Saturday, December 30, 2017

EDITED: Comment I Just Left Under a U2 "Red Flag Day" Video

Paradise is a place we CAN SEE, because we're already here, and eyes of faith can "see"/envision the possibilities; without any of the life-and-world-ruining evils and problems that now exist. This is where we were originally meant and designed to be, forever - in Eden, extended globally. Soon, God-obedient mankind will see the current world turned around, so as to fulfill His original purposes for mankind and this earth. So, this would be a great song, EXCEPT FOR one very red-flag ERROR; that needs to be fixed, so as not to kill scriptural hope, mass-media mislead, etc: Here, there is a simple, yet critical DIFFERENCE between the words "CAN" vs. "CAN'T". (And this song is the third incidence of this on this album.) This WOULD be TRUE, scripturally, spiritually, and mentally; because we have Jah's scriptural descriptions; we have the good things of creation as examples; because we can dream/imagine possibilities of the wonderful way things will be, based on these things; and because we can have faith in what we KNOW will be true: PARADISE IS A PLACE YOU CAN SEE, if its yours. (However, again, negatively, the song line is saying, "Paradise is a place you CAN'T see, if its yours.") For the vast majority of mankind, ever; and for nearly all persons now alive (except for a rarest few); PARADISE IS GOING TO BE RIGHT HERE WHERE WE ARE NOW - PLANET EARTH, TRANSFORMED INTO A WORLD-WIDE GARDEN OF EDEN-LIKE, PEACEFUL and TROUBLE-FREE PLACE. After Jehovah's SOON-coming, world clean-up Day of Armageddon - of His removing all vestiges of evil, and all stubbornly-evil persons from this earth; and dissolving all of the kingdoms of men that now exist - He will extend His heaven-based, promised, Kingdom of God down to this earth; to encompass it as its one and only Ruling entity. Jehovah's appointed King of that Kingdom, His Son, Jesus Christ, will Rule over mankind perfectly. Mankind will be healed, taught (even as they are now), and brought back into a state of sinless-ness and perfection. Then there will be true peace on earth, for everyone here, forevermore. Jehovah will be praised, His Son will be praised, and everyone on earth will thrive and be happy. It will be paradise here - just like it was meant to be; by the One whose name means, "He Causes to Become." He carries through His purposes. He will with this planet and humankind. It goes like this:

"Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; And you certainly will give attention to his place, and he will not be. But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight, in the abundance of peace." (Psalm 37:10,11)

So, basically, WE ARE HERE. Imagine pointing an arrow at yourself: YOU ARE HERE. The ending of this Satanic world system - the great tribulation/the ending of all FALSE religion (of "Babylon the Great")  [Revelation 18]; followed by Armageddon Day from Jehovah [Revelation 19; Ezekiel 38 and 39] - will all be gone through and over SOON. Then the PARADISE will be here. Wars, poverty, hunger, sickness, pain, grief, anguish, racism, terrorism and other injustices will be GONE. Dead loved ones who died before Armageddon will be brought back to life, to learn God's ways, in His trouble-free new world. Finally, as the last enemy, even death will be no more. Everything will be perfect and wonderful. So, now, we are on the border of that TRUE new world, from God (not men).

Bono, you have spoken of Martin Luther King's "dream" many times. He said he COULD "SEE" the promised land, though he didn't quite understand quite what it was. Abraham, who will be resurrected to live on earth as his reward, through eyes of faith, he COULD SEE the promised land, "the city having real foundations", blessings of God's Kingdom. Now, we have the whole Bible, the good things of creation all around us, the knowledge of "the information age", can see the fulfillment of prophesies pointing to that this is indeed the end of this wicked and defunct world we CAN SEE the end of this world system; and extrapolate-envision-SEE, with eyes of faith, THE PROMISED LAND - God's [true] new world, PARADISE, HERE. IT IS AS THOUGH, * "ON THE BORDERLAND WE RUN." * So, I HOPE THIS IS A SORT OF HOMECOMING for people.

