Sunday, July 29, 2012


Not long ago, I found the wikipedia entry for "Yahweh (Song)". What appeared there - one of Jehovah [Yahweh's] own inspired songs, from His own Bible (with about one-tenth of the Holy Scriptures actually being songs)?

Oh no - not in this ultra-idolatrous and blasphemous age.

No, no, no. What was promoted there INSTEAD was the song, "Yahweh"  "by U2".

What else was included there, as "knowledgeable information" regarding this EXPLOITATION and CONTORTION of what "Yahweh" and "song" together should "mean"?

Well, there was a long garble of meaningless, incorrect, and TRITE banter that had VERY LITTLE AT ALL TO DO WITH RIGHTLY HONORING THIS ONLY TRUE GOD'S HOLY NAME - and nothing at all to do with explaining the scriptural, spiritual truth meant to go along with the proclamation of God's name.

INSTEAD, MOST FOOLISHLY, ALL OF THE FOCUS WAS PUT ON U2 - adulation of them, and/or how entertaining or platable this song and its performances have been for people. The comments VALUED by those of this entry's audience - from so-claimed "credible" sources - showed NO RESPECT OR ACKNOWLEDGMENT AT ALL ABOUT WHAT THE PRIMARY ISSUE IS WITH USING THE VERY  HOLY, PERSONAL NAME BELONGING TO THE CREATOR and UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN HIMSELF as the title and repeated invocation-lyric of this internationally mass-media-ed song.

Yes, as has become so very typical (and very much so by [especially FALSE "Christian"] U2 IDOLATERS) the importance of and reverence to even the HOLY name and PERSON of God Almighty Himself was yet again DISREGARDED (trampled on); and what was banally mundane about the subject of a "Yahweh" song - "by U2" - was made the center of all exalted attention INSTEAD.

Quotes from "experts" and "pros" remain there, under that entry. One, in gross ignorance towards the meaning and eternal importance of God's HOLY NAME, paltered that, hmmmm......this song might BE ABOUT Bono and his wife and children. NO, person - THIS SONG, FOR WHAT IT IS TITLED WITH, and the NAME it repeatedly CALLS ON, SHOULD RIGHTLY *ONLY* BE ABOUT GOD and HIS PURE TRUTH; or CALLING ON GOD "with spirit and truth" - and associated with NOTHING UNHOLY or of SPIRITUAL LIES. It is a song - for the distinct name it does use - THAT ADDRESSES GOD HIMSELF. Therefore, the Creator is the SUBJECT of this song.

Also, UNLIKE an "expert" also claimed, for the unique and distinct NAME this song uses - which belongs ONLY to the CREATOR/ Heavenly Father/ Universal Sovereign Jehovah [Yahweh] - and NO ONE ELSE - this song does NOT address Jesus Christ (God's SON, who purposely has his own, God-given, DIFFERENT name).

Other dribble-some comments from persons negatively chawed about the song being "boring", dud-ish, and that Edge's guitar playing for it was unexciting to them.

Clearly, whoever put together / contributed to this "piece" - portraying, to the world, what the importance and significance of the combined terms of "Yahweh" and "song" is and should be - did NOT HONOR the GOD whose NAME THIS IS.

Further though, is this: I made my own simple edit-addition into this article. (It also CORRECTED the entirely WRONG [completely anti-scriptural] mass-media-promoted-by-Bono ["pop"] idea that the name of God is not to be spoken.)

The babble-ish comments of the importance-of-God's-name-IGNORING "experts" quoted, kept, and upheld in this article cited their "references" - which were writings as unauthoritative to the subject as the comments themselves proved to be.

This was my completely objective edit/addition, CITING THE VERY WORDS OF THIS GOD, YAHWEH, AS MY AUTHORITY and REFERENCE:

"Despite "interpretations" of this song, or opinions as to its musicality or entertainment appeal, however, a fact remains: This song IS TITLED with the holy, personal name of God Almighty. Whereas it is Jehovah-Yahweh's own express will that his name (and scriptural truth meant to go along with the proclamation of his holy name) be made known, spoken, praised, and sung throughout all the earth; it must never be associated with that which is unholy or spiritually false - or that association constitutes blasphemy, which this God says he will soon punish persons for. (Psalms 83:18 and 96; Exodus 20:2-7)"

But, do you think that FERVENT FALSE RELIGIOUS U2 IDOLATERS (NOT actual, scripturally-obedient worshipers of  the God Jehovah/Yahweh, OR "followers"of Jesus Christ whatsoever) could possibly LET THAT TRUTH FROM YAHWEH, that WARNING, be made known - along with a SONG TITLED WITH and USING His NAME put out by their rock gods (whom, as many are aware, actually grossly long-term mass-media BLASPHEMED this God's holy name by their USE of this song [with the spiritually BAD things they associated it with, in front of millions or billions of people])???????!!!!!!!!!
Oh, absolutely NOT. TRUTH FROM JEHOVAH/YAHWEH IS *NOT* WHAT such U2 IDOLATERS ARE "LOOKING FOR", and, like those of that prophesied-type, THEY CERTAINLY DO #NOT# WANT OTHERS TO KNOW THE ACTUAL SCRIPTURAL, SPIRITUAL TRUTH ABOUT GOD YAHWEH/JEHOVAH and His Son, JESUS CHRIST EITHER. NO - God-FIGHTING U2 idolater internetees, as publicly demonstrated over the past going-on-11-years - have been much about trying to crush and smother messages of scriptural, spiritual truth (and warnings) FROM THIS GOD; and EXALTING THE SIN-"PERMISSIVE", EASY-GOING god and loose form of "worship" they have created with their Bono-idolatry - in the names of "God" and their "Lord Jesus Christ" as covers though, of course.

So, my "edit", my "addition" stayed up for only several days, but then was removed - by one or more persons showing HATE and DISRESPECT to THIS GOD, YAHWEH-JEHOVAH; His Son, and their fellow man.

How wonderful it is that Armageddon Day, from Jehovah/Yahweh, is rushing on - and mainly to clear his name from the damage done to it by idolaters and blasphemers, from those DISRESPECTING HIM and HIS HOLY NAME (and that of his Son's also.)

How good it is to know, too,  that by DIVINE justice, people WILL soon reap what they sow. Amen.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Re-post of my 2008 Re-Post of my 2007 Post, PLUS More - I Wasn't Wrong, was I ?!

A few more thoughts ["painted"] ON the "COEXIST" icon.

NOT ONE of the religions so "depicted" in this icon is worshiping the God of Abraham on His own given scriptural terms. Therefore, NONE of the people of those religions are Abraham's "sons" (or fellow true worshiper-of-God companions with them) in the way that matters spiritually.

Rather than letting FALSE religions continue to exist, for their spiritism, spiritual adultery with "the kings of the earth", and bloodguilt for "all who have been slaughtered on the earth", the God of Abraham, by Divine Justice, will soon cause them all to NOTEXIST. (Revelation Chapters 17 and 18, note 18:23,24.)

