Tuesday, October 18, 2005




God will see that all false religion soon does not exist.

(Revelation 17; 18:4,5,8,21)

His own true one will go on forever though.

Seek his truth.

Obey it.

That is naturally right.


Blogger Theresa1 said...

Hi, whoever. You can go post on any U2 fan site you like, and people will love you, because "the world is fond of what is its own", i.e., alienated from God and true knowledge from him. I've been banned from some sites like that for speaking God's scriptural TRUTH. You can go back to any of those dins, if you wish, where fools and liars - like crabs in a bucket - make it their task to pull any honest-hearted people searching for Yahweh's truth or daring to speak it back down into a common mass-pit of death, apathy, ungodliness,ignorance, etc. There you can chit-chat all day long about idolatry of human beings, false religious ideas, pseudo-spirituality, false hopes in institutions of man, and other UNREALITIES.

If you like, however, you can start seeking the wisest sort of counsel from those who truly teach God's words - which do indeed seem to employ rational-emotive therapy - but its up to you to WANT to CHANGE your head and heart. Make sense?

Your choice - learn and obey Jehovah's words and wisdom, or spend whatever little time is left of this old world system with the crabs-in-the-bucket.

Jesus Christ's prophesies are proven right again in your case - by your choice so far - as yet another one of the mainstream-minds that would show hatred towards God's words. Yes, there are many that that simply do not like God's moral standards, etc. - thus the hate. Like the Bible says, they would rather live out their lives like animals - lacking thought and purpose. Oh how too bad. What an empty way to live. Hope you get your act together, "whoever".

However, your unwise hatred towards God, his messages of truth, and his messengers is UNWELCOME here, and your post will be deleted. You can take your denial and hateful attacks ELSEWHERE, I'm sure, and enjoy talking about relatively worthless things with many, many people - 'til Armageddon hits, anyway. BYE.

12:58 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Well, whoever, most religionists ARE strong believers - in lies though, so that's nothing uncommon.

Those who KNOW Yahweh's scriptural truth, however, gladly OBEY him in doing this prophesied work of exposing deathful spiritual lies for what they are.
(Revelation 9:16-19)

The time for that is now - more than ever, as Armageddon gets closer, day by day. Soon, all those found not knowing and obeying the truth about Jehovah/Yahweh and Jesus Christ - because it was their choice not to - will pass away with the rest of Satan's unjust wicked world system. (2Thessalonians 1:6-8)

Soon, more people will die of loving their spiritual disease than any other previous cause of death.

FALSE RELIGIONISTS SEE NO NEED TO HELP OTHERS LEARN GOD'S SCRIPTURAL REQUIREMENTS - TO MAKE THE CHANGES THEY NEED TO - IN ORDER TO MEET GOD AND CHRIST'S APPROVAL AND SURVIVE ARMAGEDDON, SO AS TO BE PART OF YAHWEH/JEHOVAH'S REAL NEW WORLD ORDER HERE. In fact, many feel compelled to try to block others from learning God's scriptural truth, because it exposes their own false religious ideas and practices as being the spiritistic, harmful lies that they are.

NEVERTHELESS, Jehovah/Yahweh's preaching-warning work through his FAITHFUL and TRUE human messengers will only advance and speed along unstoppably (Isaiah 60:22), one way or another, until this prophecy, which has been underway for some time already, has been brought to completion to Jehovah's satisfaction:

"And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14)

With everyone alive having been fairly given the opportunity to hear and respond to God's blessing-warning messages; God will then have Jesus (with his army of spirit beings) remove all who ingratefully and unjustly decided NOT to obey that "good news" from this earth.
(See 2Thessalonians 1:8 again; also Psalm 37:10.)

With the earth cleansed of everyone who so unrighteously chose to oppose God's Sovereignty; the way will be open for TRUE peace, love and happiness here again.

9:32 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Commentor, your post has been deleted. If you wish to continue promoting a pagan triune (trinity) godhead, you have the bulk of those who CALL themselves "Christians" on your side - elsewhere (until Armageddon).

If you come back to see this, however, ask yourself why it is that trinitarians exhibit such blatant failure to uphold God or Christ's standards in this world. Most are nationalistic. Most have no problem supporting or participating in the wars of their nations - even though it may mean killing their spiritual "brethren" who happen to live in another land. Trinitarians can't seem to figure out right from wrong, according to God's words when they are right in front of their face, either: They fail to uphold God's standards in their congregations regarding homosexuality, fornication, drunkenness, spiritism, etc.

Trinitarians do NOT honor the One True God Yahweh/ Jehovah/ Ieova/ Exhoba, etc. By failing to honor God by name and for who he is, according to his own words and spirit; they are also failing to honor Jesus Christ, who clearly and repeatedly spoke of HIS God and HIS Father, and HIS FATHER'S WILL.

To insist on God and Jesus Christ as being actually one personage instead of two separate beings would mean that both God Almighty and Jesus Christ were lying and deceiving people. What - would they FAKE speaking to each other, or FAKE describing love, approval, and loyalty to each other? Why would Jesus pray to himself how much he loved himself - or say to himself:
"Father, if you wish, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, let NOT MY WILL, but YOURS take place"??? (Luke 22:42)

There exists no scriptural proof of God being a trinity. The pieces of Scripture trinitarians pull out of context to try to push God Almighty and his Son into a pagan mold do not support a trinity when they are considered in light of the rest of the Scriptures.

Still, trinitarians are highly insistent on keeping God as an unknowable, less approachable being. It serves the purpose of putting a fog over the rest of his teachings too then: That way, the wrongness of other anti-scriptural teachings and practices of trinitarians (such as those above) is likewise obscured - or so they may think...

A bottom line is that the triune godhead concept is anciently spiritistic in nature - popularly so. Its been done before. It's fruitage always has been bad.

Where you stand on this issue will mean the difference between life and death; both for you and for those who listen to you. Only those found worshiping God "with spirit and truth" will survive Armageddon. (John 4:24). Those found "liking and carrying on a lie" as regards their spirituality will die then, permanently. (Revelation 22:15) God will be just in carrying that out, because people will have been warned: Spiritual lies are what have ruined our world, they dishonor the True God and his Son, and they muddle and confuse the Way people need to go for continued life. Learn to worship God on his own terms, rather than he ways of man in conflict with them.

"This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, AND of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." (John 17:3)

It IS LOVING to teach people the truth they need - even boldly and firmly when necessary.

In contrast, it is very UNLOVING, both to God and neighbor, to negligently not do so - "shrinking back", as it were, from speaking out or taking a stand for what God says people need to get straight and obey in order be part of God's new world here after Armageddon.

2:52 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

(To "Anonymous" - I answered your same question in the January 17, 2006 post.)

10:14 PM  

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