Monday, July 02, 2012

Of the Rejected Posts (See John 15:18-20), Re: "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" (2)

(Another response of mine that was not accepted for "print" by a popular lyric and song-meaning message board/forum)

This song has been used as a Satanic DEVICE to "catch", mislead and USE those of faulty-based (rather than true, scripturally-based) so-called "Christian" "faith": To EXPLOIT their spiritual drive; get them to ACQUIESCE/ give up/ allow to be perverted any bits of loyalty to God that there were within them, even by conscience (to spiritually-mentally BRAINWASH them); and then, as their so-called "faith" was COMPROMISED, to TURN THOSE PERSONS (masses of them) over to Satan as his 666-marked SLAVES - their worship, sacred service, hope, obedience, and allegiance owed to God misled to serve Satan via serving his world system, with worship of God (on his own scriptural terms) REPLACED BY WORSHIP OF THE CREATION INSTEAD (see the Romans 1:25 prophecy) and "SOCIAL JUSTICE."

It has been like (more than a) decade-long horror film, to watch and observe hundreds of thousands of so-called "Christians" FIGHT GOD and FIGHT JESUS CHRIST BY FIGHTING GOD'S SCRIPTURAL TRUTHS - to "defend" anti-whole scriptural and antichrist (2Timothy 4:3,4 prophesied-type) "easy-going" and SIN-"PERMISSIVE" "pop" religious philosophies hyped by the media; and clap and cheer their DENIAL, DISOWNMENT, and DISAPPROVAL of Jehovah/Yahweh God Himself, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the scriptural, life-helping and SAVING urgent pre-Armageddon messages of God's warnings and requirements being put out earth wide by Jehovah's own scripturally described human messengers.

So, yes, during performances of THIS SONG, I was eyewitness to that U2 and MASSES of people answered back to the Creator and His Son, in musical antiphony, that even God's now globally provided and in-reach messages of SCRIPTURAL TRUTH are, overall, NOT WHAT THEY ARE LOOKING FOR. And with this, they also proved that 2Timothy 4:3,4 teachers of what is spiritually FALSE, but [sinful] DESIRE-pleasing IS WHAT THEY ARE LOOKING FOR INSTEAD. In other words, what a colossial repeated demonstration of fulfillment of that prophecy.

And, further, after audiences were PREPPED, the so-called "Christian's" beliefs and consciences brain-wash-weakened, corrupted, and impaired/broken down by their participation in that much DISLOYALTY to God and Christ; THEN came the presentation of even bigger, more grotesque acts of ANTI-CHRISTISM and spiritism/spiritistic-FALSE religion/pseudo-religion/ IDOLATRY and BLASPHEMY for them to also become involved in - to their spiritual harm/ruin, and also as an offering to Satan the Devil - to provide Satan "what [HE] was looking for": AN ACT OF WORSHIP TO BE PERFORMED TO HIM, IN DISOBEDIENCE AND DISLOYALTY TO GOD. Read Matthew 4:8,9.

Even though "Christians" in the audience should have been tipped-off about this spiritual propaganda-crime by even the clue of Matthew 4:8,9 being loosely paraphrased/ alluded to in the Vertigo song lyrics, "All of this, all of this can be yours [repeat], Just give me what I want...", with what followed, most just let themselves be seduced by all of the lights, sound, crowd-mentality and hero-worship to YES, GIVE SATAN WHAT HE WANTED.

Had it not been first group-established that God's scriptural truth was NOT WANTED by the leader and his massive throngs? So, with the Creator's own teachings rejected; space was made for an invitation to do "an act" of worship to the Devil.

What also did the integrity-defunct "Christians" do then?

They participated in - cheered and clapped their mob approval -  for an even more direct and hardcore DENIAL and DISOWNMENT of Jesus Christ as being Jehovah's ONLY "WAY" to access God Almighty for TRUE WORSHIP, forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God, everlasting life, and the ONLY HOPE for RESOLUTION of mankind's critical level problems (of global injustice, poverty, WORLD PEACE and security, ETC!)

Yes - the impaired-conscienced so-called "Christians" - masses of them at a time - CLAPPED and CHEERED Bono and themselves as "Jesus, Jew, Muhammad, its true...all sons of Abraham", with the infamous "COEXIST" IDOL-ICON was hyped, hyped, hyped by the idolized Bono - as this antichrist propaganda PHILOSOPHY was introduced to THE VOID created by the spiritually disarmed (BY THIS SONG) minds of his (mostly "Christian") audience. In other words, like so many of their FALSE RELIGIOUS LEADERS have also SOLD-OUT, spiritually ADULTERATED themselves to do, these [likewise FALSE] "Christians" ALSO CONCEDED to publicly declare their Christ and Christianity to be no different, no better, and no more effective for producing good for mankind than all of the FALSE (Satan-front) gods and FALSE (Satan-front) religions of the world.

With all of that cheering and clapping as Jesus Christ was mass-DENIED, slandered and blasphemed by so-called "Christian" Bono-U2 fans (including FALSE preachers/ministers/pastors/priests/reverends of the same Christ-disloyal, word-of-man over word-of-God FALSE "Christianity") these "Christians" DID do an act of worship to the Devil.