So, instead of urging people to stay in or join together/ form spiritual alliances with FALSE religions - even for "social justice" efforts; God is WARNING people to "GET OUT of" all FALSE religions NOW. The time of His total vengeance upon them is nearly here. (Revelation 18:4,5,8)

(And my "comments" under that post) -

This is mostly a repost of a response I wrote under U2's "Yahweh" on a lyric interpretation website - though it pertains to more than that song. I'm reposting it here, because it explains, a little lengthily, WHO "Abrahams sons" are. Like Karen Armstrong, of the UN-promoted Alliance of Civilization's High Level Group, Bono has also referred to "Christianity" [really, counterfeit, disobedient-to-Christ "Christianity"], [today's] Judaism, and Islam as "The three great Abrahamic religions." The actuality is, however, again, that NOT ONE OF THEM worships the God of Abraham on his own terms, like Abraham - as one of the greatest examples of faithful obedience ever - DID. (So none of them merit being called his "sons", spiritually.)


Neither modern Judiasm, Islam, or Christendom (Christ-disowning-by-its-actions "Christianity") worship the God of Abraham, who is Jehovah/Yahweh, on his own stated terms, for whom he himself says he is, like Abraham did. Therefore, none of them are "Abraham's sons" in the way that Yahweh/Jehovah shows matters - which is spiritually.

"For not all who [spring] from Israel are really "Israel." Neither because they are Abraham's seed are they all children, but:'what will be called 'your seed' will be through Isaac.' That is, the children in the flesh are not really the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as the seed." (Romans 9:6-8)

"...He called not only from among the Jews but also from among nations , [what of it]? It is as he says also in Hosea:'Those not my people I will call 'my people', and her who is not beloved 'beloved'; and in the place where it was said to them, 'you are not my people,' there they will be called 'sons of the living God.' Moreover, Isaiah cries out concerning Israel: 'Although the number of the sons of Israel may be as the sands of the sea, it is the remnant that will be saved.For Jehovah will be making an accounting of the earth, concluding it and cutting it short.' " (Romans 9:24-28)

"Just as Abraham 'Put faith in Jehovah, and it was counted to him as righteousness.' Surely you know that those who adhere to faith are the ones who are sons of Abraham. Now the Scripture, seeing in advance that god would declare people of the nations righteous due to faith, declared the good news beforehand to Abraham, namely:'By means of you, all the nations will be blessed.' Consequently those who adhere to faith are being blessed together with faithful Abraham." (Galatians 3:6-9)

"Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. It says, not:'And to seeds,' as in the case of many such, but as in the case of one: 'and to your seed,' who is Christ." (Galatians 3:16)

"Moreover, IF YOU BELONG TO CHRIST, you are really Abraham's seed, heirs with reference to a promise." (Galatians 3:29. Also see 3:26 and 4:6. Those who are "Abraham's seed", God's adoptive sons and also Christ's spiritual brothers share with Christ in "a covenant ...For a kingdom." [Romans 8:15-17; Luke 12:32; 22:28-29] They will rule with Christ in the heavens as "kings and priests" under him. [Luke 22:30; Daniel 7:27; Exodus 19:6; Revelation 1:6; 5:9,10; 20:6] They are the "144,000", the "little flock." [Revelation 7:4-8; 14:1-3; Luke 12:32 again; John 10:11,14] They will help Christ rule over the rest of humankind who will "inherit the earth" [made into a peaceful paradise], those who are also faithful and obedient to Jehovah/Yahweh and Jesus Christ - the "other sheep" of John 10:16 - loyal earth-futured companions of Christ's "brothers" who also work with them to do God's scriptural will, including preaching God's life-saving scriptural truth [including warning messages of God's judgments against wickedness] to "all the inhabited earth." [Psalm 37:11,29; Matthew 25:34-40; 24:14; 28:19,20; Ezekiel 33:8,9; Zechariah 8:23; Revelation 7:9,10])

And more, pertaining primarily to Abraham's seed/ God's adoptive sons/ Christ's brothers:

"It is written that Abraham acquired two sons, one by the servant girl and one by the free woman.; but the one by the servant girl was actually born in the manner of flesh, the other by the free woman through a promise. These things stand as a symbolic drama; for these [women] mean two covenants, the one from Mount Sinai, which brings forth children for slavery, and which is Hagar. Now this Hagar means Sinai, a mountain in Arabia, and she corresponds with the Jerusalem today, for she is in slavery with her children. But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother.
For it is written:'Be glad, you barren woman who does not give birth; break out and cry aloud, you woman who does not have childbirth pains; for the children of the desolate woman are more numerous than [those] of her that has the husband.' now we, brothers, are children belonging to the promise the same as Isaac was. But just as then the one born in the manner of flesh began persecuting the one born in the manner of spirit, so also now. Nevertheless, what does the Scripture say? 'Drive out the servant girl and her son, for by no means shall the son of the servant girl be an heir with the son of the free woman.' Wherefore, brothers, we are children, not of a servant girl, but of the free woman." (Galatians 4:22-31)

"For neither is circumcision anything, neither is uncircumcision anything, but a new creation [is something]. And all those who will walk orderly by this rule of conduct, upon them be peace and mercy, even upon "the Israel of God." (Galatians 6:15,16)

So, in a spiritual, scriptural context, "Abraham's sons" are only a relative few among mankind; who are loyal, obedient, spirit-anointed, heaven-futured, adoptive sons of Jehovah/Yahweh, and faithful disciples-brothers of Jesus Christ. We who are their companions, likewise obedient and faithful worshipers - Witnesses (see Isaiah 43:10) of the same One True God Jehovah/Yahweh and true disciples of his Son Jesus Christ, are one flock together with them, under one heavenly Father and our Ransomer-King.

As such faithful followers of God and Christ, the ones upon whom the prophecy of Isaiah 2:2-4 has already been fulfilled; we have already "[laid] down our guns" (a line from u2's "Love and Peace.") Therefore, it is certainly NOT Abraham's real sons nor their likewise godly companions that need to be told to become peaceful; but all FALSE religionists and other opposers of Yahweh/Jehovah's truth and spirit (or those still apathetic/disobedient to it) - these are the ones God says are "ruining the earth" (Revelation 11:18)

God himself, as Maker of the earth and Creator of the human family, has already laid out HIS OWN SOLUTION to cause humankind to thrive instead of suffer - yet who is humbly listening to him and obeying his terms for the best way of life?

Those true to him - his global people - are. That is why the only True God-Creator will let us be here after his Day of Armageddon soon removes all stubborn-but-warned opposers of him and his rule from off the face of this planet forever. (Psalm 37:9-11; Ezekiel 3:17-21; 38 and 39; Revelation 17-19) We will be the foundation of his new world society here on earth, in his TRUE "kingdom come" (Matthew 6:10; Revelation 21:1-4) "where RIGHTEOUSNESS is to dwell." (2Peter 3:13)

All of this will transpire very soon (unstoppably) by Jah himself acting with his power and just purposes. He Causes to Become.

Also, here's a "fictional story" (meant for illustrative purposes) that I wrote on the same subject - "The Idols in the Middle of the Desert" -


"COEXIST" bumper stickers are fairly popular where I live. (I did enjoy, however, putting information regarding the truth about that under the car windshield wipers of some persons sporting that bumper sticker though.)

