Thursday, October 06, 2011

Tribute to the Fall

Can you make this world a better place? - the rhetorical question
Who of the classroom of man would raise their hand,
  their voice, or stand up to answer?
And, if some did bother
to wake up from their seats,
How would they answer?
Then, after the Lesson,
How would each one answer

What will it REALLY take to save mankind -
What will REALLY bring an END
To the problems destroying life for the human family?
And, what can each person do now
   to REALLY help others
    [WITHOUT doing harm]
     - especially in the way
       that matters MOST?

Desire of the eyes, etc.  vs.
   what one really needs to,
        focus on...
October '01, it was,
Non-verbal, it was,
Small, blurred, and obscured it was -
But would not such have, eventually, 
  evoked the "Attention" of a "fan",
Or of one aware of these things?
Prophetic, was it? If so, of what?
Of much de-focus?
So it seems to me, but not for me.
(I refused to de-focus,
So I did NOT get vertigo-ed.
No - and I called out to those IN
The vertigo pool TO focus on
And swim for the
True safe harbor light.)

This amid the flood of information,
The swirling-changing of the seasons
All that goes floating, circling, blowing by
Flashing lights of all sorts,
Music, clanging of all kinds
Demanding: "Attention, Attention!",
And "Buy Me", or "Slave for This"
"Put this First", "Die for This".

(I had sailed, through the air,
To where illustrations of importance
Were based on apples and the ocean :)
I crossed a sea to see sheep
On the hillsides.
I thought the water would produce song,
And it did.
Refreshment, reassurance, and more motivation -
With this, good things happened.)

Vertigo, vertigo
The end of the world
Earthquakes in one place after another, etc.
Along with nation-rocking information.
But, most men still can't seem to quit bullying others,
And continue with their king-of-the-hill,
Brat tactics (including, too often, pushing the girls around)
On this playground of the Earth
With its current bad administration
  and [false] "teachers"
(Satan, his demons, and humans sided with them);
While fire alarms go off everywhere,
People shout from all directions,
Dumb "busy-work" assignments are made
  and demanded by deadlines,
Lunch is skipped,
And people all around yell for bandages.

The mothers, fathers, sons, daughters,
Sisters, brothers,
Wives, husbands, friends, and lovers
Found, though, that their hearts could not
Be bandaged.

Safety nets people thought they could count on
  became disfunctional.

Yet the big screens played on,
Football players scratched their behinds,
And violence continued the programming
  of those who had let down the safeguard of
    their consciences.
So, news of bombs, murders, drug wars, famine, etc.
Reaches the eyes and ears of mil-or-billions;
   But many are already, largely by choice,
At least somewhat inebriated
By distraction - even if by a softer, less noticeable
Vertigo in the background.

Mentally, things can be sorted-out,
And good things enjoyed,
With clarity, for what they are -
Enjoyed, in their place of priority.
But, without The Focus, it is less that way.

Here comes at us the pre-Armageddon storms -
Tornados of trouble, with wild-flying objects
   and unexpected obstacle-makers of injustices
     Causing harm, destruction, losses, oppression,
And depression.

...And back to the alternating
Golden sun, and dreary rain
Wind, and stillness
Peace, and disaster management
Feeling great, and then no, not.

Calendar pages get flipped,
The little boxes had been filled
With how much of the hours  
   of those days had been spent.
Was each square as meaningful as it could have been?
How much of each square was taken away
  by not-worthwhile distraction(s) -
Voluntarily, or by others, against personal will?

Pages of little squares, filled-in with whatever -
With whatever mankind has done,
Whatever his plans have been, and are -
Significant or not,
Flipping, flipping, flipping through time,
Making circles, circles, circles,
Through lives, paychecks, years, and seasons....

And, now, here it is again - October. 2011.

The feet of clay, mixed with other faulty experiments of man
   Are too weak to support the body of trouble man has created
      with his kingdoms.

Yet there it still stands, for the moment, in this weather...

But not for long. A stone, yes, has been moved -
   from off the side of the mountain,
And it hurls towards that statue,
No matter what man or the weather does.

The calendar, the little squares -
And what each represents?
Which of them are filled with what is spiritually worthwhile,
With the "weather", the tulmult, and the cataclysmic crash coming?
Which really aren't "of use"?

The album cover. The little squares.
October 31, a very popular date for "Halloween"/ Samhain, etc:
A day for Satan and those with him to memorialize those whom
Jehovah the Creator found worthy of being put to death
by the Great Flood (for their being wicked and refusing to listen
to his warnings).

"Achtung...", October 31 -

Why ?

(And WHY are the blasphemous videos still up?)


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