Sunday, December 01, 2019

(EDITED) Tweeted, Re: Singapore, and More, NOT "Tweeted"

@U2 Plz don't tell Singapore they're a "great country"! They're a crap country (more so than other ones of this world) BC THEY IMPRISON CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS TO WAR, There are 9 young Jehovah's Witnesses imprisoned there now 4 this. "But I won't heed the battle call....." Pride


(NOT "tweeted") -

P.S. What a pile of spiritually poisonous trash on the pre-concert "poetry" screen (as seen via a video) though - hailing and extolling the "nobility", "bravery", and "whole-souled spiritual honesty" and "goodness", etc., so to say, of a "young girl leaving her church" and "afraid to tell her parents." IS THAT SO SHE CAN HAVE THE "FREEDOM" to run off and be immoral, and live by the life-harming/ robbing spiritual LIE propaganda of Satan, demons, and the Satanic godless and God-defiant persons of this world? Is that so she can more easily shut-out her conscience and the commands of God she likely learned, such as "You must not murder", and run off to have a child in her womb slaughtered, so that she can chase after "greater" materialistic rewards, etc? Or maybe she wants to engage in God-forbidden homosexual sex (Romans 1:26-32; Jude 7), wants to "change her sex" to facilitate that; or engage in other things she might very well know that God condemns through his words? Does that make her "brave", etc. so to say - someone that the masses in a concert stadium should emphasize with, in the "spirit" of rock and roll? The godless and God-defiant are always eager to offer "empathy" to those leaving the Creator and any of his commonly hated (as prophesied) scriptural standards - especially his moral ones. "The world is fond of what is its own." (The "world" alienated from God, that is.) And Satan and his demons always "cheer" for this. And what of the girl's parents? Should the girl honesty "be afraid" of THEM? Or, in truth, would it be a case of a God-rebellious offspring basically spiritually/ emotionally spitting in his/her parents faces and kicking/ crushing their hearts and minds with derision, hate, injustice, slander, dis-gratitude, dishonesty, self-centeredness, persecution, and pain? UNLESS this was a case of a girl leaving one of Satan's anti-scriptural FALSE religions; aww - the "poor" God-rebellious offspring....everyone pat them on the back, for becoming yet another prophesied-in-type "SONS [daughters] of disobedience", operating in accordance with the spirit of the authority of the air of this world, aka, Satan (Ephesians 2:2); and being "disobedient to parents", another trademark, prophesied-in-type trait of rebels against God/ the Satanic godless - Romans 1:30. Maybe, if the girl was leaving the one true scriptural Christian religion, because the shown-poem DEVIOUSLY DID NOT SPECIFY* which "church" the girl was so "admirably", so to say, leaving; well maybe then if Singapore starts requiring young women to also join Satan's global war machinery, well maybe she'll just then become another killer and violator of the God-given human rights of others too, because that's the kind of thing that happens, when people follow THE TREND of shunting God and scriptural truth and values out of their lives, hearts, and minds. Or, maybe such a girl/ boy, "inspired" to do the same as the girl in the mass-media-ed poem will copy that, and then, when their lost/ alienated from God , robbed by the godless world, sold-out for cheap, and ruined life finally manifests itself for being such, and they don't have a strong handle/ grip on strengthening/ hope-giving scriptural truth from God, they'll just jump that bridge, etc. like so many do.

What a "great message for young people"(sarcasm). Maybe they can become another God-mocking, scriptural truth-mocking/hating  "scientist", promoting de-population (genocide), etc., and searching for "aliens" - ANYTHING BUT the Creator and His scriptural spiritual TRUTH.

Maybe (by a more far-fetched chance/guess) the situation promoted the poem was intended to be of young person leaving one of the anti-scriptural false religions/ "churches" of "Babylon the Great" though, as God Himself HAS warned the world that they urgently NEED to do (Revelation chapters 17 and 18 - see 18:4,5,8,20-24) - to instead start worshiping Jehovah the Creator on His own scriptural terms of worship (John 17:3; 4:24; Matthew 4:4); with His own-named global congregation of true Christians. BUT - was THAT far less-common kind of situation inferred/ suggested in any way at all, in that poem mass-media-ed to the stadium audience - and there has been NO balancing/ redirecting suggestion made at all, in these concerts, for persons to yes, leave the world's FALSE religions, BUT THEN LEARN and TURN TO PURE SCRIPTURAL WORSHIP of JEHOVAH, ON HIS OWN SCRIPTURAL TERMS, according to HIS OWN SCRIPTURAL TRUTH INSTEAD. 

This poem, as is - suggesting to the masses that its so great and "brave" for young people to defy their parents and scrap their faith in God (so reminiscent of the entire evil-emanating "Raised by Wolves" fiasco of the last tour [you know - to help "pave the way" for the re-establishment of Sodom and Gomorrah on earth; for Satan and God-defiant persons - including the depopulation agendists]) was also shown upon the screen at about the same time when the band came on stage, so that the effect was those poem lines were also cheered by the thousands!!

*And the "EXIT" performances still work this SAME kind of problem. They fight God, by UNJUSTLY slamming any and all religions (including His own one true global Christian religion with His name on it, formed by His own words and spirit, HIS global congregation) as working evil and being garbage - which just goes along with popular tabloid-style demonic lie propaganda and slander of both the apostates to Jehovah and/or the Satanic godless desiring to force their demonic and humanity-destroying LIES against God and everything holy, scripturally true, righteous, innocent, and of-God. And to think that they mostly work all of this slander campaign because they harbor EXTREMIST HATRED FOR GOD, and EXTREMIST HATRED for HIS SCRIPTURAL LAWS - especially the ones pertaining to morality and sexuality; and against other prophesied sorts of rising evil and evil agendas . (Romans 1:18-32; Jude 7,10,14-19) YES, these ARE the last of the pre-Armageddon Days. (2Timothy 4:3,4)

So, its spiritually damaging to just blast out to everyone the "Where you're at's no good." That's very presumptuous, and in some cases, its just plain wrong. Likewise, this spiritual gas-lighting and dissuasion against persons rightly accepting urgent, life-saving scriptural spiritual truth and warning messages from God is no good - TELLING the masses that they don't know where they're going, spiritually. It is that Jehovah Himself, His Son Jesus, and God's angels who are purposely having the entire inhabited earth being made aware of vital scriptural-spiritual truth now - and they very much do this by directing the global preaching work of human beings true to Jehovah and Jesus Christ; who share God's scriptural "good news" and also His pre-Armageddon warning messages to the world, just as God and Christ have commanded to be done. (Matthew 24:14;  28:19,20; Ezekiel 3:17-21)

And then its not okay that, besides the above, during "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For", you tell the massive audiences, and sing to "posterity" on the videos that play on after these events, that they are YOUR "church."


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