More significantly tell-tale than the bumper stickers, however, is what I ran into today:

Oh - and  here's a quote from one of its adherents:

"This work is a vital test of our determination to find new ways of managing conflict in the new world order" - The Bishop of London

Quite the mistaken, pompous, and blasphemous PRESUMPTION
AGAINST Jehovah God Almighty's own TRUE Kingdom government - that will soon be extended down from heaven to become Earth's only Ruling entity, as the new world system here - with GOD'S OWN SON, Jesus Christ,  as His (perfectly "managing") APPOINTED KING of that  KINGDOM, isn't it.

Hey Bono - how's that internationally famous COEXIST concert headband doing? (I hope its been burned.) Are you still going to promote the idea of wearing "COEXIST"- advertising fashions via your New York Times column? Have you had your people pull down the BLASPHEMOUS "U2 Yahweh" videos from off of the major video-sharing sites yet- because, among all of the other blasphemous spiritistic and idol images those videos contain, they also (BLASPHEMOUSLY) feature a "COEXIST" idol-icon image (like in many of your past concerts, while you sang "Yahweh")? Oh - after all these years, you've still refused to do so?

"Closer to the beast/ Well within its reach/ You know it won't be very long..." *
                                  - Part of one of my songs

*Regarding the fate of "Babylon the Great", the harlot-like world empire of all FALSE religions - see Revelation 17:15-18, the rest of chapter 17, and 18 also.

People get ready.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Time's Up: Another Post that was Not "Accepted" for "Print", Re: "40"

[Unlike some FALSE "Christian", my post (on a popular lyric/ lyric meaning message board/forum) did NOT adulate and exalt Bono as being someone whose "eyes have been opened", by "the Lord" -  as someone who has been singing the "new song." Bono idolatry is more favored than God or Christ-loyalty and scriptural, spiritual truth by many though; so, my post did not show. But HERE it is...]

NO - The Scriptural "New Song" is FAR DIFFERENT than What this Idolized Rock Star and Many of his Fans Have Promoted!

NO. David's Psalm 40 is OF GOD. Those who sing "a new song", scripturally, are those who are unhypocritically, genuinely speaking/singing out TRUTH and praise to Jehovah [Yahweh] based on His known own words, his truth. On earth, it is sung ONLY BY those who worship Jehovah "with spirit and truth" (John 4:24); and it is similar to what is sung by Christ's brothers, "the holy ones", who have been resurrected to heaven already (and the few who are yet on earth)[Revelation 14:1-3]. So, there is a grand, harmonious, universal anthem and chorus of praise going to Jehovah, continuously, from all of his faithful servants, including the angels.

NO - no one still associated with Christendom, secular humanism/ "social justice" as "WORSHIP" - or other ANTI-scriptural FALSE religion of "Babylon the Great" - atheism, or any other form of spiritism or God-fighting disloyalty sings Jehovah (Yahweh/Ieova/Geova/Exhoba's etc.) "NEW SONG".

IF people DO want to BE IN HARMONY with those who ARE UNIVERSALLY UNITED in PURE WORSHIP of the CREATOR, the ONLY TRUE and LIVING GOD, THEN THEY *DO* have to FIRST bring their hearts, minds, and lives into HARMONY with Jehovah's will - his own scriptural, spirit-backed TRUTH-purposes-principles-commands-requirements. They must "repent and turn around" (Acts 3:19) and then REMAIN obedient and loyal to Him and his Son. (UNLIKE FALSE "Christianity" bloodguiltily teaches, OBEDIENCE IS REQUIRED to be part of "the Way" [John 3:36]. "All you have to do is beLIEve in the Lord and you are saved", and other such sayings are LIES which are merely modern revampings of Satan's original lies from Eden, wrapped up in shiny-white packages [FALSELY] labeled "Christian".)

Otherwise, as has been done, to MIX God's holy words - HIS PSALM (even a "paraphrase" of a piece of it) or HIS scriptural terms (even allusions to them) - in with SPIRITUAL FALSEHOOD is BLASPHEMY, in the scriptural, true spiritual sense.

No, no, NO: Internationally mass-media chanting (through concerts and other media) "Jesus, Jew, Muhummad, its true...all sons of Abraham" as anything true in the scriptural spiritual sense; hyping religious ecumenalism to service "social justice" and as the way to "peace" ["and security"]; and MASS-BLASPHEMING GOD'S HOLY NAME IS as ULTRA-GRATE-INGLY OUT-OF-HARMONY, lyric, tune, rhythm, and sense as possible with either "the Way" or the scriptural "new song."

Those TRUE to Jehovah and His Son, preach and teach God's words to this world with so much zeal that it is similar to singing, powerfully; and because it is done with God's backing, his words of truth and his spirit - and also out of love for God, Christ, and "neighbor" - it is MELODIOUS. This preaching, teaching, obeying, being loyal to, putting hope and confidence in, praising, and showing love for God and his Son - and urging others to do the same - is how those of the global "great crowd, which no man is able to number" [Revelation 7:9-14], who will "possess the earth" (which WILL become a truly united, peaceful paradise [Psalm 37:9-11]) DO "SING...A NEW SONG":

"SING to Jehovah A NEW SONG. Sing to Jehovah, all [you people of] the earth. Sing to Jehovah, bless his name. From day to day tell the good news of salvation by him. Declare among the nations his glory, Among all the peoples his wonderful works. For Jehovah is great and very much to be praised. He is fear-inspiring above all [other] gods. For all the gods of the peoples are valueless gods; but as for Jehovah, he has made the very heavens. Dignity and splendor are before him; strength and beauty are his sanctuary. Ascribe to Jehovah, O you families of the peoples, Ascribe to Jehovah glory and strength. Ascribe to Jehovah the glory belonging to his name; Carry a gift and come into his courtyards. Bow down to Jehovah in holy adornment; Be in severe pains because of him, all [you people of] the earth. Say among the nations: "Jehovah himself has become king. The productive land also becomes firmly established so that it cannot be made to totter. He will plead the cause of peoples in uprightness." Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be joyful. Let the sea thunder and that which fills it. Let the open field exult and all that is in it. At the same time, let all the trees of the forest break out joyfully Before Jehovah. For he has come; For he has come to judge the earth. He will judge the productive land with righteousness And the peoples with his faithfulness. (Psalm 96)

"SING TO JEHOVAH A NEW SONG, for wonderful are the things that he has done. His right hand, even his holy arm, has gained salvation for him. Jehovah has made his salvation known; in the eyes of the nations he has revealed his righteousness. He has remembered his loving kindness and his faithfulness to the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen salvation by our God. Shout in triumph to Jehovah, all [you people of] the earth. Be cheerful and cry out joyfully and MAKE MELODY. MAKE MELODY to Jehovah with the harp, with the harp and the voice of melody. With the trumpets and the sound of the horn Shout in triumph before the king, Jehovah. Let the sea thunder and that which fills it, the productive land and those dwelling in it. Let the rivers themselves clap their hands; and together let the very mountains cry out joyfully Before Jehovah, for he has come to judge the earth. He will judge the productive land with righteousness And the peoples with uprightness. (Psalm 98)[Caps mine.]

