious against his commands, will, spirit, and love.

I met beautiful, sheeplike people in Monterrey - people who radiated warmth; and who were very, very friendly, neighborly, and kind. They were eager, open, and interested in discussing scriptural truths about Jehova/Yahweh and his name. They showed appreciation for these conversations. I hope they pursue the truths they discovered. I hope they become my spiritual brothers and sisters, or even my spiritual "childern" someday. (Yes, I do wish I would have learned Spanish before this trip! I am CONVINCED to do it now though!)

I hope to see them again. I hope we can be companions on this earth forever, in the coming time when all the world will be a paradise, with one big peaceful, loving family on it; with no more poverty, sickness, trouble, war, or even death. I want that day to come soon - don't you? If so, obey Jehovah/ Yahweh and do his will - and tell others to do the same.

The moon overhead , which was near-full over the arena that night, is a scriptural sign of a promise God made to King David - that he would absolutely bring his Kingdom of peace to this earth. The "Prince of Peace", the Messiah, would come from David's lineage:

"Once I have sworn in my holiness,
To David I will not tell lies.
His seed itself will prove to be to time indefinite,
And his throne as the sun in front of me.
As the moon it will be firmly established for time indefinite,
And [as] a faithful witness in the skies." Se'lah
(Psalm 89:35-37)

"For there has been a child born to us, there has been a son given to us; and the princely rule will come to be upon his shoulder. And his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. To the abundance of the princely rule and to peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and upon his Kingdom in order to establish it firmly and to sustain it by means of justice and by means of righteousness, from now on and to time indefinite. The very zeal of Jehovah of armies will do this." (Isaiah 9:6-9)

Seeing God's moon above his magnificent artwork of such amazing, unique mountains; hearing the whole-hearted singing of the crowd (in Spanish, of what I later learned was a touching: "Sing and don't cry"); and thinking of the precious sheeplike people I had met, of whom there were probably more of in this crowd; impelled me to carry that sign. I did it for Yahweh/Jehovah, Jesus, and them. It would be unthinkable not to.

I think Bono called out about what I did: "I don't think many [people] saw that." I just kept going... I hope the right people saw it, and I hope they spread the word. Nothing can stop word of mouth - especially when it is for Jehova/ Yahweh's purposes.

I continued preaching to some wonderful people in Monterrey afterwards until it was time to go home...

So, take note, U2 and U2 fans: There is only One True God. Jehovah/ Jehova/ Yahweh, etc. is his personal name. (Psalm 83:18) Jesus is his Son, and our one Ransomer, Mediator, Teacher, and King. Learn about them. (John 17:3) Obey Jehova - which includes worshiping him "in spirit and truth" (John 4:24) with the global brotherhood/sisterhood of his true worshipers - and live.

There were some improvements in this show, but the blasphemy and false religious recommendations remain. Leave these things behind, because they "KILL SOUL."


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