"Hope in Jehovah and keep his way, And he will exalt you to take possession  of the earth. When the wicked are cut off, you WILL SEE it." (Psalm 37:34)

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

A Comment I Left Under a Video of U2's "Love is All We Have Left"

(Edited) Humans don't have immortality - not unless and until Jehovah grants it to them. That will be mainly in the future, after Armageddon, after the 1000 year reign of Christ, after humankind here are brought back into a state of perfection (healed from sin too), and after a final test upon mankind. When people "close their eyes" (and die); their life force does not travel to the stars - they do not go to exist somewhere in the stars, or in heaven (except for in the rarest of cases), in an "afterlife".  Instead, their life force goes back to Jehovah - and He keeps individuals safe in His perfect memory; to restore them back to life here in the future, in the resurrection. Until then, the dead "are conscious of nothing at all" (see Ecclesiastes 9:5,6); and are as-if "sleeping" in death (see John 11:11-14); awaiting that future day, when Jesus and/or Jehovah calls their name, to "awaken" them, bring them BACK TO LIFE. (John 5:28,29; Job 14:15) On our own, we are not able to go on living, in any form or way. ALL of our future life prospects depend on Jehovah, the good Heavenly Father, and the Way to everlasting life He re-opened up through His Son Jesus' sacrifice of his perfect and sinless human life. Also, when a human dies, a baby does not come to life because of it - the whole "Lightning Crashes" song bit about that was totally unscriptural.

About feelings of love at a time of death though....The gaze of my Mom's eyes at me, one day shortly before she died, can only be described as purest love. If there was any consolation in all that went down, for now, I would say it was that. I very much look forward to seeing her again, soon, HERE - after Armageddon, in God's Kingdom, like in Eden, HERE.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

I Would Love to Love this New Song "Red Flag Day", BUT There's a WRONG Word in the Way!!!

[Previously] Listening in my car (now parked). I really like this song, "Red Flag Day". I'm just saying.

['Just looked at the lyrics, and made a minute correction, to what I had missed.]

"Baby its a red flag day
But baby let's get in the water
Taken out by a wave,
Where we've never been before...."



AWFULLY, HOWEVER, the above IS NOT WHAT THE PRINTED LYRICS AT YOUR WEBSITE SAY. (And, today, after using my phone camera to expand the very tiny print in the CD album insert; I can see that the lyric is printed the same) -  




THE PUBLIC DOESN'T NEED ANY MORE DESTRUCTION of HOPE that God Himself has provided; or SPIRITUAL STARVATION, due to substituted, artificial/man-made, Scripturally-spiritually FALSE  and mass-media-ed teachings.

How many times have you yourselves sang of a place with no sorrow or pain? Have you not envisioned, to some degree, a future like that? 

These are your words, too: "She's gonna dream up the world she's gonna live in, she's gonna dream out loud....Dream out loud." Think of the good things, beautiful things and blessings that still exist - and now imagine all that, WITHOUT any troublesome problems. "Feed your head": Read scriptural descriptions of  kinds of blessings to come, in the Jehovah's new world PARADISE here (look at Isaiah 65:17-25; 25:6-9; more...) Picture yourself living under those conditions, with the way to forever opened up; picture meeting dead love ones and people from the past; picture doing things you've always wanted to do; imagine perfect health...imagine, picture, dream, and dwell on these things....

Look at your Mediterranean, and imagine there is no more trouble, there are no more tears - that the whole world is peaceful, and everyone's thriving; because Jehovah's own Kingdom from heaven, with Jesus Christ himself as its appointed King, is Ruling all the earth, perfectly. Those are some ways to be picturing / SEEING PARADISE.  

In fact, you can't help but to SEE PARADISE! In the pre-clean-up, pre-fix-up, PRE-Kingdom of God form, ITS ALL AROUND YOU! For nearly all human beings ever born, of those who will have a share in God's Kingdom, THIS IS GOING TO BE "HOME" - this earth - right where we are now!

(Your former pastor, whom I see this album is co-dedicated to, may have been a nice and sincere guy, but as far as scriptural-spiritual teachings, regarding major and critical issues, he was SINCERELY WRONG.)

Yes, look around, at the good things of creation. From that, its not too hard to imagine the Garden of Eden; and so its not too hard to imagine the coming paradise here either then - which will be like Eden, only earth-wide.

Jehovah will NOT be allowing this beautiful home He made for humans to go to waste. By His own words, He did NOT make it "simply for nothing", and He formed it "even to be inhabited." (Isaiah 45:18)

With only very few exceptions, God-obedient mankind will NOT BE LEAVING this earth, to go live in heaven, as their reward for being faithful and true. (Think: "Man dreams of leaving, but he always stays behind." ["Lemon"]) INSTEAD, it will be the OPPOSITE: It will be the STUBBORNLY EVIL persons who will be REMOVED, BY GOD - "cut off" from this planet and everlasting life:

 "And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more;
And you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. 

   But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth,
And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace."

"The righteous themselves will possess the earth,
And they will reside forever upon it."

"Hope in Jehovah and keep his way,
And he will exalt you to take possession of the earth.
When the wicked ones are cut off, you will see [it]."