Other than that, the actual Psalm 40 needs to be re-read in its entirety, and LIVED UP TO - not paraphrased in part to the masses, but yet "undermined", exploited, extorted, "used", and abandoned.

A key to doing justice to Psalm 40 is found in verse 4: "Happy is the able-bodied man that has PUT JEHOVAH AS HIS TRUST and that has not turned his face to defiant people, nor to those falling away to lies."

And, indeed, that "NEW SONG" emphatically includes URGING PEOPLE to also PUT THEIR TRUST for mankind's salvation in Jehovah (see the ACTUAL verse 40:3 - "MANY WILL SEE [it] AND WILL FEAR, and they WILL TRUST IN JEHOVAH"), the Creator and Sovereign of the Universe. They will put their TRUST in HIM - NOT "science", ecumenalism of FALSE religions, "social justice", the UN, Satan's world political system, philanthropy, or any other conglomeration, work, or design of men.

So yes - do sing a NEW song, please.

Monday, July 02, 2012

While Being Rejected - Another Response to Those Who Fight God to Uphold Lies, Re:"I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"

(Originally meant to be a response on a lyric/song meaning message board/forum)

Those Choosing FALSE "Christianity's" LIES Over Scriptural Truth are NOT Who God and Christ are Looking For ~

This is an incredibly popular, and long-time internationally mass-media-ed song that has been used in recent years by Bono (with U2 backing him) to strongly mass-promote antichristism rather than merely to express disappointment in different aspects of FALSE “Christianity” and other forms of demonism; along with MIS-teaching what God's KINGDOM itself is, and also MIS-representing Jesus death and its vital meaning.

True, different facets of FALSE - ANTI-whole-scriptural, apostate, counterfeit, and SPIRITISTIC - "Christianity" (Christendom) ARE described in the lyrics of this song as being tremendous let-downs, disillusionments - as they rightly would be to anyone HONEST-heartedly seeking the truth about Jehovah/Yahweh the Creator.

Those spiritistic (power-of-demon aided), deceptive teachings and practices include "speaking in tongues" ("I have spoke with the tongue of angels"); "faith-healing"; sex worship; and conceding to some other form of serving the Devil ("I have held the hand of the Devil").

HOWEVER, the whole falsehood-continuing confusion-blob of wrongly addressing Jesus Christ in song-prayer instead of rightly addressing his Father, Jehovah the Creator, “in the name of Jesus Christ" ; and also the popular FALSE "Christian" [value-of-Christ's-ransom sacrifice DISAPPRECIATING/trampling/esteeming as of "ordinary value" - see the warning at Hebrews 10:26-31] teaching that Jesus “died on a cross for our sins”, end of story [no obedience required, everyone's "saved by grace" so long as they "beLIEve in the Lord" LIES], were also promoted, by allusion, by this song.

Furthermore, the "kingdom come" concept, as used in this song, does NOT have ANYTHING to do with God's true, mankind-saving, heaven-based scriptural kingdom, coming soon to rule over this entire planet. (This song uses that scriptural allusion, instead, to teach the esoteric-spiritistic-Catholic idea that the future for "good" humans is to die and go to heaven, where they will lose their individuality and exist in some blissful, "united" blob of energy. That is mind-messing SPIRITISM, NOT scriptural truth.)

Neither is trying to "find" God solely through his "book of creation" - by observing his creative works, to simply "run through the fields" enough ON ITS OWN, either.

Why? Because the same One who MADE the wonderful things of creation HAS ALSO VERY PURPOSELY PROVIDED HIS OWN VITAL WORDS OF INSTRUCTION, his own LETTER to his human family, to TEACH them exact truth about WHO HE IS; what HIS PURPOSES are; what his REQUIREMENTS for human beings are; how to live right now; how to BE HIS FRIEND/”be with [him]“; and what persons MUST KNOW and DO in order to be allowed, by Jehovah/Yahweh, to live forever instead of just (soon) pass away forever with this now heavily corrupted (under demon-rule), wickedness-ridden world system. And Jehovah has and is making that scriptural information readily available to all persons “in all the inhabited earth” during these last of the last pre-Armageddon days. Jehovah's own scripturally-described, faithful and obedient TRUE Christians ARE obeying Him and Jesus Christ in preaching God's “good news” and his WARNINGS, just as prophesied. (Matthew 24:14; Ezekiel 3:17-21). This purposed-by-God phenomenon IS being carried out, everywhere - even though FALSE “Christians” and others, also just as prophesied, show HATE for and FIGHT messages and messengers of God's own highly purposed whole-scriptural truth.

For many centuries now, FALSE religionists - ESPECIALLY FALSE "Christians" - have CLAIMED to represent, teach, and practice "what God says"; "what God wants"; and in the case of so-called "Christians", what "followers" of Christ should and should not speak and do.

Sad to say though, even though the world's FALSE-to-God's-word- religionists comprise the VAST MAJORITY of all persons claiming to have a religion/belief system; they do NOT hold the words of the "God"/"god"/Creator (the Bible, the Holy Scriptures) as being THE AUTHORITY for their spiritual beliefs.

No indeed. All of the world's religions, minus one, have conceded to put the words of God Himself into second place or even less in importance; and to exalt the propagandized teachings of men and demons above the words of God instead. Christendom (FALSE "Christianity") is the most guilty of all of the FALSE religions in this way, because along with DISPLACING and disregarding God's own words (while CLAIMING to worship Him), they have also, likewise, garbaged and disobeyed God's Son's words from his Father too (while CLAIMING, to the world, to be "followers" of Jesus Christ.) For that gross misreprentation, however, they BLASPHEMED not only the God of the Bible, but the person and name of Jesus Christ also.)

The colleges of Christendom, infamously - and purposely, do NOT teach whole-scriptural truth. They do NOT adequately teach or support actual understanding of Jehovah/Yahweh's spirit-backed, alive, whole-scriptural truth. NEITHER do any of Christendom's churches - including the ones affiliated with those schools. Indeed, if they honestly did turn to teaching whole-scriptural truth, they would have to shut themselves down - because the spiritual teachings of those entities would be found to be spiritually-fatally COUNTER to God's own teachings as found in His Holy Scriptures.

All of the basics of those churches would be discovered to be a LIE - and spiritism-based LIES at that: The doctrine of the immortality of the soul, that humans even "have" souls, "grace", the "trinity" mystery godhead doctrine, "all good people go to heaven"; "hellfire", "purgatory", etc. - are all spiritistic LIE teachings, in sharpest contrast to the whole of the word of God itself.

Moreover, the fruitages of the teachings of the FALSE religions of the world - ESPECIALLY those of Christendom - have, over time, certainly proven that their basis is absolutely NOT from the Good Creator God and HIS spirit; but from the wicked one (Satan), and his evil-producing spirit instead. (See Matthew 7:15-20; 1John 5:19)

At this point in time, it is safe to say that a lot of the world is SICK of all of the damage and ruin that the ANTI-whole-scriptural, hypocritical-to-God (and Christ) FALSE religionists have worked over mankind for thousands of years with their God-DISobedient, self-desire-first-pleasing idolatries, and God-condemned demonistic teachings and practices.

