Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Something I Thought I'd Put Under One of the Blasphemous Cartoon-Containing "U2 Yahweh" Videos

3:30-3:33  - One can't help but think of coronavirus silhouettes with this. Makes me wonder just how much demon influence the makers of the blasphemous cartoon section of this video were under. At least it gives an opportunity to point-out to the world that, OPPOSITE to what a God-fighting mogul (first name Bill) recently blasphemously publicly and uber-hypocritically inferred/ imputed; Jehovah/ Yahweh, the Only True God, IS IN NO WAY RESPONSIBLE for the Covid-19 virus or ANY other plague or disaster upon mankind that harms innocent people, as this virus has done. Further, it will NOT be any such plague, pandemic, or even, perhaps, human planned-emic that "resets" the world (such as the "re-setting" of the world seen in this video, after chaos). Instead, it will be the globally warned-of Armageddon Day from Jehovah /Yahweh. There are many exactly prophesied-in-type, Satanic godless/ God-defiant persons (Romans 1:18-32; Jude 7,10,14-19) - including "elite" abusers of power and criminals against God and humanity, etc., seeking wrongful oppression and control of humanity, and violation of the God-given human rights of others - who have pushed Satan-serving and evil-producing LIE propaganda and agendas, so as to try to destroy [protective-against-evil] true ideas about God/ the scriptural truth about and from Jehovah [Yahweh] the Creator. Horridly, that very fatally-misleading idea, of "blowing-up"/ exploding and doing-away with the IDEA of "God", so as to "create a better world", is obtusely and evilly depicted in this video, in with the coronavirus-reminiscent section. What needs to be self-reset, before it is soon too late, are the mindsets of persons looking for and be-lie-ving in evil-producing, evil-excusing/promoting, wrongful self-desire and evil agenda "supporting", anti-scriptural and deadly spiritual LIES. (2Timothy 4:3,4; 1John 5:19). "Repent and turn around" (Acts 3:19); because the hour is getting late - very, very late. "Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more." (Psalm 37:10)


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