Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A "Response" of Mine that I do not Expect to Show-Up on Another Website/Music Message Board; Re: Parts of "City of Blinding Lights" and a Line from "Stand Up Comedy", Plus Now the "PLEASE" Song

ACHTUNG: Not everything people pass off as "spiritual" is true; and LIES about God's views, out-workings and purposes are LETHAL, murderous.

The mass-media-ed teaching of this song, "blessings are not just for the ones who kneel" is one of those incidious, SATANIC MISLEADINGS. It is fatally, poisonously EXPLOITIVE of the whole of God's words.

Though such an internationally-delivered statement/lyric by a huge charismatic leader is just the type of "spiritual" teaching that the majority of the world was prophesied to crave and seek-out (2Timothy 4:3,4); it is a GENERALITY, which, overall, with a bit more TIME, will prove to be ENTIRELY, TRAGICALLY FALSE.

Does Jehovah/Yahweh grant SOME life-maintaining blessings to the world of mankind overall - such as SUN, RAIN, air, vegetation, and other works of his creation and maintenance? (See Matthew 5:45) Obviously, yes. 

[And with that,  

"Blessings are not just for the ones that kneel, LUCKILY."

was a further sliding-down from the earlier-performed,

"Blessings are not just for the ones that kneel, THANKFULLY."

At least "thankfully" included a nod of rightful gratitude to God; whereas "luckily" seems to mock the very idea and Giver of blessings, does it not?]

("Chance is a kind of religion/ When you're down to plain hard luck." - from "The Playboy Mansion")

Just because MEN [and demons] have wrecked-up many BLESSINGS God has given to mankind - and wicked ones continue to interfere with and ruin, for many, blessings God still wants people to have - there's NO REASON to NOT be grateful to Jehovah/Yahweh for the good things he does provide. Further, He will soon act, with his Justice, to remove all still-wicked-though-warned persons from this earth. Then life here will finally be as God meant it to be: delightful and wonderful, with a free-flow of blessings, for everyone, forever. (Psalm 37:9-11,29; Revelation 22:2 - PLEASE read these.)]

Does Jehovah, in this rapidly-running out time left before Armageddon, still hold out the blessing of THE OPPORTUNITY - for those still FAILING to rightly "KNEEL" to Him - to LEARN His own stated purposes and REQUIREMENTS for mankind, his own TRUTH about himself and his will, as Creator; and then APPLY that knowledge to their lives, so as to OBEY God, DO his will, and BENEFIT themselves and others (now and in the future) for doing so?  [To "KNEEL" to Him would be to SUBMIT to His rightful Sovereignty/Rule with OBEDIENCE, love, gratitude, greatest respect, prayer, etc.] He still IS providing that blessing, too, as yet of this moment. (John 17:3; 3:36; 2Peter 3:9)

However, SOON, THERE WILL ABSOLUTELY NO LONGER BE ANY BLESSINGS - NOT EVEN LIFE or EXISTENCE itself, in any form, anywhere, ever again - for those who have FAILED, by CHOICE - to figuratively "KNEEL".

LIKEWISE, though the FALSE (anti-whole-scriptural, anti-God, antichrist) "organized religions" (especially APOSTATE, counterfeit "Christianity") and FALSE (anti-whole-scriptural, anti-God, and antichrist) spiritual/pseudo-spiritual philosophists of the world (including atheists) HAVE ALL BUT COMPLETELY RUINED OUR WORLD; Jehovah/Yahweh/Javeh God the Creator DOES HAVE, as he has both purposed and prophesied, *ONE* global, united *TRUE* organized religion on this earth. That ONE TRUE, scripturally-described religion DOES NOT SHARE IN THE CRIMES AGAINST GOD and HUMANITY that the FALSE-to-GOD RELIGIONS and other "spiritual" groupings DO.

The ONE TRUE organized religion on earth BEARS GOD'S OWN HOLY NAME UPON IT; and those who are of this one true organized religion - who worship Him as He has scripturally willed, by HIS OWN TERMS of worship, obeying Him and His Son - likewise have Jehovah's holy name upon their heads as his own global people, as His Witnesses, just like He said we would. (Isaiah 43:5-7,10)

It is deathful, Devil-crafted DECEPTION - everything that DIVERTS PEOPLE AWAY FROM learning and practicing the ONE, TRUE, "organized"-by-God-Himself RELIGION that HE HIMSELF HAS PURPOSED for these last days of this world system. He has made this arrangement for the global gathering; training; and spiritual nourishment, strengthening, and protection (including for Armageddon survival) - of righteous-hearted persons of this earth.

