Monday, February 06, 2006


If it was God's will, at any time, he could end all poverty, sickness, and war in this world - in an instant. When Jesus walked the earth, if it was God's will, he could have used power from God to miraculously feed and heal not just some, but everyone. Likewise, he could have done away with political oppression, etc.

Obviously, though, there is something else going on - there have been other issues involved. There are reasons WHY God and Christ have let the suffering go on; and some major ones are:

1.) To allow time for the settling of the issue of whether men can rightly rule themselves, independently from/ in rebellion towards the Creator - as Satan asserted that they could - following the lead of Satan. (The answer has been demonstrated: It is an overwhelming > NO.)

Time has let humans experiment with every sort of government - and to also be able to see that they have all failed to provide what is needed for everyone, everywhere, continually.

2.) To let there be time for the messages of God's incoming global, heaven-based, perfect, just, trouble-ending, restoring, healing, peaceful, wellness-and-happiness giving Kingdom government and the rightfulness of his Sovereignty (the "good news") to be "preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations" - for everyone alive to have a chance to hear God's blessing and warning words of truth. (Daniel 2:44; Matthew 24:14; John 17:3; Isaiah 25:6-9; John 17:17)

3.) Time has given those who hear of God's scriptural messages an opportunity to MAKE CHOICES about whether they are going to LEARN and OBEY ALL of God's scriptural requirements or not.

Further, time has afforded people chances to show whom they are willing to SERVE and be LOYAL to: Satan, "the god of this system of things" with his destructive, anti-God, anti-Christ lies that appeal to wrongful self-pride, instant gratification, and animalistic pleasure; OR Jehovah/ Yahweh, man's very own Creator, along with his Son, Jesus, and God's wise, just, righteous, and loving standards and true promises.
(2 Corinthians 4:4; Jude; 2 Thessalonians 1:8; Proverbs 2:6-9,20,21.)

What Jesus said and did while on earth reflected the thinking of his Father in the heavens. He said, of healing someone: "I WANT TO." (Matthew 8:3) Jehovah and Jesus clearly care that people are suffering on this earth; and they are absolutely working a plan to bring a permanent end to all poverty, sickness, etc., here on this planet.

So, the key for those truly concerned about seeing that people get fed and healed is to work along with God's plan, his will. Like Jesus, they need to OBEY "EVERY UTTERANCE coming forth from Jehovah's mouth" - and to have a part in teaching THESE things to others. (Matthew 4:4; 28:19,20).

This means directing people to ALL of God's scriptural requirements, INCLUDING SEXUAL MORALITY, POLITICAL NEUTRALITY, and other disciplining ones - not just sweeping such issues under the carpet.

It would be WRONG (spiritually harmful and false) to do as Christendom (false "Christianity") does - to teach only those scriptures or parts of scriptures which suit and promote certain agendas; while preaching rejection or disregard for the true contextual meaning of those verses, or for other scriptural words of God, which, if brought out, could make the agenda or those behind it LESS POPULAR/LESS SUPPORTED.

God's scriptural words and provisions - ALL of them, full-force - are the whole-food "bread" people will need to take in then, in order to survive the end of this corrupt old world system - which will be soon. Then they can be part of Jehovah/ Yahweh's peaceful new world here. In this "new earth", there will come to be no more starving, sickness, pain, etc. (Revelation 21:3,4; Isaiah 25:6-9; 33:24)

This true "bread" - and the hope it brings - needs to be delivered to the world, now, with the greatest of urgency.

In contrast, no one has any right to preach or teach anything against the scriptural commands and principles of God Almighty and his High Priest-King Son Jesus Christ - or to mix false things into God's words. To continue to do so, despite scriptural warning, is to work against God's will and spirit (his power).

Bloodguilt could result from leading people away from eating at "the table of Jehovah" to eating at "the table of demons." (God says people CANNOT partake of BOTH, picking and choosing what they like of each.) If people eat from "the table of demons", and so end up siding with Satan on spiritual issues instead of God, they will end up dead at Armageddon. Those who purposely mislead them/ misteach them can be held bloodguilty and punishable for their deaths as well and their own falsehood to God. (1Corinthians 10:21; Revelation 19:17-21; 22:15)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent post, sir. :)

I would add, however that something that St. Paul said "Suffering brings you closer to Christ" should perhaps be considered.

