Sunday, March 11, 2018

Jah Will Get the Wicked Out of the Way of Good People, Soon

(Comment I left under a Grammy "Get Out of Your Own Way" video tonight.)

And after today's news, calling for MORE violence (the old and failed try to fight violence with more fear and violence method); and threats of yet more invasive human rights, family rights and privacy VIOLATIONS in this country; I'll ask again - where is there to go, in this increasingly stupid, spirit of Satan-influenced world system? Answer? No where. PRAY for Jehovah's Armageddon Day to sweep on through, to rid this earth of all vestiges of evil; to dissolve ALL of the corrupt and harmful "kingdoms" of man that now exist; and to bring in Jehovah the Universal Sovereign's own promised, heaven-based Kingdom, down to this earth, as its ONLY Rulership - so that all of the evil, violence, gross and harmful/destructive INJUSTICE, etc. that we see can FINALLY be brought to AN END!!!!!!! (Psalm 37:10; Daniel 2:44) Truly godly people are NOT "in their own way"; but a lot of grossly UNGODLY people ARE in our way - causing the stomachs of good and decent people to wretch in disgust on a frequent basis. "THY KINGDOM COME. THY WILL BE DONE, ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN". "Heaven on earth/ We need it NOW."


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