Sunday, December 15, 2019

(Added On To, Again) Re: "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For", Mumbai

Not right. I well know that those who put U2 first and foremost - even above God and His own globally-given scriptural words - hate the voices of those voicing opposition or correction to anything that the "almighty" U2 or Bono say, sing or do; but the content of this performance and what it promotes is blasphemous and wrong. Jehovah the Creator's true, scriptural, heaven-based KINGDOM coming to this earth (after His own Armageddon Day clean-up of largely stubbornly wicked human society) HAS NOTHING TO DO with the God-warned against, anti-scriptural, evil-producing, and blood guilty  FALSE religions of "Babylon the Great", prophesied against in Revelation chapters 17 and 18. The true, scriptural Kingdom of God has NOTHING to do with the teachings of men and demons taught in the world's false religious "churches", "temples", "synagogues" or "mosques" . It also has NOTHING to do with atheism, scientism, or perennial, intentional agnosticism - a constant denial and non-adherence to globally-given and made-known scriptural truth, warnings, and requirements for humans from God. Since true, scriptural Christians are also consistent conscientious objectors to war, globally (whereas even Buddhists have NOT been), the slur and slander that true, scriptural Christians - who, out of loyalty to Jehovah, do NOT join in with ecumenical endeavors with FALSE religious entities of "Babylon the Great" - are an obstacle to peace and "progress" is a LIE of demonic propaganda. It is enraging to see the True God's TRUE KINGDOM internationally mass-media MISREPRESENTED and filthified, by having it wrongfully associated with Satan-led FALSE religions of "Babylon the Great", once again. OPPOSITE to the wrongful imploring of people to join in with a conglomerate, as you wish it to be "church", "temple", "mosque", "synagogue", and whatever else was said (it couldn't make out the word); the commands of the Sovereign God Jehovah the Most High are for human beings to promptly RUN OUT OF AND LEAVE BEHIND the world's God-fighting, disloyal, Satanic lie-teaching, idolatrous, evil-working, blood guilty, anti-scriptural FALSE religions of "Babylon the Great." (Revelation 18:4,5,8,20-24) The same goes for the trending as prophesied, Satan-serving, crimes against God and humanity-working, murderous, genocide (against most of humanity)-working, conscienceless, inexcusable, etc. modes of sin and evil-permissive Satanic godlessness/ atheism/ worship of SELF, etc. (Romans 1:18-32; Jude 7,10,14-19) Make no mistake - we ARE in the last part of the last days of this largely Satan-run, increasingly evil, life-hostile, and God-rebellious world system. That's why spiritual teachings now - especially mass-media-ed ones - NEED to be in line with scriptural truth from the Creator.  If they are NOT, they can now cost people their eternal lives and futures; and ruin their lives or the lives of others now also. As Jesus said to his father Jehovah in prayer, "Sanctify them by means of the truth. Your word is truth." (John 17:16,17)  To learn and heed God's words of scriptural truth - instead of the confusing and misleading spiritual falsehoods/ lies of men and demons of the world's FALSE religions, etc. - MEANS LIFE. (John 17:3) WANT to please the Heavenly Father; to be a part of His TRUE, scriptural  KINGDOM coming to this earth, soon; and WANT to speak HIS scriptural truth and do HIS WILL, above all.


I got some "feedback" for posting the above comment, under a video of this performance. Since I expect the shark feeding-frenzy of U2 idolaters to once again bring about the censoring of vitally-needed scriptural-spiritual truth that I shared - with their hatred for any scriptural teachings of God which correct or contradict the teachings of their rock star gods - I'll copy my responses here, before they are likely censored/ deleted, as has been the standard practice of God-fighting U2 idolaters for more than 15 years now.

(In response to a person taunting me with, "Blessed are the Cheese Makers.") -

Yeah, the Scriptures don’t say that, just like they don’t say the “blessed are thes” at the beginning of “American Soul”, or in “Wave of Sorrow”; but yes, I thank God for my cheese I receive (including paneer). Do you thank God for your corn?


 I wrote a comment having 100% to do with this video and it’s effect/ potential effects on thousands, tens of thousands, and masses of people beyond that. (Then I was met with “Okay, boomer”, and things went on from there, and that should be okay - nothing to over-scrutinize/ criticize.) Please don’t attempt to dead-end, discredit the worth of, or call for censorship of what has been written, because that would be unjust, corrupt and wicked (Romans 1:18,32); and more than 15 years of censorship from God- disrespecting U2 idolaters has been rather despicable. Honor freedom of speech to speak truth, since its life-blood.