So, DO NOT beLIEve the killingly-intentional SLANDER-PROPAGANDA of God's ENEMY (and man's enemy too) -  Satan - that the Creator and Sovereign of the Universe (the most ORGANIZED Being and magnificent DESIGNER there is) CANNOT HAVE or rightfully insist upon there being ONE true, pure form/mode of worship, ONE TRUE organized (from heaven down) RELIGION - ON JEHOVAH/ YAHWEH/ GEOVA'S OWN TERMS, by His own spirit - for the human family he made and put on this earth.

If you are SICK of the DAMAGE that the FALSE-to-God religions/religionists have done to mankind, REST ASSURED, SO IS GOD, and so is His Son.

God Himself says that the CRIMES of the world's FALSE religions - which he metaphorically groups as "Babylon the Great" - HAVE PILED CLEAR ON UP TO HEAVEN. So these issues of what has been done "in the name of God" and "in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ" not only have his attention, but his own looming righteous RAGE against them. (See Revelation 18:5)

As HE Himself is having the whole world WARNED at this time - by his faithful human servants - Jehovah/Yahweh will soon ACT, as he has PROMISED, to RID THE WORLD, the planet, of Satan's entire empire of God-slandering, spiritistic, bloodguilty organized FALSE religions. (Revelation 18:4,5,8,21-24)

At the same time - through that "great tribulation", culminating in Armageddon Day - Jehovah will use His own-provided and purposed ONE TRUE, Christ-led, united, global, organized RELIGION to act as the Divinely-organized arrangement that THE ARK was for the survival of the few TRUE worshipers of Noah's day, before God brought on the Great Flood. That cataclysm brought about the END of the RUINED-by-spiritism/false religion condition of the WORLD of that time. (1Peter 3:20,21; Ephesians 4:3-5)

So, it would be tragic, forever, for any to take spiritually FALSE "comfort" in the mass-media-ed lyric teachings of this song - the misleading generality-produced LIE that God will continue to "bless", or will continue to grant life itself to those who choose to refuse to "kneel" to His Good Godship.


Another Anti-Will-of-God Lyric

Also, the line "Stop helping God across the road like a little old lady" promotes that which is against God's known will and spirit too.

It is CERTAIN that Jehova uses his faithful human worshipers as his "fellow workers" (1Corinthians 3:9), to preach and teach his vital scriptural messages to their fellow human beings; just like the Scriptures exemplify, just like God and Christ mandate that they do, and just like Jehovah and Jesus said they would. (Ezekiel 3:17-21; Matthew 24:14; 28:19,20; Acts 1:8; more) So, as per the will of God Almighty Himself, there ARE humans who ARE "helping God" - just as HE wishes.

It is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE that music lovers do NOT put mass-media-ed song lyrics or any other mere teaching of men ABOVE Divinely purposed and delivered, soon to be life-or-death-determining scriptural TRUTH.


THE SAME THING GOES FOR THE (repeated) LINE:  "PLEASE, PLEASE, GET UP OFF YOUR KNEES". [This was even sung, live in concert, during one of the last 360 Tour shows.] That is TORIDLY wrong to promote and reinforce to the world as "THE ANSWER" to mankind's problems. IT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT IS RIGHT and TRUE.

Most of the world ALREADY DOES NOT WANT TO listen to God or OBEY Him, so as to BE "on their KNEES" - in genuine godly submission to Him - praying to Him and being heard; for having a good, viable relationship with Him. They're NOT "on their knees" this way; so they are NOT benefitting themselves and others by applying God's actual principles and commandments - and, in fact, they are very much  VIOLATING them -


Again, most people are NOT really "on their knees" to Jehovah the Creator, like THEY NEED TO BE, now, to begin with. And Armageddon's coming.

There's no greater emergency.



Lastly, people's spiritual drive does not belong being exploited to service "social justice" or political agendas. TRUE worship/religion already includes helping one's "neighbor", as a person can, as per God's instructions. (Galatians 6:10; James 1:27 - without ignoring the "b" part - and more.) BUT, "social justice"-helping one's neighbor IS NOT WHAT TRUE RELIGION/ WORSHIP **IS**.


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