Sunday, January 18, 2009

END the DEADLY FALSE "Spiritual" PREACHING! (Re: "In the City of Blinding Lights" [again], ETC.)



(meaning, ONLY for those WHO OBEYED Jehovah/ Yahweh)

For now - THANKFULLY (which involves GRATITUDE) rather than "luckily" (which gives NO THANKS to God) - the Maker of earth and man is STILL patiently waiting for the last of honest-hearted mankind to hear and then respond to the scriptural "good news" of HIS heaven-based incoming Kingdom government for THE WHOLE EARTH. (Matthew 24:14) Those messages, AND also WARNING ONES (Ezekiel 3:17-21), are being put out to the world via Jehovah/Yahweh's scripturally-described, faithful, and obedient TRUE worshipers - from such persons to their fellow man.

So, WHEREAS OF TODAY, Jehovah is still delivering certain "blessings" necessary for continued life on earth to both God-obedient persons and God-DEFIANT ones, together, in general - making "his sun rise upon upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous" (Matthew 5:45) - THAT TIME IS NEARLY UP, NEARLY OVER.

Soon, the SAME God that has been so patient with persons, letting them share in the above sort of general "blessings" to the world WILL CEASE TO GRANT ANY MORE "BLESSINGS" - FOR ANY FURTHER LIFE or EXISTENCE - TO THOSE WHO HAVE REFUSED TO "KNEEL", so to say: BASICALLY, THIS GOD WILL SOON PERMANENTLY END THE LIVES OF ALL PERSONS WHO REFUSE TO LISTEN TO HIM AND LEARN AND OBEY WHAT HE SCRIPTURALLY, RIGHTFULLY REQUIRES OF HUMAN BEINGS - which includes worshiping him "WITH SPIRIT and TRUTH" (John 4:24); practicing RIGHTEOUSNESS (Zephaniah 2:3); giving him "EXCLUSIVE DEVOTION" as being "THE ONLY TRUE GOD" (Nahum 1:2; John 17:3); and OBEYING both Him and his Son Jesus Christ, thus "EXERCISING FAITH" (as required) in Jehovah's only provision for the forgiveness of sins, the Justice-settling price paid by his Son's life. (John 3:16 AND 3:36; 2Thessalonians 1:6-9). There are these things, and there is more involved - more to learn (John 17:3), and more to OBEY - IF PERSONS WANT TO CONTINUE TO RECEIVE "BLESSINGS" (LIFE/EXISTENCE and MORE) FROM THIS GOD, the UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN/ LIFE GRANTOR/ CREATOR.

AGAIN, to EMPHASIZE: JEHOVAH/ YAHWEH WILL SOON END ALL "BLESSINGS", including life itself, for those who refuse to "listen" to his scriptural truth and OBEY HIM.

DO NOT BE LULLABY-FOOLED INTO BELIEVING OTHERWISE - BEING COMPLACENT that God's "blessings" will simply CONTINUE for "everyone" (and by "chance" at that). THEY WILL NOT; and that CUT-OFF TIME (ARMAGEDDON DAY) WILL BE SOON.



No matter what a super-group of mass-media-ed pop-stars has to say.

There WILL BE a "cutting off" time - for both disobedient rebels against this God (Psalm 37:9,34,38) AND this current demon-run world system. (Daniel 2:44)

That LINE - that demarcation - that EXACT "day and hour" - that TIME is known, "visible" to God himself alone. ALTHOUGH faithful, true worshipers of Jehovah-Yahweh do not know the exact "day and hour" of Armageddon, WE DO KNOW that the "season" for it (just as Christ prophesied we could know Matthew 24:32,33) IS HERE, and we DO KNOW (though it is invisible to everyone but God) that Jehovah DOES HAVE HIS Armageddon date-LINE ON THE HORIZON. someone trying (daring) to teach the masses that Jesus Christ is NOT now "present" in Kingdom power (ruling as God's appointed King in the heavens and preparing to extend that Kingdom government down over the whole planet as earth's only Rulership) - that it is NOT the time of Christ's "presence and the conclusion of the system of things" [the end of this world system]?

"While he was sitting upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him privately, saying: 'Tell us, When will these things be, and what will be the sign of YOUR PRESENCE and of THE CONCLUSION OF THE SYSTEM OF THINGS?'
And in answer Jesus said to them........
[teaches a detailed, composite "sign" of the "conclusion of the system of things"/ "last days"/ time of "the end"]................................ 'For just as the lightning comes out of eastern parts and shines over to western parts, so THE PRESENCE of the Son of man will be.' (Matthew 24:3,4,27)

IS SOMEONE TRYING TO TEACH THE WORLD THAT THERE IS NO "LINE ON THE HORIZON" IN EXISTENCE NOW, AS COULD BE MADE AS "LIGHTNING COMES OUT OF EASTERN PARTS AND SHINES OVER TO THE WESTERN PARTS" - as what would signify/symbolize the "presence" of God's Son in his Kingdom power, and so, again, the "end" ["conclusion"] of the current wicked, unjust (!), demon-run world system???

