Sunday, July 01, 2012

Of the Rejected Posts (see John 15:18-20), Re: "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" (1)

(One of my [response] posts not accepted for "print" on a popular lyric and "song meaning" website):

This is a PERFECT Song for Those of Christendom

Shorter here, for those so-called "Christians" (even "Christian college" ones) who publically COMPLAIN about the God-willed OFFERING of life-saving INFORMATION - SCRIPTURE-based teachings and straight-out Scriptures from God Himself - as being "unrelenting", "fighting", "ridiculous", "harsh", "unforgiving", "unsympathetic to others", "beating", and ineffective:

Jehovah [Yahweh] God Almighty and Jesus Christ themselves have already, as the Scriptures prove, CONDEMNED FALSE [counterfeit, ANTI-whole scriptural, apostate] "Christianity" (Christendom)- along with all of the other DISOBEDIENT-to-God FALSE religions of this world to TOTAL DESTRUCTION, which the Creator will intervene to carry out SOON.

In order for individuals to SURVIVE that event and Armageddon Day, which will immediately follow Jehovah [Yahweh's] delivery of His vengeance onto Satan's global empire of FALSE religions ("Babylon the Great"), persons need to OBEY GOD, and leave all of those entities - cut all memberships and ties (physically, mentally, and spiritually) with all FALSE religions of the world IMMEDIATELY. (Revelation 18:4,5,8,20-24)

They must also "repent and turn around" (Acts 3:19), and LEARN and OBEY Jehovah [Yahweh's] scriptural teachings, just as Jesus Christ also taught (John 17:3; 3:36); worship the Creator on His own scriptural terms, "with spirit and truth" (John 4:24) - and pass examination by God during this judgment hour as genuinely meeting HIS requirements (Revelation 14:7)

However, as agents of the Devil (NOT loyal representatives of God or Christ whatsoever) God-FIGHTING FALSE "Christians" DO NOT WANT PEOPLE TO LEARN LIFE-SAVING TRUTHS that they themselves DENY, DISOBEY, and do NOT want to be BOTHERED with, and certainly FAIL TO PREACH. Indeed, they choose instead to spiritually ADULTERIZE themselves to the world, SELLING-OUT (and LYING about) God's scriptural truth (which was never even a possession of theirs to begin with) to "please" and create FALSE "peace" (based on a common ground of God-rebellion) to "all" - from "the kings of the earth" (whose kingdoms [and wars and other injustices] they actually support, INSTEAD OF God's Kingdom) [Revelation 17:1-3,5]; to the most God-fighting of any of the rest of mankind, whom they join forces with and pat on the back for their wicked deeds, rather than issue Divine, scriptural reprimand and warnings at all. [Romans 1:32]

So, the way this song has come to be used is HIGHLY SUITABLE for the goals of Satan and the FALSE "Christians" who VIOLATE God, Jesus Christ, and TRUE human messengers of God's life-vital truth and warnings. For how it has been used, THIS SONG INTERNATIONALLY MASS-MEDIA URGES THE SAME NET MESSAGE THAT THE FALSE RELIGIONS of the WORLD - ESPECIALLY CHRISTENDOM (FALSE "Christianity") DO: DO NOT LISTEN TO, LEARN, or OBEY GOD'S OWN SCRIPTURAL TRUTH and WARNING MESSAGES [that He Himself is having urgently put out throughout the entire inhabited earth (as prophesied) by His faithful human messengers at this critical, pre-Armageddon time] - MAKE "EXCUSES" FOR NOT LISTENING TO AND OBEYING GOD'S SCRIPTURAL TRUTH; and RESPOND, with the crowds, following human leaders [not God, not Christ] that IT'S NOT "WHAT [YOU'RE] LOOKING FOR."

So, this song has become an cherished anthem for God-rebellion in the last of these pre-Armageddon days; an anthem for the spiritual mass-murder being carried on by Satan through his God-fighting FALSE religious (and otherwise spiritism-practicing) cohort-puppets, ESPECIALLY those of Christendom.


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