Suffering is not necessarily a bad thing. Oh sure, it's never pleasant while it happens, and you want it to stop, but how many times have we all suffered in our own lives, and been enriched because of it. The child who suffers by not getting a toy they really, really want learns patience and forebearance. The drug addict who suffers whilst renouncing the drug learns that he can do without it.

God uses the suffering which takes place on earth to accomplish His goals. Someone once said that suffering was God's tender embrace.

We mustn't forget that this earth is here as a great big saint making machine. It's entire purpose is a ground for us to strive to reach God in. We must strive. If it was easy, it wouldn't be worth as much, and our faith is worth dying for, because the pension is out of this world. :)

Your comment about the true bread needing to be delivered to the world was very apt, I thought. The true bread of life is Christ, and everyone who eats his body eats of their own salvation. (John 6 as I'm sure you know. )

Thanks for your post.


12:23 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Thank you. Thank GOD that we have the Scriptures as the authorative guide for us; because Satan has this world sopped with his purposely false teachings. He means to discourage people from finding and following the only thing that can really help them, which is God's truth.

Confusion and unscriptural teachings as to why God would allow suffering have alienated many people from God. It is a huge issue.

Please be reassured that God does NOT cause the horrific suffering and injustice we can see in this world -

"When under trial, let no one say:'I am being tried by God.' For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone." (James 1:13)

For certain, Satan the "manslayer" and his demons make trouble in this world. They do influence people who allow themselves to be vulnerable to them to work evil towards others. For the most part, currently, "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." (1John 5:19)

Add to that, all people on this planet are now imperfect. Besides being sinful to varying degrees, people also make faulty or foolish decisions, which end up causing problems - even harm or death - for other humans. Sickness/death from pollution would be an example of this.

Also, since the fall in Eden, man and this earth have missed out on the full PROTECTION God would have given. When Satan, Adam, and Eve wanted independence from God-rule, God decided to teach all of his intelligent creatures a lesson once and for all time: HE STEPPED BACK. He let people see what would happen if they DID do as Satan said, and take it upon themselves to decide what is right and wrong, rather than obeying what their Maker said was right and wrong. He let them see, to a large degree, what would happen if this planet was run by humans (with rebellious spirit beings also affecting people and life here).

So, many things are wrong now. Without God's protection, there's even terrible "natural" disasters, that cause much loss and mourning.

Mankind is "ruining the earth" - both the orb itself and life in it. (Revelation 11:18)

Even just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, people can suffer and die. (Think 9-11. Then look up Ecclesiastes 9:11.)

Basically, God doesn't have a "reason" or "purpose" for individuals to be pained or experience tragic death with the grief it brings.

Again, Satan would have people think so. He is all about defaming God, and painting him to be cruel and uncaring towards his creation - an unfit Universal Sovereign, unworthy of the worship and gratitude of those beings he has made.

The reality is, however, that God has expressed that he even keeps track of people's tears. (Psalm 56:8)

He let his own Son be hurt and put to cruelly to death by humans in order to right the wrong here: To balance the table of justice and open the way for obedient humans to gain back everything lost by the foolish trouble Satan and our first parents made: Eternal, happy, healthful life in a beautiful, peaceful garden-like paradise earth.

God will remove all ingrateful, unjust, unrighteous, pre-warned rebels from this earth though, first, at Armageddon.

Then will come the "new world" here. God will even resurrect people back to life here who died before Armageddon - people who suffered from so much gone wrong in this current world system. (John 5:28,29)

In the meantime, people do need to "draw close to God" (James 4:8) Suffering, as you mentioned, does work out endurance, though; and people who have endured suffering/injustice/evil can indeed develop faith in God or have it strengthened by relying on God and realizing just how true and valuable mental-spiritual help from him and true hope and promises from him are.

This issue is so important. It can make or break people's outcomes. Please read the following. It is SO helpful - please continue with the "page turning" arrow on the bottom, and also click on the supporting Scripture links - and read them...

"Just a little while longer" - and the suffering on earth will be done. Then, it will be reward-time. (Psalm 37:10,11)

10:49 PM  

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