Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Everyone Keep Running 'Round the Circle (Sarcasm)

Oooo, oooo - its another "ELECTION year"!
Run! Rally for your "new leader" -
Someone to right what's wrong!

Oooo, oooo - its FALL again!
Time for another un general assembly
Run, people run
Bring your prayers and trust
To the prophesied IDOL,
The "image of the beast".

Pre-election time AND the un assembly?
Oh my!!!! Look at the news fly
This must be the time
For all of mankind's critical-level problems
To be "solved", "ended" -
Or to be scheduled to be so-"fixed" - by men
At some point further around the circle
After it is traversed X-number of times more.

So hail, hail FALSE hope
Hail, hail, presumptuous-towards-God promises
Hail, hail FALSE prophets
Hail, hail spiritual adulterers, great and small
Hail, hail entertainment
And DISTRACTION from truth and urgent spiritual needs
That the circular parade provides.

Then, you might as well throw in Christmas, Easter,
Halloween and your birthday
Astrology, paydays,
And a life cycle similar to non-thinking animals.

Around and around and around you go.

(End of Sarcasm)

But...things really don't change, on New Year's Day.....
Or any other of those days, do they.

Except that a few break away from the worthless circle
While others run themselves blind there -
Until time progresses,
Linearly forward,
To Armageddon Day.


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