                      (Psalm 37:10,11,29,34)

[And then, I had written]:
"The news.....So many lost at sea...."

[And my thought was]:
Excellent lyrics, Bono/U2.

(Also from the past...Such was the situation...) 

[And what I wrote was]:
I can relate.  :) 

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Re: An Upcoming "The Lights of Home" Performance by U2 on the BBC - My Comment Under a Video About This

The music is great, but the lyrics need fixing. Can't "experience" move one to leave the "Wake Up, Dead Man", etc. mistakes behind forever? Why not get out of your own way - and the way of others - with the mass-media-ing of what is spiritually-scripturally NOT RIGHT?!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

I Just (Today) Saw a 2015 Video for U2's "Song for Someone" (Directed by Matt Mahurin), and Left this Comment

(Edited, again today, 1-12-2018) Why put the dark spirit-like figures in it (though perhaps this is trying to represent "fans" and others who have been inspired by this artist). Jehovah is the Source of life, light, hope, and comfort (and the resurrection) - not anything false/of Satan. LOVE what is good, hate what is bad. There are some problems with these lyrics. In Jehovah's promised new world/ Kingdom/ paradise soon to be here, on this earth (after Armageddon Day); people *CAN* ALWAYS BE! That will be true for any of "the great crowd, which no man is able to number", who will survive Armageddon Day (Revelation 7:9,10,13-17); or for the millions/billions Jehovah will resurrect back to life then, who died before Armageddon Day. (John 5:28,29) Until then, those who are "sleeping" in death are SAFE in Jehovah's perfect memory of them; and He CAN and WILL bring them back to life, as the unique persons that they were. This is made possible due to the ransoming sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ's perfect human life, to cover for sin. Eventually, death, which is so UNNATURAL to human beings, will be done away with, as "the last enemy." When people are resurrected - when we can see and hug them again; in the future, when Jehovah completely vanquishes death; then we will be able to say, "Death, where is your sting?" The grief, suffering, tears, and pain associated with the tragedy of death will be no more. Jehovah will dry every tear of anguish and heal and uplift every heart of mankind here then. This is light and hope, based on what is real. (1Corinthians 15:54-57; Revelation 21:3,4; Isaiah 25:6-9). Do NOT doubt the guiding LIGHT of TRUTH that IS, and IS from God (with His spirit/power/active force) - learn more scriptural TRUTH about it (John 17:3); reach for it, pray for it, see it, let it fill you, reflect it, live it, hope in it, let it be your stronghold, let it comfort you. Despite the problems, there are some beautiful, precious moments in this video. Please work on fixing the rest. (This is heartbreaking. Be well - *PLEASE*.)

(Edited) Re: U2's "Lights of Home" Song - Comment I Made Under a Video

(Edited, again...) Blasphemy. Jesus Christ is not yours to publicly trash, disrespect, and abuse. Despite the printed lyrics, the layers of sound  ["'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings."] make a line out to be this: "...Jesus, if I'm still your friend - what the hell - WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE/GOT FOR ME". (That can sell the song to the very large God and Christ-hating/disrespecting crowd - and yet, since the name of Jesus was used, those of false "Christianity" will instantly cheer for it and buy it too.  Personal feelings and a crying out for help in a tragic and painful near death experience are one thing - and could provide insight and song material one is motivated to share - but when putting these things into a public song/ one to be mass-media-ed to millions or billions; one needs to realize the gravity of the likely EFFECTS of such lyrics. To put deadly (especially come Armageddon Day) spiritual falsehoods into a mass-media-ed song IS LIKE POISONING THE FOOD SUPPLY, spiritually. 

It is well-known that there are human hordes of Satan - persons willfully and dangerously ignorant/defiant of scripturally-given, Divine hope, mandates and knowledge; who consider themselves more wise than God (they beLIEve in "the LIE") [see Romans 1:18-32, note verses 1:25 and 1:28]; and who deludedly think wealth and "power" over others "ENTITLES" THEM to BE gOD OVER OTHERS, even so far as to deny them their own God-given human rights and LIFE itself (or to make plans to kill them off, LIKE WEEDS). It is well-known that some of these dangerously spiritually ignorant/defiant "elite" (and those siding with them/beLIEving their [and Satan's] deceptions) WISH TO SEE THE POPULATION OF THE EARTH REDUCED BY 90-PERCENT. It is obvious THAT PART OF THIS DE-POPULATION AGENDA AND (MORE SO) SATANIC PROPAGANDA MANIPULATION TO TURN AGAINST GOD - to JUST GIVE-UP ON/ REJECT JEHOVAH and SCRIPTURAL TRUTH FROM HIM AND ACCEPT DEATH - is being WORKED UPON THE MASSES BY A CULTURE OF DEATH. LOOK AT WHAT MEDIA and big commerce IS PUTTING OUT AROUND YOU, IN YOUR FACES. The "American Soul" video, in the way of SHOWING some of these aspects, anyway (THOUGH IT OWED TO MARK THESE THINGS AS BEING BAD [as opposed to "cool", etc.]) was not far off from right in this way - EXCEPT THAT SPIRITISM (demonism) and THE EVIL THAT PRODUCES ARE A WORLD-WIDE PROBLEM. SO LOOK OUT FOR ANY OF SATAN and/or HIS HORDES' DEVIOUS MACHINATIONS - and pray to Jehovah through His Son, Jesus Christ, for help, guidance, and protection against the evil and damage that wicked persons wish to work. LEARN and TAKE YOUR STAND for what is right, true, and OF GOD, OF LIFE INSTEAD. (John 17:3)

