Thursday, January 02, 2020

A Couple More Comments I Left Under the "American Soul" Lyric Video. I'll Re-post them Here; Because You Never Know When They'll be Deleted by Others There.

Tsk, you sillies - this video is not depicting a main means by which American people and those in other countries - starting with children, the elderly, and the poor - ARE NOW being quickly or insidiously (more slowly) DESTROYED: CULLING, MANDATED/ COERCED-BY-THREAT/ FORCED INJURIOUS and/ or DEADLY VACCINES; and the CRIMES AGAINST GOD and HUMANITY and VIOLATION OF GOD-GIVEN HUMAN RIGHTS that are being worked along with this DEVIOUSLY PROPAGANDIZED ATTEMPTED GENOCIDE of MOST OF HUMANITY; as worked by [future-blind, desperate, wicked and foolish, for ignoring and fighting God's words] Satanic godless/ God-defiant, POWER-ABUSING, DEPOPULATION AGENDISTS,  and corrupt government agents and pharmaceutical companies working colossal RACKETEERING for PROFIT. You should leave-out the anti-scriptural "blessed-are-thes" at the beginning (and also tarot cards); throw in some needled syringes with cancer, autoimmune disease, and other disease progenators in them, representing the harmful/deadly BIO-WEAPON vaccines being forced by the Satanic godless of the Anglo-American powers, etc; and then depict Armageddon from God being unleashed from the sky onto the stubbornly and heinously evil and God-insolent persons of this world, because that's exactly what's going to happen soon.

Armageddon might come by then - or at least the "kingdoms of men" of this largely Satan-run world  system won't last much longer to sing about. (Daniel 2:44) The U.S. is in the process of killing itself, by allowing for crimes against God and humanity to be worked upon its citizens, as if the Constitution does not exist at all. As if God does not exist at all. State legislations act in total treason to the said "highest law of the land" of that Constitution, which does at least have the decency to uphold at least some God-given human rights. Various state legislations/ governments - of NY and CA especially - have as good as seceded from the "Union",  to work high-profit racketeering, against citizens/the masses, with pharmaceutical companies, to service the depopulation goals of the UN (and the manslaughter goals of Satan) - aka, the blasphemous, God-confronting "image of the beast" of Revelation 13. The Anglo-American power - which includes the governments of Ireland too, does it not - is breathing life into [including by hosting it], raising-up, and telling the whole world to worship and serve the UN and its godless/ God-defiant ways/ goals as god, is it not, just as prophesied. (Revelation 13; Romans 1:18-32; Jude 7,10,14-19) If y'all think its really not the end of the world (this world system of things), you're way, way wrong. Armageddon Day, from a rightly angry Creator God Jehovah, is SOON. (Psalm 37:10) Song that, U2.


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