And God Almighty and His Son surely, whole-heartedly, concur with that: Jehovah Himself has scripturally described his judgments, condemnations, and soon-coming vengeance and punishment against the entire world empire of all FALSE religions - "Babylon the Great" - especially Christendom.

Not only has Christendom blasphemed God by lying to the world about what the Creator's will is, and blasphemed his Son too, but CHRISTENDOM HAS TAKEN THE LEAD IN PERSECUTING Christ's actual spiritual brothers and Jesus Christ's TRUE, actually obedient and loyal, scripturally described TRUE followers, TRUE Christians.

Also, the FALSE religions of the world - especially those of Christendom - have SOLD OUT their interest in the scripturally-described, TRUE "kingdom"of God (and Christ) to support the kingdoms of men, the kingdoms of Satan's world political system INSTEAD. And to do that, they have spiritually ADULTERATED themselves in every way - which has largely ruined this earth and life on it.

For example, in the last century, more than 200 million lost their lives in FALSE religion-backed wars.

And there's been SO much more RUINING and LOSS of LIFE attributable to FALSE RELIGION's "MISLEADING THE NATIONS WITH [THEIR] SPIRITISM" - everything from genocides, nuclear bombings, and other mass-slaughterings to smaller-scale tortures, murders, and COUNTLESS life-ruining/destroying HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS and INJUSTICES - all [blasphemously] in the "name of God" (and, by way of Christendom, also [blasphemously] "in the name of Jesus Christ").

But God and Jesus are SICK of it, yes. And they are justly, righteously ANGRY over these things as well.

There will be NO "forgiving" by God of "Babylon the Great", the world's FALSE religions - especially Christendom. The only hope for individuals still associated with Babylon the Great to not be punished by God along with those spiritistic and bloodguilty entities is to obey God and quickly LEAVE them, immediately (Revelation 18:4,5,8,20-24); and then learn and turn to worshiping and obeying God on His own given true scriptural terms, "with spirit and truth." (John 17:3,17; John 4:24)

Soon, just prior to Armageddon Day itself, God Almighty will begin the "great tribulation", by Divine intervention, to cause the entire world empire of FALSE religions, especially Christendom, to be completely destroyed - to experience the final part of its "fall", its crash into nothingness. For this, please read Revelation chapters 17 and 18 for starters, because the churches and schools of Christendom, etc. certainly do NOT teach the truth about how God and Christ feel about the crimes of the world's FALSE religions, nor the end those religions will surely meet [soon].

Neither do the world's FALSE religions - especially Christendom - want the SCRIPTURAL truths about these things to be made known. Persons of those religions do NOT want the FALSE forms of worship they are choosing to cling to (despite Divine warning) to be exposed as being actually unacceptable, according to God's own standards, to be made to look bad by the light of truth of God from his own words.

That is why they jump to try to SILENCE messages of scriptural truth and messengers of it; why they belittle it and try to unjustly discredit it (even with lies and slander); why they've worked their mischief; and why they REFUSE TO OBEY GOD and actually FOLLOW and OBEY CHRIST by PREACHING scriptural truth to others as their first priority.

It would be good, indeed, for those persons to instead MAKE CHANGES - to turn to actually listening to God, to LEARN from HIS words, and to start obeying Him and his Son - which would include for them to, yes, preach and teach God's words and warnings as the completely life-urgent messages they truly are in these very last of the last days of this world system. (This earth will soon be overhauled, by God and Christ [after Armageddon Day and God's removal of wicked persons and all elements of Satan's world system-rule, see Daniel 2:44 and Revelation Chapter 19 through 20:3], to become the REAL, paradisaic "kingdom" God promised. [Revelation 21:2-4; Psalm 37:9-11; Isaiah 65:17-25; Matthew 6:10] Will you be there? If you want to be, make the needed changes NOW.)

In shows of the last tour, during "Miss Sarejevo", cartoon pools of blood were shown underneath helicopters with crosses upon them. Yes, Christendom, like the rest of "Babylon the Great", has rightly fallen from popular esteem as being “holy”....

...But BLAMING GOD and rejecting HIS scriptural truth for the crimes people have done in HIS (and his Son's) name(s), and for how people have hypocritically VIOLATED and blasphemed HIS words to do so much harm to their fellow man, is NOT, NOT, NOT the answer. However, that is exactly the deceptive, deadly propaganda God's enemy, the Devil, has worked to create. Satan has worked all of these lies and this damage to hurt God and his Son; and to destroy most of humanity. Why go along with the deadly game of The Liar. Why promote his (Satan's) propaganda by using this song as an ANTHEM of “EXCUSES” for WHY persons SHOULDN'T HAVE TO OBEY GOD and his made-known scriptural standards? And again, this song HAS been USED that way - along with other very heavy-handed antichrist propaganda [i.e., "Jesus, Jew, Muhammad, it's true...all sons of Abraham"; the "COEXIST" idol/icon; and the blaspheming of the holy name of God, Yahweh, by performing that song in front of an entire stream of huge pagan/spiritistic, FALSE religious image idol-icons] - in concerts and videos, etc. thereof/related to them;
and by way of mass-media-ed international "fan" promotion and "defense" of the same (for their love of Bono and U2 over their love of either God or Christ).

UNLIKE those of Christendom, TRUE Christians will continue to "obey God as ruler rather than men" (see Acts 5:28,29), and will continue to preach, teach, and reach HONEST-hearted seekers of God's truth [opposite U2s “Numb” song's sarcastic (towards the popular majority) admonition of "Don't preach, don't teach, don't reach"] with Jehovah's own scriptural life-and-survival vital truth and warnings to this whole wide world, until GOD HIMSELF says it is "enough" - until "THE end". (Matthew 24:14; Ezekiel 3:17-21).

Of the Rejected Posts (See John 15:18-20), Re: "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" (2)

(Another response of mine that was not accepted for "print" by a popular lyric and song-meaning message board/forum)

This song has been used as a Satanic DEVICE to "catch", mislead and USE those of faulty-based (rather than true, scripturally-based) so-called "Christian" "faith": To EXPLOIT their spiritual drive; get them to ACQUIESCE/ give up/ allow to be perverted any bits of loyalty to God that there were within them, even by conscience (to spiritually-mentally BRAINWASH them); and then, as their so-called "faith" was COMPROMISED, to TURN THOSE PERSONS (masses of them) over to Satan as his 666-marked SLAVES - their worship, sacred service, hope, obedience, and allegiance owed to God misled to serve Satan via serving his world system, with worship of God (on his own scriptural terms) REPLACED BY WORSHIP OF THE CREATION INSTEAD (see the Romans 1:25 prophecy) and "SOCIAL JUSTICE."

It has been like (more than a) decade-long horror film, to watch and observe hundreds of thousands of so-called "Christians" FIGHT GOD and FIGHT JESUS CHRIST BY FIGHTING GOD'S SCRIPTURAL TRUTHS - to "defend" anti-whole scriptural and antichrist (2Timothy 4:3,4 prophesied-type) "easy-going" and SIN-"PERMISSIVE" "pop" religious philosophies hyped by the media; and clap and cheer their DENIAL, DISOWNMENT, and DISAPPROVAL of Jehovah/Yahweh God Himself, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the scriptural, life-helping and SAVING urgent pre-Armageddon messages of God's warnings and requirements being put out earth wide by Jehovah's own scripturally described human messengers.