"And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more;
And you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be.
But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth,
And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

The wicked one is plotting against the righteous one,
And at him he is grinding his teeth.

Jehovah himself will laugh at him,
For he certainly sees that his day will come.

The wicked ones have drawn a sword itself and have bent their bow,
To cause the afflicted and poor one to fall,
To slaughter those who are upright in [their] way.

Their own sword will enter into their heart,
And their own bows will be broken.....

....Turn away from what is bad and do what is good,
And so reside to time indefinite.

For Jehovah is a lover of justice,
And he will not leave his loyal ones.

To time indefinite they will certainly be guarded;
But as for the offspring of the wicked ones, they will indeed be cut off.

The righteous themselves will possess the earth,
And they will reside forever upon it.

Hope in Jehovah and keep his way,
And he will exalt you to take possession of the earth.
When the wicked ones are cut off, you will see [it]."
(Psalm 37:10-15, 27-29,34)

Also, "hell", in the vernacular, has nothing to do with Jesus Christ, as "hell" (as a place of "afterlife" torment) is an ANTI-Scriptural teaching. Additionally, Christ (and God) are NOT responsible for the bad things that happen to people today. Drop a tag-line phrase of [the false religious philosophy of being] "born again" though, and watch Christendom (those of false Christianity - the most popular kind) snap up what you sell like fish after fish food. P.S. There's no life after death. (Ecclesiastes 9:5) People who die need to await a yet future resurrection, which will occur here AFTER God's Armageddon clean-up Day. (John 5:28.29) Until then, dead loved ones are safe in Jehovah's perfect memory - and He is fully capable of resurrecting individuals as the unique whole persons that they were. God knows people that thoroughly). So people (except for only a very few anointed true worshipers of Jehovah) are not "born again" as they die (to take on spirit bodies, so as to enter heaven), either. Instead, they sleep in death. (See John 11:11-14) ("MLK" was more correct here.) So death does NOT mean "going home." It is a sad, terrible tragedy - it is UNNATURAL, as we were originally designed and meant to live forever; and that is what is built into our hearts. (Ecclesiastes 3:11) It means losing out, for the time being, on being alive. The lights and other visions people "see" in near death experiences can be caused by the brain being flooded with chemicals, due to trauma (although I believe this is a work of God, to soften the agony/bring some comfort). Death is not a "passage" to home or a better place, but instead is a tragedy. So PLEASE avoid it. Instead, there is everything to live for. Someday, as promised, Jehovah will completely eliminate death - the last enemy. (1Corinthians 15:26; Revelation 21:4) Knowing the truth about life vs. death makes God's gift of life all the more valuable. Knowing scriptural TRUTH from Jehovah TRULY SETS PEOPLE FREE. (John 8:32) Sing it [that line, anyway] again, Bono/U2 - "Oh Lord, loosen my lips". (And PLEASE be well.)

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Wall :) (I Know its been Mostly Painted Over...)

Comments/ Some Thoughts I Posted Under a Video of U2's New Song, "13 (There is a Light)" Song

No - this song is dark, ominous, and discouraging. It features mostly hopelessness - and also fear. It is wrongly implosive of "light" and (for the most part) hope. As Jehovah's teaches, He, with His spirit, and HIS SPIRIT-BACKED, scriptural WORDS of truth ARE LIKE LIGHT - a purposely God-given GUIDE to those following their God-given, inborn conscience; to do the right thing with their God-granted existence, and SEEK HIM SO AS TO APPRECIATIVELY LISTEN TO HIM/obey Him/DO His will for them. It is the only RIGHT THING to do - out of most basic, righteous, owed gratitude. 