But then came an EVEN GREATER bonus ACT OF WORSHIP to SATAN - why? So that someone could have Satan hand him over "ALL THE KINGDOMS OF THE WORLD AND THEIR GLORY" (i.e., power, control, and/or usage for one's agenda), like the Devil told Jesus Christ he could do for him, if he'd just TURN AGAINST his Father Jehovah, and disobey his God in disloyalty? (See Matthew 4:8 and 9 again.)

It is clear that anyone who TRULY KNOWS Jehovah God the Creator and Jesus Christ - anyone who actually *IS* a true Christian, on God's own scriptural terms - would ABSOLUTELY NOT cheer, clap for, or DEFEND the what followed: TOTAL and GROSS repeated MASS-BLASPHEMY of GOD'S OWN HOLY NAME. To Jehovah/Yahweh himself, his Son, and all TRUE Christians (as opposed to FALSE ones], the SANCTIFICATION, the making and keeping holy of God's own personal holy name IS PRIORITY NUMBER ONE.

But, yet, even though a ENTIRE STREAM - of MANY different GIANT, lit-up PAGAN, SPIRITISTIC, and FALSE (anti-whole-scriptural) RELIGIOUS IDOL-ICON IMAGES - WERE DISPLAYED to massive audiences WHILE BONO SANG GOD's HOLY NAME (in the form of "YAHWEH") TO THEM, the THRONGS OF FALSE "CHRISTIANS" present CLAPPED and CHEERED THEIR APPROVAL for this blasphemy - thus becoming party to the guilt of it themselves.

And what has continued? The same type of FALSE "Christians" CONTINUE to be spiritually inebriated (by choice) as to their TRUE OBLIGATION to God, Christ, and their fellow man. INSTEAD OF LEARNING, STANDING UP FOR, and PREACHING and TEACHING God's own VITAL SCRIPTURAL TRUTH (against deadly spiritual LIES), they FIGHT the TRUE CHRISTIANS who ARE actually being loyal and obedient to Jehovah and loyal and obedient to his Son: The FALSE "Christian" IDOLATERS of the anti-scriptural teachings of men (and demons) make trouble for, disbarge, and seek to silence, stop, squelch, discourage, discredit, and ban the TRUE Christians from EXPOSING THE FALSE RELIGIOUS LIES that the FALSE "CHRISTIANS" PREFER TO LIVE BY.

Due to the CENTURIES of DAMAGE they have done to mankind, FALSE religionists - and most prominently, FALSE "Christians" - HAVE ALREADY GIVEN THEMSELVES A BAD NAME. But, more importantly, the FALSE, in reality, God-DISLOYAL and DISOBEDIENT religionists of this world (ESPECIALLY those of Christendom) HAVE ANGERED THE CREATOR-GOD and Lord Jesus Christ that they have MISREPRESENTED/BLASPHEMED with their foul-to-God teachings and actions. God himself has WARNED - and those true to him (TRUE Christians) ARE also spreading the warning, as per the command and will of God himself - that persons need to consider it an emergency to LEAVE the FALSE religions of this world immediately, because God Almighty Himself is SICK OF THEIR CRIMES against Him, His Son, his loyal and obedient worshipers, and humanity in general.

God blames the spiritism, evil, and lies of FALSE religions - especially Christendom - for misleading the nations (with their spiritual adultery with the "kings of the earth"), and for INJUSTICES, life-ruining, and BLOODGUILT - for all those who have been slaughtered on the earth." (See Revelation 18:20-24.) God has and is warning that the crimes of "Babylon the Great" (FALSE religion) - have piled clear on up to the heavens, in front of God's face, and He and His Son themselves are now readied to intervene to mete out their own rage and destruction against the world's FALSE religions. Please READ Revelation 18:4,5,8 - and then ACT on God's warnings. The time to do that is NOW.

As these last of the pre-Armageddon days come and go, the blasphemous "U2 Yahweh" video - and SONGS LIKE THIS -  continue to be let to run wild through the world, unretracted and unchecked in spiritually poisonous effect by those responsible for them. And also, FALSE "Christian" U2 IDOLATERS CONTINUE to use these wreckless and bad materials of U2 to malign God, Jesus Christ, whole-scriptural truth, Jehovah's loyal messenger-servants, and to violate God's will and holy spirit - all because they are NOT "LOOKING FOR" SPIRITUAL TRUTH, no, NOT REALLY - they are INSTEAD LOOKING FOR support for spiritual LIES and to be able to live and practice spiritual LIES without the bother of being criticized for the injustices produced by all of that. (2Timothy 4:3,4)

INFORMING - using freedom of speech of the highest order, to speak God's truth and warnings to one's fellow man, as per his express scriptural will and spirit (Ezekiel 3:17-21; Matthew 24:14, 28:19,20; more) [out of TRUE love for God, Christ, and one's "neighbor"]- is NOT "FIGHTING." Neither does offering information "FORCE one's beliefs" on another. BUT, slandering and trying to silence that speech IS FORCING INJUSTICE, and is FIGHTING GOD (and Christ). [Romans 1:18; John 17:14-18]


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