Or, is someone, again, trying to teach that TRUTH - and truth about God in particular - is UNKNOWABLE, UNCERTAIN, and AMBIGUOUS at best - a matter of personal "interpretation", "arguable" - in the same way it can seem nearly impossible, to the naked human eye, to discern where water ends and sky begins while viewing a seascape??? Is that the message of this latest album cover and title? If so, tragically - especially during these last pre-Armageddon days - that ought to SELL WELL.

Or.....OPPOSITELY from the sharp/stark "target" and "focus" design theme of the HTDAAB album and Vertigo tour; is this latest effort meant to convey to the masses that their really is nothing worth putting effort into trying to FOCUS on - that there's just a BLURRED "line" between spiritual truth and non-truth ANYWAY, AND SO PEOPLE SHOULD JUST ENJOY THE SCENERY??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is someone trying to teach these (prophesied, warned against) deadly (come Armageddon) falsehoods to THRONGS of their fellow human beings ? -

"For YOU know this first, that in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: “WHERE IS THIS PROMISED PRESENCE OF HIS? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep [in death], all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning.” (2Peter 3:3,4)

Since THERE IS a date-line/ time-line/ DEADline ON THE HORIZON - for Armageddon, the grand culmination-demonstration of Christ's presence/Kingdom power for the end of this world system - and IT IS COMING UP SOON; people had better be MIGHTY CAREFUL about what they TEACH, SPIRITUALLY, TO OTHERS.

Again, that is because whether or not individuals worship THIS God, as HE REQUIRES, "with spirit and TRUTH" (John 4:24) and OBEDIENCE to that WILL SOON MEAN WHETHER THIS GOD, Jehovah-Yahweh, continues to let them live on/ be part of his new world system for earth - or ENDS their lives, permanently, on Armageddon Day, SOON.



Blogger Theresa1 said...

This is a comment left here by yet another person choosing IDOLATROUS "defense" of their U2/Bono gods over Jehovah/ Yahweh and His scriptural life-or-death (soon, come Armageddon) TRUTH.

Notice that their words are - as TYPICAL of God-fighting FALSE religionists, including U2 IDOLATERS - VOID of valid argument based ON THE SCRIPTURES; but BRAZENLY UTILIZE SLANDER INSTEAD.

Here again, as been tried MANY TIMES by U2 IDOLATERS before, because they cannot "win" against the basis of God Almighty's own words of already-made scriptural judgment and warning messages; such persons, like the demon-influenced, sinning-against-the-holy-spirit Pharisees of Jesus day UNJUSTLY "ATTACK THE SPEAKER" in effort to TRY TO DISCREDIT the MESSAGES OF TRUTH FROM GOD that they DO NOT WANT TO BE MADE KNOWN.

Along with that, acting as agents of the Devil, they also seek to SILENCE THE SPEAKER - DISCOURAGE THEM FROM DARING TO SPEAK GOD'S UNWANTED TRUTHS (that come against their idolized falsehoods and ungodly desires) ANY MORE.

So, as typical - and prophesied - the speaker of Jehovah/ Yahweh and also Jesus Christ's scriptural teachings gets charged with being
"CRAZY" (mentally ill - someone that no one should bother "listening" to), otherwise lied about, etc.

It is so much EASIER to cuff-off someone using such intentional SLANDER than "LISTEN" and let needed discipling words from God sink in at all to even start to change one's heart and mind to where one's own Creator and Life-Giver REQUIRES them to be - in order for individuals to be allowed by Jehovah to live in his NEW WORLD SYSTEM here, soon, where RIGHTEOUSNESS WILL BE THE STANDARD.

Those who cannot get over their U2/Bono IDOLATRY and FIGHTING GOD in order to defend and maintain that idolatry and the SPIRITUAL LIES popularly associated with that idolatry - which have been promoted and REINFORCED by U2 (Bono the most) and VERY MUCH SO by their IDOLATROUS (especially FALSE "Christian" fans - will soon pass away forever, along with the rest of the current world system which is mostly under Satan's control.

(Here is the comment a U2 "fan" wanted to place here):

(From): "Sort yourself out"
"Focus on the fact that this is a rock group who write songs that don't need to be taken as gospel. You must have had a serious bump on the head. Get some professional help."

A.) I've been "sorted out" - TRAINED by the TRUTH and active spirit (power) of the Creator of the Universe, Earth, and Mankind for a long time now (for about 25 years).