"Your word is a lamp to my foot, And a light to my roadway" (Psalm 119:105) 

"Send out your light and your truth. May these themselves lead me. May they bring me to your holy mountain and to your grand tabernacle." (Psalm 43:3) 

"For the commandment is a lamp, and a light the law is, and the reproofs of discipline are the way of life" (Proverbs 6:23) 

 "Consequently we have the prophetic word [made] more sure; and YOU are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and a daystar rises, in YOUR hearts." (2Peter 1:19) 

"When he caused his lamp to shine upon my head, [When] I would walk [through] darkness by his light" (Job 29:3) 

"For you yourself will light my lamp, O Jehovah; My God himself will make my darkness shine" (Psalm 18:28) 

"Light itself has flashed up for the righteous one, And rejoicing even for the ones upright in heart" (Psalm 97:11) 

 "He has flashed up in the darkness as a light to the upright ones. He is gracious and merciful and righteous" (Psalm 112:4) 

"And he made out of one [man] every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth, and he decreed the appointed times and the set limits of the dwelling of [men], for them to seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us. For by him we have life and move and exist, even as certain ones of the poets among YOU have said, ‘For we are also his progeny.’ (Acts 17:26-28) 

 Also, as Jesus said, those true to God "are the light of the world", and LET THEIR LIGHT SHINE - by standing up for and preaching/sharing Jehovah/Yahweh's scriptural truth with others - so that they too can come to know God, and bask in that LIGHT of TRUTH and God's spirit and blessing too. 

Sadly - and as bad spiritual advice - this song more recommends wallowing in and focusing on darkness - AND ALSO CASTING DOUBT AS TO THE EXISTENCE OF THE LIGHT OF HELP OF GOD (with the exception of the title - which is not what the listener focuses on). On the other hand, it is recommending NOT doubting darkness. That's messed up (and messes up). The in-song-context annoying, whining (disaster warning siren-mimicking), grief and stress-acknowledging guitar music/ sound effects - but then along with the lyrics, featuring dismal darkness - aggravate and would not help grief, those dealt heinous and evil injustice, etc. This song, as is, isn't so much a song of "light", but one of unnecessary extreme sadness and hopelessness, with some rejection/dis-acknowledgment of desperately needed TRUE LIGHT FROM JAH - Divine help, hope, comfort, love; and the true, fix-all cure coming (Jehovah's incoming [heaven-based] Kingdom for this earth); and all the positive changes that will bring, for those that will do the right thing and listen to their own Maker. It's false that people "CAN'T ALWAYS SEE" the LIGHT of God's love, truth, spirit, hope, and righteous and Just promises of eliminating evil, making things better, etc. 

The truth is what Jehovah has said: that light source is with everyone's reach. 

"If, now, the good news we declare is in fact veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the ILLUMINATION of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not SHINE through. For we are preaching, not ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as YOUR slaves for Jesus’ sake. For God is he who said: “LET THE LIGHT SHINE OUT OF THE DARKNESS,” and he has SHONE on our HEARTS to ILLUMINATE [THEM] with the glorious knowledge of God by the face of Christ." (2Corinthians 4:3-6) 

Remove the "veils" - of whatever is separating oneself from God (various sinful practices, rejection of His own words, etc.) off of one's own eyes, one's own head; AND THEN SIMPLY LET THE LIGHT of THE CREATOR, the GOOD, HEAVENLY FATHER SHINE THROUGH, to your heart and mind - become filled with it, and then move, positively, living in that LIGHT and LETTING IT SHINE.

Additionally, this is a bogus, spiritually negative, scripturally incorrect, and seemingly couched (in this song) suggestion, which one should know better than to make, at this point: "If there is a world, we can't always be." How so? Says who (to the masses)?

This is what Jehovah, the Creator and Universal Sovereign says (and He is kind):

"And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more;
And you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be.
But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth,
And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.....
......The righteous themselves will possess the earth,
And THEY WILL RESIDE FOREVER upon it." (Psalm 37:10,11,29)

(I read of some victims of natural disasters - a couple who had their tiny children ripped out of their arms, into the waters of a freak hurricane in NY; and a child who lost her both her parents [and maybe her brother too] in tsunami in the Philippines. What kept them going? The "light" from Jehovah - the  scriptural truth [including about the coming resurrection of their dead loved ones]; and the sure hope, comfort, reassurance, and strength those words of God, His spirit, and a friendship with God [which includes praying to Him] bring. In contrast, doubting these things would not have brought the same kind of encouragement. So the best thing for those who do not know Jehovah's fortifying scriptural truth is to learn it now [John 17:3], so as not to be doubting it when they need it most.) 
"I know the world is done" - yes, Bono; yes, U2; yes, everyone; yes it is. It is totally the last of the pre-Armageddon days now. It's that evil, and that rot - despite the good things of God left in it. Jehovah's new world - His Kingdom from heaven - will be here soon though; after His Armageddon Day removes all vestiges of stubborn evil from off the face of this earth forever.!!!!