How typical of a God-fighting, U2 idolater - that probably is the most common, cheap piece of narcissistic trash slander used by the lot of them. The day of your type (Romans 1:18-32) to have to deal with the God whose spirit you violate by slandering those true to Him is soon - real soon. (Psalm 37:10) Try to control yourself from compulsively spouting dis-realities - public slander. God did say that those who would fight Him (including through His loyal, scripturally true Christian messengers) would develop an evil-producing “disappproved mental state” (Romans 1:28); so try to reel it in; get back to the drawing board, learn something spiritually useful and true (John 17:3); and cease parroting the thoughtless, ignorant, and pesty common quips of the perishing. Or maybe you can go make out with Rich_rd Dawk_ns. (That was sarcasm.) Or go kiss the Blarney Stone. But leave me alone - I’m busy with better things. Also, learn this too: Psychotropic drugs KILL people; and the entire psychiatric industry is full of fraud and human rights violations. To learn more, so as to also not make reckless public drug recommendations, go read at cchr dot org


I’m 8 days younger than your Bono boomer, so boom that.


(In response to ~ "what have I been smoking") -

Smoking anything is bad for your lungs. Drinking Indian tulsi tea is much healthier for stress relief. And breathing in the aroma and fragrance of food with Indian spice is like elixir (and turmeric and other spices in it are healthy too). Someone might complain that this answer of mine to you has nothing to do with the video; so now I’ll say something else about the video. You see that whole road they streamed, behind “Where the Streets Have No Name”, and as seen at the beginning of this video? I was ON that - I traveled that road on a joyful trip with my son. That is a highway leading to Joshua Tree National Park, which we really enjoyed. (And we saw the plaque by a Joshua tree said to be the one U2 used an image of for their Joshua Tree albums). On the way, to that Park, there was a rare desert rain - and a big rainbow actually appeared over this road, arching over it, an end on either side! Rainbows are a gift from Jehovah. The first one was a sign to mankind of God’s covenant of peace, between Himself and this earth, after the waters of the Great Flood cleared. As He told Noah and his family, never again will the productive land of this earth be brought to ruin. (Genesis 8:22) That is known as the rainbow promise. The Creator also promises that our earth will never be destroyed. (Psalm 104:5) This is vital information now. Wicked people who have shut-out the globally-given scriptural truth from Jehovah are becoming desperate and fearful, believing that the earth will be destroyed, because there are “too many people.” Yet these persons, for ignoring God’s words, have made themselves future-blind and foolish. The truth and facts from the Creator are that this earth and its productive land will last forever. God-respecting and obedient mankind will enjoy living forever on this planet, in peace, as one big happy family, under one Heavenly Father, and will thrive. (This will start soon, after God removes the stubbornly and heinously evil persons from this earth, on His Armageddon Day. See Psalm 37:10,11,29) Power-abusing persons among the wicked are now increasingly working tremendous evils in accordance with their willful rejection of truth from God’s words. These persons are now working horrific crimes against God and humanity, in effort to try to reduce earth’s population by 90%. They are working genocide against most of humanity; and they are working extreme violation of God-given human rights in doing so. For instance, a group experimented with infertility vaccines. They deceived women in a village in India (and even more in Kenya) that they were offering them tetanus vaccines to protect them; but they actually linked the tetanus viruses used in this vaccine to human HCG - which is produced by the body, and needed to sustain pregnancy. The vaccines caused the women to develop antibodies against both tetanus and this pregnancy-needed hormone. The pregnant women who received these vaccines lost their children to death; and the rest who received it lost their ability to have children. Some women in that Indian village hid in the bushes, in fear of receiving that vaccine, because they heard of the miscarriages it was causing. The propaganda of the de-population agendists in the media is strong - they basically own much of it. If only these abusers of power and their supporters - mainly people they are deceiving and leading towards death - were obedient to God. Then they would not be working global genocide towards most of mankind. (They are actually doing the will of Satan, who is deceiving THEM.) Yet, people of that sort are EXACTLY FULFILLING, in type, the prophecies of God, found in Romans 1:18-32 and Jude 7,10, 14-19 - all the more proving Jehovah’s words and warnings to be true. As prophesied for these last days of this world system too, this situation, with wicked men, is going “from bad to worse.” (2Timothy 3:1,13) So now is the time, more than ever, to oppose the Devil, but draw close to God (James 4:7,8); to learn His life-helping and life-saving scriptural truth (John 17:3); to call upon His holy name Jehovah (Psalm 83:18; Joel 2:32; Romans 10:13); to honor and obey His Son and mankind’s Ransomer, Jesus Christ (John 3:16 and 3:36); and to help share these life-vital and hope-giving truths, all around this world, urgently. (Matthew 28:19,20) “And this good news will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14) Armageddon Day, followed by Jehovah’s true, heaven-based Kingdom being extended down onto this earth, as it’s only Rulership - a perfect, healing, and righteous one - will be soon now. (Daniel 2:44) People get ready - for real. This is not a rehearsal. Some people, and a number of artists, have gone to Joshua Tree National Park in particular, looking for inspiration, to experience some spiritual phenomena. If they look for it from mysterious forces - instead of from the Creator, that can spiritually mislead them to paying attention to the ways of demons. Right now, most of this world is under the power of the wicked one - because they have failed to look for spiritual truth from the right source; they paid attention to Satan’s many deceptive set-ups instead. (1John 5:19) The One to look to, for spiritual truth , is the Creator Jehovah Himself. His Holy Spirit (His active force), which is manifest in the beautiful and amazing things of His creation; can also act upon the hearts and minds of those HONESTLY LOOKING FOR the spiritual truth from the obvious and undeniable Designer, Creator, and Life-Giver. If persons honest-heartedly look for the truth from God, with the intent of heeding that truth once they find it, out of gratitude and respect for their Maker, so as to do His will, thank Him and be close to Him, then they WILL find that truth. (Please read, to see this assurance, in the Bible book of Acts, in 17:22-28.) It is seen in the “book” of His magnificent creation; and then God’s spirit will also lead such persons to discover the vital details of this truth in the globally-provided words of God Himself, in His Holy Scriptures (the Bible). This truth is all around people, everywhere in this world now, and is readily available - even online, for God’s written words. People urgently need to learn this strengthening and hope-giving truth, because these days are wicked and deceptive; and the end of this wicked world system - to be followed by Jehovah’s true Kingdom of God for this whole planet, is SOON. :)

