Friday, December 13, 2019

Ahem: Ahimsa

Is supporting/ promoting abortions in general of "ahimsa"? No - its violence towards unborn children. Is or would being party to/ supporting/ continuing to support the power-abusing de-population agendist's Vaccine Regime, with its mandated / coerced-by threat vaccines and other extreme violations of God-given human rights - its crimes against God and humanity (including in India) - "ahimsa"? No, its not. The blood of the victims cries up from the ground, and that plague of human rights atrocities is now wildly out of control, internationally (and especially in the U.S.). The prophesies from God at Romans 1:18-32 and Jude 7,10,14-19 warned the world that these types of extreme, life-threatening and life-ruining acts of violence, gross injustice, etc. would stem from many/ most persons choosing to live by evil-permissive and evil-producing spiritual lies from Satan; and choosing to reject, defy, and fight against the Creator God Jehovah and His globally-given scriptural words and warnings of truth. (2Timothy 4:3,4). Listening to and heeding the Creator's scriptural words is what really produces peace and non-violence - what roots these things deeply in the heart and mind. That is also what REALLY unites people as "one" (Ephesians 4:3-6; John 17:3,17,20-23,26); what creates lasting, TRUE peace, and lasting, TRUE unity. It is the way of the TRUE future for this earth and mankind upon it - after this current world system, largely run by Satan the Devil and his hordes, is soon done away with, by Jehovah, on His Armageddon Day. (Psalm 37:10,11,29; Daniel 2:44)


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