Monday, July 02, 2012

More on "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"

(Further reponse to a message board attack by a so-called "Christian"  "fan")

Using God-granted freedom of speech to INFORM fellow human beings of the Creator's own scriptural messages and standards - including WARNING THEM of Jehovah God Almighty's own already-made scriptural judgments/warnings (Ezekiel 3:17-21) - is neither fighting people nor "forcing one's beliefs" on others. (That is, instead, a common, cowardly FALSE charge that THOSE WHO DO NOT WANT TO EITHER SEE/HEAR OR OBEY God's actual scriptural messages - and WHO DO NOT WANT OTHERS TO LEARN of God's scriptural commands either [so that they/their anti-whole-scriptural religions don't look so bad] - have classically tried to FIGHT the preaching and teaching of God's own highly-purposed TRUTH with.)

People can generally choose to read or listen to someone else's expressions - and respond with their own - or not.

When it comes to God's own purposed critical and life-or-death (come Armageddon, soon) scriptural messages however, all persons now alive will be HELD ACCOUNTABLE to both the Creator and to his Son Jesus Christ for their RESPONSE to those messages - were persons of the predicted majority of mankind and FALSE religionists (especially FALSE, Christ-DISobedient "Christianity") who FIGHT GOD, FIGHT HIS MESSAGES, and persecute God's scripturally-described true messengers of them; OR are they of the much fewer people who hear, see-read, FIND God's scriptural TRUTH being messaged, and then GRATEFULLY OBEY and SEEK OUT MORE of that same truth so as to LIVE IT, DO IT, "BE WITH" God (in compliance and friendship with Him)?

Lyrics in this song do refer to anti-whole scriptural and even SPIRITISTIC practices of Christendom - counterfeit "Christianity" - which is the biggest and most culpable (as prophesied) sector of the scripturally God-condemned Satanic global empire of all of the world's FALSE religions, which God refers to as "Babylon the Great". The lyrics allude to: "Faith healing"; "speaking in tongues"; direct spiritism ("held the hand of the Devil"); sex worship; the pagan-apostate "Christian" hybrid "Jesus-died on a cross for our sins", end of story teaching [contrast Hebrews 10:26-31]; the spiritistic-esoteric teaching that people die and meld into one entity/blob of energy devoid of individuality; and - most of all [as this song, by use, has evolved to do], to REJECT and DISMISS the Creator's own vital messages of scriptural truth, which are being actively put out "in all the inhabited earth" (Matthew 24:14; 28:19-20 by those loyal and true to God (who ARE doing his will; as TRUE, actually Christ-following Christians).

Moreover, the way this song has been used in concert to masses of people has BELIED (mocked and blasphemed) seeking the Creator via Jesus Christ - or even Jesus Christ - anyway.

Why? One reason of many is because the performance of this song portended to share a driving concern about finding "the truth" about the Creator so as to have a personal relationship with Him - or at least his Son (the confusion there stemming from not understanding the fact that God Almighty [Jehovah/Yahweh the Creator] is NOT the same being as his Son, Jesus Christ).

But, even after the great big audience-involvement experience of singing the chorus back at Bono repeatedly, as he called for it, with the audiences all pumped-up - many of them probably feeling really good, thinking they were having a delightful share in glorifying their Lord Jesus; what REALLY happened?

At least for most of the Vertigo Tour, Bono ran your “Lord Jesus” down into the mud. He made him one and the same and party to the false gods and false religions of the world, with all of their spiritistic and life-destroying spiritual LIES and practices of INJUSTICE. "Jesus, Jew, Muhammad,its True....all sons of Abraham" is what was infamously chanted; while the huge idol-icon of "COEXIST" (depicting 3 [pagan] symbols of major false religions) both glowed from the stage backdrop [and was repeatedly fervently pointed out, piece by piece, as chanted, by Bono, from atop his headband, on which this icon was also drawn].

There was that, in tandem with, yet despite the performances of this song. - Also too though, in the same concerts in which “I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For” was performed; this group also took the holy personal name of Jesus Christ's Father, Jehovah/Yahweh/Geova, etc. and blasphemed in front of millions of persons. How in total OPPOSITION to CHRIST that was though - because he (and all TRUE Christians followers of him) put the SANCTIFICATION of Jehovah/Yahweh's holy name FIRST in PRIORITY. (Matthew 6:9)

Indeed, since the Vertigo Tour era, Bono has even mass-media run down (and let continue to be run down) the very idea that any group of human beings KNOW the spiritual "truth" about God - that there even exists a "truth", a one true religion (other than social justice as being "true religion" that Bono promoted). Again though, how OPPOSITE the words of God via his Son, though: "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free". [John 8:32; also see Ephesians 4:3-6; and there is more.]

People can think in human terms, basing their philosophies and life-choices on what is popular, trendy, or seemingly the most satisfying for their own personal pride and desires - OR they can listen to their God-built-in conscience and realize that they DO OWE to go "LOOKING FOR" the One who made them, to learn His TRUTH, and to OBEY that truth once it is right in front of them.

If someones really DOES want to be a TRUE Christian, then they MUST learn to STAND UP for God's scriptural truth; LIVE by it/OBEY it unhypocritically (as best one can); REPUDIATE anti-scriptural false religious LIES and practices (some of which were described in this song); LEAVE FALSE (anti-whole-scriptural] religion behind (as per God's commands at Revelation 18:4,5) and (absolutely, yes) PREACH and TEACH Jehovah/Yahweh's own words as being TRUTH and LIFE - just like Jesus Christ did, and just like he and his Father REQUIRE true worshipers to do (URGENTLY, and to their utmost). [Ezekiel 3:17-21; Matthew 28:19,20]


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