And, hopefully, "13" was not chosen as a symbol of a wicked  false religion.

Friday, December 08, 2017

A Comment I Just Wrote Under a U2 Playing at a U2 Subway Station (in Berlin) Video

Like I was just explaining to someone, to make vital changes, you do NOT deny past poor decisions (and their bad effects). Instead, you repent and turn around; resolve not to go back to doing what was bad; and work to improve oneself - move forward. A better reputation follows - at least in the eyes of honest people; and more importantly, with God. We live in "critical times, hard to deal with" - just like the Scriptures said they would be, before Armageddon day. (2Timothy 3:1) Rather than seek a FALSE "oneness", "peace" and "unity" that still embraces evil, lies, and rebellion against God - everything that is currently DESTROYING THE WORLD - give it up: That will never be the "solution", but continual strife and failure. TRUE peace and "one"-ness comes from honest-hearted and conscienced TRUTH and righteousness - that lifts people up to seek Jehovah's scriptural truth, which is also testified to by one's conscience and the goodness of the natural world surrounding us. TRUE love, peace, goodness, and Justice are established FIRST with God (and His Son). Those who do the right thing - who seek, develop, and maintain a good relationship with their heavenly Father, learning and living by His scriptural standards - naturally then have a spiritual brotherhood, sisterhood, through our heavenly Father Jehovah; and that is true, no matter WHAT country of this world we find ourselves in. And so thus comes the reality (not a harmful or divisive delusion) of the "US" versus "THEM" too. People can say whatever they want; but spiritually, and in regard to the future of mankind and all persons now alive; the "US" that is vital and matters IS the TRUE unity, the TRUE being "ONE" with God that Jesus Christ prayed about to His Father Jehovah (the being "ONE" in spirit and purpose that they shared) - and the same TRUE "unity" and "ONE"-ness with God and Christ that THOSE TRUE and obedient to God and Jesus would share; with Jehovah, with Jesus Christ, and with each other. Using God's holy name, Jehovah, and knowing the truth of the Person of God behind that name is vital and unifying too - making those who value the Divine and universal importance of this "ONE".

"Holy Father, watch over them on account of YOUR OWN NAME which you have given me, in order that they may be ONE JUST AS WE ARE." (John 17:11) I have given your word to them, but the world has hated them, because they are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.
15 “I request you, not to take them out of the world, but to watch over them because of the wicked one. 16 They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. 17 Sanctify them by means of the TRUTH; YOUR WORD IS TRUTH. 18 Just as you sent me forth into the world, I also sent them forth into the world. 19 And I am sanctifying myself in their behalf, that they also may be sanctified by means of truth.
20 “I make request, not concerning these only, but also concerning those putting faith in me through their word; 21 in order that they may all be ONE, just as you, Father, are in UNION with me and I am in UNION with you, that they also may be in UNION with US, in order that the world may believe that you sent me forth. 22 Also, I have given them the glory that you have given me, IN ORDER THAT THEY MAY BE ONE just as WE ARE ONE. 23 I in UNION with them and you in UNION with me, in order that they may be PERFECTED INTO ONE, that the world may have the knowledge that you sent me forth and that you loved them just as you loved me......Righteous Father, the world has, indeed, not come to know you; but I have come to know you, and these have come to know that you sent me forth. 26 And I have made YOUR NAME known to them and will make it known, in order that the LOVE with which you loved me may be in them and I in UNION with them.” (John 17:14-23, 25,26)

These things cause TRUE LOVE to FLOW - between God, Christ, and individuals - and from that, between all those likewise in true unity with God and Christ. THIS IS THE SCRIPTURAL, TRUE "ONE." (Also see Ephesians 4:2-6) It encompasses people from all over this earth. This is the life and future vital, scriptural "US". These are Christ's TRUE disciples. We don't even go to war, when those of various nations do, because, for one thing, we would never want to sell-out or violate our God-given, scriptural, TRUE unity and "ONE"-ness, by taking a chance on harming or killing our spiritual brothers (or our "neighbor" - our fellow human being). (John 13:35)

In CONTRAST to the scriptural "US" are those wishing to remain alienated from God. Both God and Christ refer to THEM as "the world" [of mankind alienated from God]. The actual DIS- unity of those NOT obeying God's given scriptural standards and warnings is clear, tragic, and world-ruining.