So, yes, during performances of THIS SONG, I was eyewitness to that U2 and MASSES of people answered back to the Creator and His Son, in musical antiphony, that even God's now globally provided and in-reach messages of SCRIPTURAL TRUTH are, overall, NOT WHAT THEY ARE LOOKING FOR. And with this, they also proved that 2Timothy 4:3,4 teachers of what is spiritually FALSE, but [sinful] DESIRE-pleasing IS WHAT THEY ARE LOOKING FOR INSTEAD. In other words, what a colossial repeated demonstration of fulfillment of that prophecy.

And, further, after audiences were PREPPED, the so-called "Christian's" beliefs and consciences brain-wash-weakened, corrupted, and impaired/broken down by their participation in that much DISLOYALTY to God and Christ; THEN came the presentation of even bigger, more grotesque acts of ANTI-CHRISTISM and spiritism/spiritistic-FALSE religion/pseudo-religion/ IDOLATRY and BLASPHEMY for them to also become involved in - to their spiritual harm/ruin, and also as an offering to Satan the Devil - to provide Satan "what [HE] was looking for": AN ACT OF WORSHIP TO BE PERFORMED TO HIM, IN DISOBEDIENCE AND DISLOYALTY TO GOD. Read Matthew 4:8,9.

Even though "Christians" in the audience should have been tipped-off about this spiritual propaganda-crime by even the clue of Matthew 4:8,9 being loosely paraphrased/ alluded to in the Vertigo song lyrics, "All of this, all of this can be yours [repeat], Just give me what I want...", with what followed, most just let themselves be seduced by all of the lights, sound, crowd-mentality and hero-worship to YES, GIVE SATAN WHAT HE WANTED.

Had it not been first group-established that God's scriptural truth was NOT WANTED by the leader and his massive throngs? So, with the Creator's own teachings rejected; space was made for an invitation to do "an act" of worship to the Devil.

What also did the integrity-defunct "Christians" do then?

They participated in - cheered and clapped their mob approval -  for an even more direct and hardcore DENIAL and DISOWNMENT of Jesus Christ as being Jehovah's ONLY "WAY" to access God Almighty for TRUE WORSHIP, forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God, everlasting life, and the ONLY HOPE for RESOLUTION of mankind's critical level problems (of global injustice, poverty, WORLD PEACE and security, ETC!)

Yes - the impaired-conscienced so-called "Christians" - masses of them at a time - CLAPPED and CHEERED Bono and themselves as "Jesus, Jew, Muhammad, its true...all sons of Abraham", with the infamous "COEXIST" IDOL-ICON was hyped, hyped, hyped by the idolized Bono - as this antichrist propaganda PHILOSOPHY was introduced to THE VOID created by the spiritually disarmed (BY THIS SONG) minds of his (mostly "Christian") audience. In other words, like so many of their FALSE RELIGIOUS LEADERS have also SOLD-OUT, spiritually ADULTERATED themselves to do, these [likewise FALSE] "Christians" ALSO CONCEDED to publicly declare their Christ and Christianity to be no different, no better, and no more effective for producing good for mankind than all of the FALSE (Satan-front) gods and FALSE (Satan-front) religions of the world.

With all of that cheering and clapping as Jesus Christ was mass-DENIED, slandered and blasphemed by so-called "Christian" Bono-U2 fans (including FALSE preachers/ministers/pastors/priests/reverends of the same Christ-disloyal, word-of-man over word-of-God FALSE "Christianity") these "Christians" DID do an act of worship to the Devil.

But then came an EVEN GREATER bonus ACT OF WORSHIP to SATAN - why? So that someone could have Satan hand him over "ALL THE KINGDOMS OF THE WORLD AND THEIR GLORY" (i.e., power, control, and/or usage for one's agenda), like the Devil told Jesus Christ he could do for him, if he'd just TURN AGAINST his Father Jehovah, and disobey his God in disloyalty? (See Matthew 4:8 and 9 again.)

It is clear that anyone who TRULY KNOWS Jehovah God the Creator and Jesus Christ - anyone who actually *IS* a true Christian, on God's own scriptural terms - would ABSOLUTELY NOT cheer, clap for, or DEFEND the what followed: TOTAL and GROSS repeated MASS-BLASPHEMY of GOD'S OWN HOLY NAME. To Jehovah/Yahweh himself, his Son, and all TRUE Christians (as opposed to FALSE ones], the SANCTIFICATION, the making and keeping holy of God's own personal holy name IS PRIORITY NUMBER ONE.

But, yet, even though a ENTIRE STREAM - of MANY different GIANT, lit-up PAGAN, SPIRITISTIC, and FALSE (anti-whole-scriptural) RELIGIOUS IDOL-ICON IMAGES - WERE DISPLAYED to massive audiences WHILE BONO SANG GOD's HOLY NAME (in the form of "YAHWEH") TO THEM, the THRONGS OF FALSE "CHRISTIANS" present CLAPPED and CHEERED THEIR APPROVAL for this blasphemy - thus becoming party to the guilt of it themselves.

And what has continued? The same type of FALSE "Christians" CONTINUE to be spiritually inebriated (by choice) as to their TRUE OBLIGATION to God, Christ, and their fellow man. INSTEAD OF LEARNING, STANDING UP FOR, and PREACHING and TEACHING God's own VITAL SCRIPTURAL TRUTH (against deadly spiritual LIES), they FIGHT the TRUE CHRISTIANS who ARE actually being loyal and obedient to Jehovah and loyal and obedient to his Son: The FALSE "Christian" IDOLATERS of the anti-scriptural teachings of men (and demons) make trouble for, disbarge, and seek to silence, stop, squelch, discourage, discredit, and ban the TRUE Christians from EXPOSING THE FALSE RELIGIOUS LIES that the FALSE "CHRISTIANS" PREFER TO LIVE BY.

Due to the CENTURIES of DAMAGE they have done to mankind, FALSE religionists - and most prominently, FALSE "Christians" - HAVE ALREADY GIVEN THEMSELVES A BAD NAME. But, more importantly, the FALSE, in reality, God-DISLOYAL and DISOBEDIENT religionists of this world (ESPECIALLY those of Christendom) HAVE ANGERED THE CREATOR-GOD and Lord Jesus Christ that they have MISREPRESENTED/BLASPHEMED with their foul-to-God teachings and actions. God himself has WARNED - and those true to him (TRUE Christians) ARE also spreading the warning, as per the command and will of God himself - that persons need to consider it an emergency to LEAVE the FALSE religions of this world immediately, because God Almighty Himself is SICK OF THEIR CRIMES against Him, His Son, his loyal and obedient worshipers, and humanity in general.