(1/8/2020) [In response to a slanderous slur from a person interjecting themselves into a conversation, in regard to scriptural-spiritual truth I shared.] -

Grotesquely slanderous - just a thoughtless, mindless, parroting slur and piece of harassment, TYPICAL and cliché of today's rising glut and plague upon humanity of the Satanic godless fundamentalists, on their way out, soon. "Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more." (Psalm 37:10) THEN there will be true peace on earth. The Satanic godless fundamentalists/ God-defiant/ extremist haters of the Creator Jehovah and His globally-given scriptural laws (especially those pertaining to MORALITY) have been destroying humanity, in service to their mind-control master Satan, for some 6000 years now; but their hideous regime of evil, grotesque injustices, unrighteous persecution of godly individuals with working consciences (which the Satanic godless do not possess), CRIMES AGAINST GOD AND HUMANITY, bloodshed, Satanism in the name of [pseudo] scientism/ atheism, haughty but transparently foolish FALSE "intelligence", INEXCUSABLY evilly insane (NOT of reality) denial of the Creator and His Godship manifest in the creation, etc. will be brought to a hard, deserved END; by the Creator God whom they enrage, with their inexcusable and disgusting evil, SOON. Such God-fighting and humanity-harming fundamentalists of Satanism/ idolatry of SELF, etc. have been EXACTLY FULFILLING 2000 year old scriptural PROPHESIES describing their very sort, obviously and obtusely, to the harm of many, especially in the past several years. (Romans 1:18-32; Jude 7,10,14-19; 2Peter 2:9,10; 2Timothy 4:3,4; 2Timothy 3:1-9,13) As the last verse listed there also stunningly-accurately predicted, in the last of the pre-Armageddon days, the Satanic godless/ God-defiant fundamentalist fighters against God would go "from bad to worse", in their evil-producing hatred and warring against everything scripturally true, holy, righteous, innocent, and of God - and that is what has been witnessed, on a grand scale. As it is that the Satanic godless  - who (evilly-insanely) regard themselves  as superior, "elite" human beings; and regard persons WHO POSSESS TRUE SPIRITUALITY, spiritual integrity, Divine scriptural wisdom and loyalty to the Creator (which the Satanic godless/ God-defiant DO NOT POSSESS) as a mere "HERD" of dumb animals for the "self assuming" (EXACTLY as prophesied) evilly insane Satanic godless persons to CONTROL, DEMONICALLY VIOLATE THE GOD-GIVEN HUMAN RIGHTS OF/ WORK LIFE-DESTROYING EVIL UPON, and/or WORK GENOCIDE UPON - ARMAGEDDON DAY removal of all stubbornly and heinously evil and God-insolent persons of this world, by God, will be SOON. Then the good and decent, God-respecting, God-obedient, grateful and righteous, etc. persons of this world will finally get to live in peace here WITHOUT THEM. (Micah 4:3,4)


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