So far, you've either NOT had the VITAL experience of that, and/ OR have decided to TURN AGAINST it, FIGHT it. In any case, you've sorted yourself, so far, to Satan's side, NOT God's; to the side of convenient, self-desire-first-serving spiritual lies - to the SIDE, the centuries-old "community" whose anti-God choices are responsible for ALL of the BLOODSHED, other INJUSTICES, SUFFERING and DEATH that have occurred since the Satanic start of GOD-REBELLION in Eden.

That is, according to God's own given STANDARDS, where your idolatrous, God-fighting speech has "sorted" you to, so far. If I were you, I would immediately put a LOT of effort into trying to break free of that SIDE and its death and unrighteousness-producing duped thinking.


Yet, phenomenally, in demonstration of (prophesied) HATE for God's warning messages, even though they have "sorted" themselves to a loose "crowd" majority opinion; the most fervent of the U2 IDOLATERS have (as shown over at least seven years) have found it "necessary" to vehemently ATTACK (using spiritually and morally CRIMINAL means, such as slander and trying to ridicule/intimidate-to-silence, etc.) VOICINGS OF THE VERY-MUCH MINORITY OPINION that speaks out against THEIR IDOLARY and the anti-scriptural, anti-God, antichrist, fellow-human destroying spiritual LIES issuing forth from those idols and that IDOLATRY.

U2 (especially Bono) are FAMOULY HAILED as spiritual "examples", guides, and poster-boys for FALSE religionists, especially FALSE "Christains", who, in actuality of WHO they "follow" and whose teachings they put FIRST, have replaced Jesus Christ with as their "Messiah(s)".

That is highly evident in the writings/ God fightings that dominate U2 music-related message boards; as well as in POP-religion books and Jezebellian sermons-for-sale, etc. based on the "great Christian" "spiritual examples" of Bono and U2.

What Bono and U2 teaches and reinforces is not "gospel" to many??! Then, besides the foregoing, do explain this popular trend:

"U2 Eucharist Services"


BONO and his philosophies have even REPLACED JESUS CHRIST and the SIGNIFICANCE of THE RANSOM PAID WITH HIS LIFE in the minds of many ###FALSE### "Christians."

To them it has become, "Down with God's laws-Rule and his incoming heaven-based Kingdom for earth" - that's TOO SLOW and inane. UP, INSTEAD, with Bono, money-power, political influence, and human (come-as-you-are [witch/spiritist, homosexual, apostate "Christian", defiant atheist, etc. all being "fine"]) "teamwork" - with OBEDIENCE to God, respect towards him, and loyal faith in HIS plans purposes to truly save mankind being UNNECESSARY (even a deterent to mankind's "progress") do WHAT?

To try to bring about a "better" world system based on rebellion towards God - built on heart-and-mind aquiesced individual REBELLION to God and his Rule; which Satan and his demons have been actively working on influencing individuals to since their success with Adam and Eve.

Satan LIED to our first parents, telling them that if they rebelled against Jehovah, they would be better off; that to ignore God's Authority brings a more satisfying [FALSE] freedom; and that God was lying when he warned them that if they disobeyed Him, they would die.

U2-ism/ Bonoism, as expounded on and exalted by idolaters of them (especially FALSE "Christians"), as a new, "better" form of "worship" (with Bono himself even mass-media-ing that "social justice" IS "true religion") is definitely an end-of-the-world manifestation of those original (and, yes, deadly) FALSEHOODS of Satan. It is also of the type of "worship" prophesied that people would PREFER during the last days. (2Timothy 4:3,4; Jude)

C.) Contrary to the poster's attempt-to-discredit my speech by way of slander; I have no "bump" on my head, so to say; but I DO have one on my shoulders (brain), which God gave me to USE; which I DO, to gratefully give him glory and help my fellow man to the greatest, best, and soon-to-be ONLY WAY of life there is.

Jehovah IS "my Helper, for this and more. (So is Jesus Christ.) For those who LISTEN TO and OBEY HIM, he spiritually "GUARDS" their "HEART"s "AND MENTAL POWERS BY MEANS OF CHRIST JESUS", and fills them with "THE PEACE OF GOD", despite the spiritually and otherwise hostile and stress/anxiety-producing environment of a now very corrupt, pre-Armageddon world. (See Philippians 4:6-9)

That is "help" that "professional" human-thinking apart from God's is INCAPABLE of delivering.

There is NOTHING that is more healing and beneficial to the human mind (and life) than TRUTH from our Creator. (John 17:16,17; 8:32; Proverbs 1-4; Isaiah 48:17,18; and so much more.)

So, "poster", its your choice: You can continue with your "defense" of U2/Bono's and U2-IDOLATER'S MASS-MEDIA-ED anti-God, antichrist, anti-scriptural, blasphemous messages, which will soon result in eternal death (come God's Armageddon Day) for those who are found unrepentant and un-turned around from those FALSE "spiritual" beliefs and ways; OR you can get working on sorting yourself out NOW (before its soon too late).

12:04 PM  

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