Monday, July 02, 2012

Previous (11-5-11) "Not-Accepted" Music Message Board Response of Mine

[This in response to yet more slanderous attacks - by fervent U2 "fans" and FALSE religionists/ anti-scriptural "spiritual" philosophists - AGAINST Jehovah God the Creator's own strong scriptural WARNING words and messages clearly and solidly based on them; and against loyal and true messengers of those words.]

("Re:" "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For", on a site which, earlier today, was also advertising U2's latest release/re-release)


Jehovah's LIFE-SAVING words of WARNING are strong. But, JUST AS PROPHESIED, the "many" CAN'T STAND THEM.

So here, such people HAVE FOUND THEMSELVES A POPULAR SONG (with a human charismatic leader behind it), A GIANT JINGLE, to USE TO EXPRESS THEIR DISLIKE or HATRED OF the CREATOR'S OWN WORDS - TO PUBLICALLY VOICE REJECTION OF The Universal Sovereign's own teachings, and SO their REJECTION OF HIS RULE and the Person of God Himself.


See, again (as has happened countless times in the past 10 years now) how yet another person FAILS to side with JUSTICE; but oppositely, CHOOSES to publically SLANDER messages from God's words as being NOT loving, NOT respectful, and "arguing" - and merely equivalent to speech which actually IS evil and born of REBELLION towards God and his known scriptural standards.

Certainly that popular SLANDER, that "convenient" LIE, with its request for the OPPRESSION of UNWANTED speech of God's urgent words of warnings is very pleasing to both the demon and human enemies of God, who do not want his scriptural TRUTH to be made known.

So, by use of THIS SONG, and every other possible devious and incidious means of propaganda, Satan and those with him will continue to pump at you - all the way up to the beginning of Armageddon Day itself (at which time it will BE TOO LATE for you to change your "side") - that Jehovah God Almighty the Creator Himself's OWN PURPOSED SCRIPTURAL WORDS of INSTRUCTIONS for LIFE, His WARNINGS, etc....


THAT is a main message that largely Satan-controlled MASS-MEDIA will continue to inundate your senses with; but at the SAME TIME, that same channel will continue to do all it can to OPPRESS, SUPPRESS, SILENCE, MOCK, SLANDER and BAN (etc.) SPEECH OF GOD'S TRUTH (and true messengers of it).....all the way up until the masses are OUT OF TIME (with God) - which will be very, very soon now.

WHAT would happen if Bono and U2 were to completely change this around - and put a song (or at least a sufficiently-effective message) out to the world saying that they FOUND - and so now want to follow-through-on (obey and be loyal to) WHAT THEY'RE LOOKING FOR in Jehovah the Creator's own scriptural truth and so one true religion???

THEN what would such "fans" do??

Is U2 more concerned about saving eternal lives (rather than continuing to motivate many towards everlasting death) - or SALES ?$?$

And why would "fans" FOLLOW [copy, mimick] what a celebrity leader or leaders DO about God - instead of clean-heartedly just "LOOKING FOR" the Maker and then gratefully and rightly choosing to obey HIM themselves???


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