God blames the spiritism, evil, and lies of FALSE religions - especially Christendom - for misleading the nations (with their spiritual adultery with the "kings of the earth"), and for INJUSTICES, life-ruining, and BLOODGUILT - for all those who have been slaughtered on the earth." (See Revelation 18:20-24.) God has and is warning that the crimes of "Babylon the Great" (FALSE religion) - have piled clear on up to the heavens, in front of God's face, and He and His Son themselves are now readied to intervene to mete out their own rage and destruction against the world's FALSE religions. Please READ Revelation 18:4,5,8 - and then ACT on God's warnings. The time to do that is NOW.

As these last of the pre-Armageddon days come and go, the blasphemous "U2 Yahweh" video - and SONGS LIKE THIS -  continue to be let to run wild through the world, unretracted and unchecked in spiritually poisonous effect by those responsible for them. And also, FALSE "Christian" U2 IDOLATERS CONTINUE to use these wreckless and bad materials of U2 to malign God, Jesus Christ, whole-scriptural truth, Jehovah's loyal messenger-servants, and to violate God's will and holy spirit - all because they are NOT "LOOKING FOR" SPIRITUAL TRUTH, no, NOT REALLY - they are INSTEAD LOOKING FOR support for spiritual LIES and to be able to live and practice spiritual LIES without the bother of being criticized for the injustices produced by all of that. (2Timothy 4:3,4)

INFORMING - using freedom of speech of the highest order, to speak God's truth and warnings to one's fellow man, as per his express scriptural will and spirit (Ezekiel 3:17-21; Matthew 24:14, 28:19,20; more) [out of TRUE love for God, Christ, and one's "neighbor"]- is NOT "FIGHTING." Neither does offering information "FORCE one's beliefs" on another. BUT, slandering and trying to silence that speech IS FORCING INJUSTICE, and is FIGHTING GOD (and Christ). [Romans 1:18; John 17:14-18]

More on "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"

(Further reponse to a message board attack by a so-called "Christian"  "fan")

Using God-granted freedom of speech to INFORM fellow human beings of the Creator's own scriptural messages and standards - including WARNING THEM of Jehovah God Almighty's own already-made scriptural judgments/warnings (Ezekiel 3:17-21) - is neither fighting people nor "forcing one's beliefs" on others. (That is, instead, a common, cowardly FALSE charge that THOSE WHO DO NOT WANT TO EITHER SEE/HEAR OR OBEY God's actual scriptural messages - and WHO DO NOT WANT OTHERS TO LEARN of God's scriptural commands either [so that they/their anti-whole-scriptural religions don't look so bad] - have classically tried to FIGHT the preaching and teaching of God's own highly-purposed TRUTH with.)

People can generally choose to read or listen to someone else's expressions - and respond with their own - or not.

When it comes to God's own purposed critical and life-or-death (come Armageddon, soon) scriptural messages however, all persons now alive will be HELD ACCOUNTABLE to both the Creator and to his Son Jesus Christ for their RESPONSE to those messages - were persons of the predicted majority of mankind and FALSE religionists (especially FALSE, Christ-DISobedient "Christianity") who FIGHT GOD, FIGHT HIS MESSAGES, and persecute God's scripturally-described true messengers of them; OR are they of the much fewer people who hear, see-read, FIND God's scriptural TRUTH being messaged, and then GRATEFULLY OBEY and SEEK OUT MORE of that same truth so as to LIVE IT, DO IT, "BE WITH" God (in compliance and friendship with Him)?

Lyrics in this song do refer to anti-whole scriptural and even SPIRITISTIC practices of Christendom - counterfeit "Christianity" - which is the biggest and most culpable (as prophesied) sector of the scripturally God-condemned Satanic global empire of all of the world's FALSE religions, which God refers to as "Babylon the Great". The lyrics allude to: "Faith healing"; "speaking in tongues"; direct spiritism ("held the hand of the Devil"); sex worship; the pagan-apostate "Christian" hybrid "Jesus-died on a cross for our sins", end of story teaching [contrast Hebrews 10:26-31]; the spiritistic-esoteric teaching that people die and meld into one entity/blob of energy devoid of individuality; and - most of all [as this song, by use, has evolved to do], to REJECT and DISMISS the Creator's own vital messages of scriptural truth, which are being actively put out "in all the inhabited earth" (Matthew 24:14; 28:19-20 by those loyal and true to God (who ARE doing his will; as TRUE, actually Christ-following Christians).

Moreover, the way this song has been used in concert to masses of people has BELIED (mocked and blasphemed) seeking the Creator via Jesus Christ - or even Jesus Christ - anyway.

Why? One reason of many is because the performance of this song portended to share a driving concern about finding "the truth" about the Creator so as to have a personal relationship with Him - or at least his Son (the confusion there stemming from not understanding the fact that God Almighty [Jehovah/Yahweh the Creator] is NOT the same being as his Son, Jesus Christ).

But, even after the great big audience-involvement experience of singing the chorus back at Bono repeatedly, as he called for it, with the audiences all pumped-up - many of them probably feeling really good, thinking they were having a delightful share in glorifying their Lord Jesus; what REALLY happened?

At least for most of the Vertigo Tour, Bono ran your “Lord Jesus” down into the mud. He made him one and the same and party to the false gods and false religions of the world, with all of their spiritistic and life-destroying spiritual LIES and practices of INJUSTICE. "Jesus, Jew, Muhammad,its True....all sons of Abraham" is what was infamously chanted; while the huge idol-icon of "COEXIST" (depicting 3 [pagan] symbols of major false religions) both glowed from the stage backdrop [and was repeatedly fervently pointed out, piece by piece, as chanted, by Bono, from atop his headband, on which this icon was also drawn].

There was that, in tandem with, yet despite the performances of this song. - Also too though, in the same concerts in which “I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For” was performed; this group also took the holy personal name of Jesus Christ's Father, Jehovah/Yahweh/Geova, etc. and blasphemed in front of millions of persons. How in total OPPOSITION to CHRIST that was though - because he (and all TRUE Christians followers of him) put the SANCTIFICATION of Jehovah/Yahweh's holy name FIRST in PRIORITY. (Matthew 6:9)

Indeed, since the Vertigo Tour era, Bono has even mass-media run down (and let continue to be run down) the very idea that any group of human beings KNOW the spiritual "truth" about God - that there even exists a "truth", a one true religion (other than social justice as being "true religion" that Bono promoted). Again though, how OPPOSITE the words of God via his Son, though: "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free". [John 8:32; also see Ephesians 4:3-6; and there is more.]

People can think in human terms, basing their philosophies and life-choices on what is popular, trendy, or seemingly the most satisfying for their own personal pride and desires - OR they can listen to their God-built-in conscience and realize that they DO OWE to go "LOOKING FOR" the One who made them, to learn His TRUTH, and to OBEY that truth once it is right in front of them.