There ARE sorts of certain FALSE and destructive "unity" and "oneness" between those stubbornly and wickedly alienated from God, however.

"We know we originate with God, but THE WHOLE WORLD IS LYING IN THE [POWER OF THE WICKED ONE]. 20 But we know that the Son of God has come, and he has given us intellectual capacity that we may gain the knowledge of the TRUE ONE. AND WE ARE IN UNION WITH THE TRUE ONE, by means of his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and life everlasting. 21 Little children, guard yourselves from idols." (1John 5:19-21)

"The kings of earth take their stand
And high officials themselves have massed together as one
Against Jehovah and against his anointed " (Psalm 2:2)

Then there's "Babylon the Great" (Satan's world empire of all FALSE religions), with its FALSE and DESTRUCTIVE, wantonly delusional "unity", ecumenalism, worship the UN. etc. in place of God, and in spiritually adulterous, whore-like service to the governments of Satan's world system of them - instead of God. The are "unified" as enemies of God also - Satan's world empire of all Jehovah-fighting, anti-scriptural, demonism-teaching, injustice and evil-practicing, war-mongering, and blood guilty FALSE religions. (Revelation chapters 17 and 18). A good first clue to that a religion is grotesquely FALSE, DISOBEDIENT to God and Christ, and Satan (the manslayer) -serving is if it advertises videos of its militaries/armies, guns, bombs, armed troops, etc., [blasphemously] "in the name of" God, Christ, and/or their church, "motherland/fatherland", [FALSE and apostate] "Christianity", etc.

And then there's Gog (Satan) and Magog (his crowd with him).....

So, there are 2 sides, from the reference point of Jehovah the Creator and Universal Sovereign: The side of "US" is with Him and His Son - standing up for scriptural truth, righteousness, Justice, TRUE love, etc. - what IS "of God" - and the TRUE hope, based on what is REAL, that this produces. IN CONTRAST, the "THEM" is Satan's side - with every harmful LIE; every God-alienating, anti-scriptural teaching; all evil; all unrighteousness; spiritual darkness; delusionment; and jeopardized (or lost) eternal futures.

And "don't straddle on the fence" either; because that is Satan's side - his side, his one grouping of those not listening to/obeying God also.

It's too late, tonight, to NOT bring the past out into the light; and for individuals to not acknowledge their errors and CHANGE.

P.S. I visited that subway station too, years ago, as part of my U2-in-Berlin concert travel adventure.

Poignant, again...Act to claim the victory Jesus actually be as ONE, with the real, vital, scriptural ONE.

Monday, December 04, 2017

(Edited) Comment I Left Under an "American Soul" (SNL) Video Today

(Re-edited again. Please see ending too.) This country IS a PLACE - just like the other man-made countries, with their man-made borders and nationalism are. Now, to pull a good line out of an old song, "IMAGINE THERE'S NO COUNTRIES". There IS a heaven - and one God, Jehovah, "above us"; and there ARE issues "to live and die for"; but there IS, also, "a brotherhood of man" - a spiritual one. (Jehovah's own scriptural words form one true and global religion.) At a concert from your last tour, a poem streamed on the stage wall scrolled the thought of how, when a bird flies over the earth, it does not recognize the man-made political borders that exist. Doesn't it also feel like that when looking down, from high above, in a plane? Soon, by known scriptural, Divine purposes and prophesies, the kingdoms of men that now exist - all of them corrupt, all of them deficient, and all of them largely effected by demonic propaganda/influence will all be dissolved. (1John 5:19; Daniel 2:44) They will ALL be replaced by Jehovah's own heaven-based Kingdom, which will be extended down to earth (after God brings His Armageddon Day, to remove all vestiges of evil from this planet). Then Jehovah's Kingdom, with His Son Jesus as God's appointed King of that Kingdom, will be earth's sole Ruling entity - A PERFECT ONE. Paradise will be restored here; and all people here then (plus resurrected dead loved ones, brought back to life) will thrive again, in happiness, true love, and true peace - as one family of man, TRULY under God - WITHOUT the man-made borders that now exist. YES, it is GREAT to DREAM of this (and it is necessary to ACT, to be part of it); but THIS dream - THIS HOPE - IS TRUE, and WILL NOT FAIL. Nothing any wicked persons can do will be able to stop it from coming true. It will be SOON. (Psalm 37:10,11)

This being said though; this song has a serious problem, in that, despite the sarcastic attempts to rightly condemn various wicked attitudes, behaviors, and actions; all of the "BLESSED ARE THE_____" - the FALSIFIED "beatitudes" heisted from Jesus and God's words at Matthew 5:3-12 - MOCK GOD, and disrespect Him to the masses (most of whom are already disrespecting and defying Him, as is [and thus the state of the world]). The Good Heavenly Father does NOT deserve to be mass media dragged through the mud again - or have His own Authoritative and vital scriptural words maligned anymore - due to the trouble HUMANS make; and for the entertainment of the many.

 Additionally, the video has a lot of spiritistic imagery in it again. That could be to make the point that the inundation of spiritism (demonism) in so much of human society is destroying it (and that would be true). However, that is not the whole case here. The inscriptions of "U" and "2" are found under a pair of the spiritistic images of hamsa hands/hands of Fatima with "the evil eye" on each palm - showing approval for these things. Though longstandingly popular in middle eastern culture; these are still spiritistic images - talismans meant to ward off evil. Since the spiritism of using images and objects this way is condemned by God, promotion of such offends Him; and those who indulge in spiritism by use of such images/objects end up receiving the opposite result they were seeking. The God-forbidden use of talismans like this INVITES demons and the trouble that brings. I hope you clean it up. 

Other than that, its a good message, to not believe in "the lie". (Romans 1:25; Revelation 22:15)

Friday, December 01, 2017

Another Comment of Mine, Left Under U2's "American Soul" Video

The soul of ANY person, in ANY country, can die - if they beLIEve THE LIE. And do you know WHAT "THE LIE" is? It is a set of evil, blasphemous, deceptive, and deadly LIES that came from Satan, right at the beginning of mankind. It features THE LIE that Jehovah the Creator and Universal Sovereign doesn't know what He's talking about; and that human beings are best off doing things their own way, in defiance of what their own Maker has mandated in His own words. THE LIE also teaches that God is a liar. Further, THE LIE teaches that there is no consequence for violating Jehovah's commands. Whereas God and Christ warn that stubbornly/willfully evil persons will die/LOSE OUT on eternal life; Satan works THE LIE propaganda (like he did in Eden) that God is lying - that they "positively will not die", that they will go on living anyway. (Genesis 3:4) This is also known as the [FALSE] doctrine of "the immortality of the soul", and it is a demonic central lie teaching found in nearly all of the FALSE, anti-scriptural LIE-teaching religions of the world (aka "Babylon the Great" - Revelation chapters 17 and 18). Now, with Armageddon day so close at hand, Satan and the demons (and willing human hordes of theirs) are amping-up THE LIE - to cause as many people as possible to turn against God and His scriptural standards; and to cause as much mayhem, suffering, violence, injustice, fear, evil, sin, and death among humankind as possible. Satan and his demons know that they have only a short time left (before God's Armageddon Day), in order to do their damage, and they are very angry and desperate. (Revelation 12:12)What happens when people beLIEve - and live and like - THE LIE? TRUTH FROM GOD (and those speaking it) BECOMES THE "ENEMY" - IT BECOMES HATED, just like Jesus warned.Those who adopt a love of THE LIE, with its deceptive, false "freedom" [from conscience and Divine standards], and a hatred for the truth develop a whole range of prophesied-in-type, eventually fatal (if not cured-in-time, by Armageddon Day) "symptoms" - their attitudes and actions BECOME GOD-INSOLENT, EVIL, HARMFUL, and DESTRUCTIVE of all that is true, right, good, and of-God. YOU CAN READ OF THIS (PLEASE) IN ROMANS 1:18-32; and 2Timothy 3:1-9,13. The time is short, for anyone - in ANY country/"kingdom" [of men] - insistent on unrighteously "liking and carrying on A LIE." (Revelation 22:15)In contrast, for individuals, seeking Jehovah's own truth - found in His own scriptural, spirit-backed  words (John 17:17; 4:24; 17:3) - and sticking to and obeying it - is the way out of this entire doomed, global, LIE-CREATED MESS. Better days ARE coming. (Psalm 37:10,11) So, have HOPE, based upon what is REAL - God's words; but repudiate spiritual LIES.

Another comment I just left (12/30/2017) - 

Tell you what though, Bono and U2, with your collaboration with this video maker - you sure did a good job of pointing-out this crazed, bad phenomena, seen in videos from all over the world now, of militaries proudly marching together like machines. (Like Magog, the lot of them - Ezekiel 38 and 39.) And this at a time when the Maker of heaven and earth has stated this - the OPPOSITE mentality, the OPPOSITE practices - as His standard for mankind: Isaiah 2:2-4.