If someones really DOES want to be a TRUE Christian, then they MUST learn to STAND UP for God's scriptural truth; LIVE by it/OBEY it unhypocritically (as best one can); REPUDIATE anti-scriptural false religious LIES and practices (some of which were described in this song); LEAVE FALSE (anti-whole-scriptural] religion behind (as per God's commands at Revelation 18:4,5) and (absolutely, yes) PREACH and TEACH Jehovah/Yahweh's own words as being TRUTH and LIFE - just like Jesus Christ did, and just like he and his Father REQUIRE true worshipers to do (URGENTLY, and to their utmost). [Ezekiel 3:17-21; Matthew 28:19,20]

Previous (11-5-11) "Not-Accepted" Music Message Board Response of Mine

[This in response to yet more slanderous attacks - by fervent U2 "fans" and FALSE religionists/ anti-scriptural "spiritual" philosophists - AGAINST Jehovah God the Creator's own strong scriptural WARNING words and messages clearly and solidly based on them; and against loyal and true messengers of those words.]

("Re:" "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For", on a site which, earlier today, was also advertising U2's latest release/re-release)


Jehovah's LIFE-SAVING words of WARNING are strong. But, JUST AS PROPHESIED, the "many" CAN'T STAND THEM.

So here, such people HAVE FOUND THEMSELVES A POPULAR SONG (with a human charismatic leader behind it), A GIANT JINGLE, to USE TO EXPRESS THEIR DISLIKE or HATRED OF the CREATOR'S OWN WORDS - TO PUBLICALLY VOICE REJECTION OF The Universal Sovereign's own teachings, and SO their REJECTION OF HIS RULE and the Person of God Himself.


See, again (as has happened countless times in the past 10 years now) how yet another person FAILS to side with JUSTICE; but oppositely, CHOOSES to publically SLANDER messages from God's words as being NOT loving, NOT respectful, and "arguing" - and merely equivalent to speech which actually IS evil and born of REBELLION towards God and his known scriptural standards.

Certainly that popular SLANDER, that "convenient" LIE, with its request for the OPPRESSION of UNWANTED speech of God's urgent words of warnings is very pleasing to both the demon and human enemies of God, who do not want his scriptural TRUTH to be made known.

So, by use of THIS SONG, and every other possible devious and incidious means of propaganda, Satan and those with him will continue to pump at you - all the way up to the beginning of Armageddon Day itself (at which time it will BE TOO LATE for you to change your "side") - that Jehovah God Almighty the Creator Himself's OWN PURPOSED SCRIPTURAL WORDS of INSTRUCTIONS for LIFE, His WARNINGS, etc....


THAT is a main message that largely Satan-controlled MASS-MEDIA will continue to inundate your senses with; but at the SAME TIME, that same channel will continue to do all it can to OPPRESS, SUPPRESS, SILENCE, MOCK, SLANDER and BAN (etc.) SPEECH OF GOD'S TRUTH (and true messengers of it).....all the way up until the masses are OUT OF TIME (with God) - which will be very, very soon now.

WHAT would happen if Bono and U2 were to completely change this around - and put a song (or at least a sufficiently-effective message) out to the world saying that they FOUND - and so now want to follow-through-on (obey and be loyal to) WHAT THEY'RE LOOKING FOR in Jehovah the Creator's own scriptural truth and so one true religion???

THEN what would such "fans" do??

Is U2 more concerned about saving eternal lives (rather than continuing to motivate many towards everlasting death) - or SALES ?$?$

And why would "fans" FOLLOW [copy, mimick] what a celebrity leader or leaders DO about God - instead of clean-heartedly just "LOOKING FOR" the Maker and then gratefully and rightly choosing to obey HIM themselves???

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Of the Rejected Posts (see John 15:18-20), Re: "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" (1)

(One of my [response] posts not accepted for "print" on a popular lyric and "song meaning" website):

This is a PERFECT Song for Those of Christendom

Shorter here, for those so-called "Christians" (even "Christian college" ones) who publically COMPLAIN about the God-willed OFFERING of life-saving INFORMATION - SCRIPTURE-based teachings and straight-out Scriptures from God Himself - as being "unrelenting", "fighting", "ridiculous", "harsh", "unforgiving", "unsympathetic to others", "beating", and ineffective:

Jehovah [Yahweh] God Almighty and Jesus Christ themselves have already, as the Scriptures prove, CONDEMNED FALSE [counterfeit, ANTI-whole scriptural, apostate] "Christianity" (Christendom)- along with all of the other DISOBEDIENT-to-God FALSE religions of this world to TOTAL DESTRUCTION, which the Creator will intervene to carry out SOON.

In order for individuals to SURVIVE that event and Armageddon Day, which will immediately follow Jehovah [Yahweh's] delivery of His vengeance onto Satan's global empire of FALSE religions ("Babylon the Great"), persons need to OBEY GOD, and leave all of those entities - cut all memberships and ties (physically, mentally, and spiritually) with all FALSE religions of the world IMMEDIATELY. (Revelation 18:4,5,8,20-24)

They must also "repent and turn around" (Acts 3:19), and LEARN and OBEY Jehovah [Yahweh's] scriptural teachings, just as Jesus Christ also taught (John 17:3; 3:36); worship the Creator on His own scriptural terms, "with spirit and truth" (John 4:24) - and pass examination by God during this judgment hour as genuinely meeting HIS requirements (Revelation 14:7)

However, as agents of the Devil (NOT loyal representatives of God or Christ whatsoever) God-FIGHTING FALSE "Christians" DO NOT WANT PEOPLE TO LEARN LIFE-SAVING TRUTHS that they themselves DENY, DISOBEY, and do NOT want to be BOTHERED with, and certainly FAIL TO PREACH. Indeed, they choose instead to spiritually ADULTERIZE themselves to the world, SELLING-OUT (and LYING about) God's scriptural truth (which was never even a possession of theirs to begin with) to "please" and create FALSE "peace" (based on a common ground of God-rebellion) to "all" - from "the kings of the earth" (whose kingdoms [and wars and other injustices] they actually support, INSTEAD OF God's Kingdom) [Revelation 17:1-3,5]; to the most God-fighting of any of the rest of mankind, whom they join forces with and pat on the back for their wicked deeds, rather than issue Divine, scriptural reprimand and warnings at all. [Romans 1:32]

So, the way this song has come to be used is HIGHLY SUITABLE for the goals of Satan and the FALSE "Christians" who VIOLATE God, Jesus Christ, and TRUE human messengers of God's life-vital truth and warnings. For how it has been used, THIS SONG INTERNATIONALLY MASS-MEDIA URGES THE SAME NET MESSAGE THAT THE FALSE RELIGIONS of the WORLD - ESPECIALLY CHRISTENDOM (FALSE "Christianity") DO: DO NOT LISTEN TO, LEARN, or OBEY GOD'S OWN SCRIPTURAL TRUTH and WARNING MESSAGES [that He Himself is having urgently put out throughout the entire inhabited earth (as prophesied) by His faithful human messengers at this critical, pre-Armageddon time] - MAKE "EXCUSES" FOR NOT LISTENING TO AND OBEYING GOD'S SCRIPTURAL TRUTH; and RESPOND, with the crowds, following human leaders [not God, not Christ] that IT'S NOT "WHAT [YOU'RE] LOOKING FOR."

So, this song has become an cherished anthem for God-rebellion in the last of these pre-Armageddon days; an anthem for the spiritual mass-murder being carried on by Satan through his God-fighting FALSE religious (and otherwise spiritism-practicing) cohort-puppets, ESPECIALLY those of Christendom.